I think the main reason why cloaks weren't available in Morrowind and Oblivion was because they wouldn't be able to move naturally, and would therefore just be completely stiff, as seen with the mods that add them in Morrowind and Oblivion, so I suppose Bethesda had to ask themselves, do we put cloaks in the game and have them be completely stiff? Or have no cloaks at all. Personally, I'd say stiff cloaks is better than none at all, but it seems Bethesda chose differently. We'll see if this changes in Skyrim, though I don't think we'll see cloaks in the series again until the game can simulate their physics, and nothing we've seen so far indicates that we'll see this, I wouldn't expect clothes.
As for undergarments, the resson we don't see that is probably because undergarments are permanently attached to the player, and THAT comes down to another subject that really should be kept seperate from the issue of clothing.
Developers must stop say about hard implementation of capes there is not 2002 and not 2006 cloth physic is not to hard to be done, it common feature now
many popular games has it, what still stops devs from adding it to game?
Havok cloth is optimized for consoles why not add it?
Cloth physics is better then snow physics, what a hell we have dynamic snowfall but clothes and hairs still look like created from wood.
By the way new trees has branches and leafs thats tremble from wind, but clothes and hairs still glued to character, is thats looks strange or not?
But even unavailability of cloth simulation doesn't mean no capes, capes can be done in different ways like animation of special clothes bones or rigging to skeleton.
For example Oblivion Lich have tail bones, dangle bones for wrists, pauldron bones but NPC and player character skeleton doesn't have them
With mod thats add lich bones to character skeleton can be done cloth movements like this
Without separate bones and animation there can be capes like this one
Thats best what can be done with rigging to vanila skeleton.
Cloaks are impratical in combat and might end up looking silly. I'm totally happy if we don't have cloaks.

Well your post make Batman and Zorro sad pandas :teehee:
Cloaks was very popular clothes in medieval.
How about classical Cloak and dagger combo of thieves and assassins?
Also we can dual wield cloak as shield :biggrin: