I just realized that the helmet there using in alot of the pics is from morrowind and was a closed helm before! So hopefully closed helmets will make a return! Maybe if you Kahjit or Argonian the helm will automatically open for you?
yes but majority of the helms in oblivion were open, like the stupid glass helms. There were just way more open helms than closed ones unlike morrowind
If they were to go largely cultural I can see many open faced helms. Closed or Close helms are generally part of full harness. I can see there being some of coarse like Dwemer. But I can see a lot of conical and spangen helm designs--with horns of coarse.
their wasnt that many closed helmets in oblivion, their will likely be more this time in skyrim, and likely more varieties of nordic armor/weapons than morrowind since we will be in skyrim