You may, exactly where we are now. It think you misinterpret the reasoning sorry.
I'm happy to see technical advancement and even welcome it, as every good gamer should. However I have played these games before, many times, and loved ALL of them.
It's from this experience that I know the lack of cloth physics isn't going to hamper my enjoyment one bit. Thats my reasoning.
They will be in a future game don't you worry... hell they will probably be in every future game and you'll be bored sick of them going "Remember Skyrim man that game rocked!". Somehow i doubt you'll mention the lack of cloth physics. Just a hunch
I think not.
I agree gameplay it's important, but good graphics are as important as well, because inmersion is an important part of the gameplay for some games, and even more for open, 1st person RPGs which aims to create a believable world.
Sure, I'll have fun with Skyrim wheter cloth physics are implemented or not, but when I'll see that kind of ogre or monster in a certain dungeon, the "WOW! **** of a b**** " factor is always diminished the less detailed is the model. And if you don't agree, then I suppose you wouldn't mind if you enter a dungeon and you find a giant-sized, don't you? Eh, it doesn't matter, if it's big and dangerous and offers a good fight!