Cloth physics are VERY important to a game like skyrim. Graphics enhance gameplay, so while the aliens versus predator 1999 and its monolithic sequel are shedloads better than the horrid 2010 reboot- the first two games would have been so much better with the latter 's graphics. In tes the player often runs across the land doing nothing- "cloth" physics would make long runs like this a little more interesting- your chain skirt might beat to your leg's every stride, your robes, trees and passing banners may move to the breeze, your robes and hair might spread every were underwater, your pauldrons might bounce to your joyous jogging movements. Random things like flags,banners,washing up, hides being tanned into leather, certain trees- possibly even the fur on passing animals might move.
Combat is combat :chaos: . with cloth physics though your powerfull spells might make your over extravagant robe ripple with power, your warriors ducking,weaving,sidesteping,rotating,jumping,blocking,swinging and every other movement becomes more prenounced as your cloths move with you (this is the reason i have been banging on about skirts a month ago :wave: ) stealth players get to see their cloths ripple to their acrobatics and spend a little more time in third person (and getting attacked by the other two classes)
Think about the impact this could have on the monsters also! Dragons could have the thin skin on their wings go from concave to convex in flight and fold nicely, Those big giants and ogres with their stylish loincloths can have their fat move around realisticaly along with the loincloth :rofl: Clumps of fur could move around niceley on animals, Undead could be wearing torn rags and wraiths and ghosts would look fantastic if their ghostly robes were constantly rippling by their otherworldly power.