The answer to your question, Zaarin, was already in the quoted paragraph

I also wanted to make some rustic clothing (like leather vests with plaid/tartan undershirts; not specifically designed with a race in mind but I could see this particular style on Breton commoners with the plaid not being strictly clan based but for fashion's sake alone). *I'm saving the clan based tartans for another day* (and not for the Nords as some might hope; might even throw my clan tartan in the mix as well, but the others I would be making up as I go/fantasy tartan/plaid).
Later :wave:
*meaning for a race yet to be made but requested*So I did not choose the Bretons to actually wear "tartan" because of it RL cultural implications [of which I am, myself, culturally bound and happy to be so :twirl: ]. I only even used the term in case there was a rare individual that might have not known what I meant by plaid off-hand (as Tartan is almost an exclusively American disambiguation for plaid, but not so the world over). Odd, that, as Tartan (the word) has French origins while Plaid is rooted in Gaelic

. So, in essence, I chose plaid because it would be a colourful yet more common compliment to the more floral and fluffy expensive clothing. I thought my above statement was clear enough not to warrant any real world comparisons; the textile pattern is only for the sake of common fashion, and not denoting any clan (lest there actually be a clan with a teal, chartreuse, and aubergine pattern

As for the conflict, there would be possible doubling of items should one use both .esps, so I should make a third .esp for those that want the shop and levelled options (easy enough to do, I suppose

Cheers :angel: