Unless you plan to extensively incorporate the ship into the area, why not just have an extras folder with optional .esps which place the ship at alternative docks?
That could be quite a reasonable workaround (just shifting the exteriors and "crew"). Initially I think I will release the shop in Suran and then provide alternate .esps later should they be desired

Perhaps you could just merge them into Morrowinds clothing lists so that they are added to clothiers all over Vvardenfell?
Also, how do your clothes work with armour? Are they segmented like vanilla so you can wear both? I'm really impressed with the commoner/rugged desert clothing styles you've made - they always seem to be lacking in clothing compliations...
For the first suggestion, that's already been done

... http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1096207-wipz-efcr-clothing-replaceradditions-thread-2/page__view__findpost__p__16416358 ... so no worries there. The store/ship was meant for those that want steady access to the gear (as I appreciate a one stop shopping experience, so perhaps others do as well

Most of the articles that are seperates (shirts, skirts, and so forth) are segmented. However, the trouser meshes of which I have made use by Mandamus are not segmented, but I like them the best as they clip the least/not at all (as even the BC trousers clip with other BC items). Many of the outfits are set up as robes, so they need not be segmented (explained in the first thread, I think, and perhaps somewhere in this thread, afaik). Other articles are not segmented due to the amount of skin they may or may not need to show/work with another specific article (ex Blacksmith Apron Trousers with the Blacksmith Shirts).
Well, the weather outside is frightful, and the central heating and air is delightful
And since I've no place to go.... CS Ho! CS Ho! CS Ho!