I always enjoyed the pictures of the Oblivion classes, but it always made me jealous because some of the clothes I want for my characters.
Take for example this:
I really like the classic hood and cloak combo going on. But I also love the boots. Will it be in Skyrim? No. Maybe the boots.
Or this:
Now if only robes looked this smart. I like a good robe with some pants, not some weird blocky square. Will it be in Skyrim? Or something similiar? IDK. I heard they had better robes, but I am not sure
Or this one:
I really did like this one. In Oblivion I was really angry in the lack of option of short sleeve armor. Will it be in Skyrim? Somewhat. I mean look at the guy behind us. But that's more like a tank top and not like a t-shirt.
This one:
Never going to happen. But I really love the on arm paldron thing as armor.
And this one my personal favorite:
I like the boots. I like the shirt. I would prefer if the gloves were fingerless, but I like them none the less. And the pants are neat too. Will we see something like this in Skyrim? I don't know. I'm not sure.
Boots like that, would be awesome too. I like the piraty leather boots with the little cuffs at their tops. I also like boots they had for the Blue Regalie in Shivering Isles. There wasn't enough regular people boots in Oblivion. Will they be in Skyrim? Maybe.