OK, I've been thinking about this a bit and it occurs to me that cookbooks are the way to go in terms of adding recipes in large numbers/groups to the world (hey, it works for RL, it ought to work for the game, right)? This would allow for a lot of mixing and matching (for example, you could have a book of dedicated "meat" recipes, or just horse or boar or lion recipes ("worlds 25 greatest lion meat recipes"), or "the big book of casseroles", which might contain some of the recipes from other books, but would also have new/different ones (being focussed on casseroles, which usually contain meats, of course, but all of the meat recipes from the other books aren't necessarily casseroles, if you follow my meaning).
This would allow people to have some element of surprise/randomness in their ability to cook, and would also make it easier to add varied cooking result possibilities to levelled lists and random locations, encouraging people to explore (yes, bust into somebody's house and
steal their cookbooks 
But then I wondered how you were going to remember the ingredients for (I don't know) 'spicy guar stir fry' (if we have noodles available, which I'm not sure of), and-- if you can't remember offhand, how you'd even remember which book the recipe was in once you had a collection of same.
So I'm wondering-- having not yet cracked open the CS to see-- if it's possible to ... reconfigure... actually clone and reconfigure, the Alchemy Menu to allow you to mix ingredients from a recipe with a cooking implement (such as a mixing bowl or cutting board or fry pan, replacing the Alchemy apparatus) and then, if necessary put the result in the oven or other fire to transform it to the cooked dish (if you see what I mean).
If it is possible, not only would it transform cooking, making it easier in many ways to both understand the logic of and to accomplish, but it would also allow recipes to integrate more "seamlessly" in some sense, in that 1) you couldn't make anything that you don't know the recipe to (just like you can't make a potion with effects that you aren't skilled enough to know that the ingredient has), 2) you wouldn't have to overtly "know" the recipe as such (the game would "know" it for you, in that if you mixed the correct ingredients, it would automatically configure them to the recipe result), and 3) you could have a ton more recipes (since you're no longer reliant on your own feeble brain to keep track of it all, but you're using the inbuilt game system to do so).
If it is possible, the only thing I can see that might need to be changed in the foods themselves might be that the food would have to have an effect
of itself added so that if you weren't making a potion but rather a food item, the game could pick up the "cooking effect" just "as if" it was an alchemy effect. So if, for example, you said you wanted to make "a ham and cheese sandwich" the "potion" would require 2 portions of an ingredient with the "bread" effect, one with the "ham" effect, one with the "cheese" effect, and maybe optionally ones with the "lettuce" and "tomato" effects, not to mention ones with the "mustard" (we do have mustard, from... where the heck did my mustard go?? I was sure that one of the food/static table setting resources included a small bowl of mustard, but I can't find it now. Oh well, if we have mustard seed and oil we can make that, right?) or "mayonaise" (do we have vinegar?-- Yes, Tycho's Breakfast Foods has a bottle of Malt Vinegar on the table-- if so, we can make mayonaise, I think, since we already have eggs, ... mustard.... and salt) effects. Naturally, only ham, lettuce, tomatoes, mustard and mayonaise (if possible to make) can have the ham, lettuce, tomato, mustard or mayonaise effect attached to themselves, but all kinds of bread and cheese can have the "bread" or "cheese" effect, and in fact, all kinds of meat could possibly be used to replace the ham (resulting in a "boar and cheese" or "deer and cheese" sandwich instead of a "ham and cheese" sandwich, but a sandwich nonetheless. The sandwich model is likely to be generic enough that it won't be a problem, I would imagine).
Combine these ingredients using a cutting board (to slice stuff), and maybe a knife (to slice stuff) to replace the mortar and pestle and whatever other alchemy apparatus would normally be used, and you get a Ham and Cheese Sandwich "potion" result (whose object is not a potion in a bottle, but the sandwich model object).
Does anyone know if this is even doable within the game engine? Possibly via OBSE? If so, maybe we could convince DarN to tear himself away from F3 and work up a menu for it.... at least it has interest value.
If it's possible to do. Let me know what you all think; I'll be back here messing about with recipe/cookbook ideas, and specifiying recipes for some of the completed items that will become available (surely one ought to be able to make Chocolate-dipped Pears or Stuffed Tomatoes on one's own without too much effort

Oh, and btw, someone might be interested in http://www.oblivionsrealestate.com/Resources/Decorative/decorative.html which is a
filled cauldron resource (various soups). While this mod doesn't contain any ingredients, soup textures are not to be sneezed at, in that if some of these recipes are for soups/stews, I'm sure it would be easier to resize an existing cauldron-sized soup texture to bowl size, than to create a new one
