So a couple times my companions have been pretty ridiculously clumsy, or just really dense. Thought I would share some of the funniest moments:
-Piper and I entered a building where there was clearly a group of raiders waiting to ambush us in the next room. I slowly crept up to the doorway from the side, hoping to surprise them with a sneak attack, maybe lob a grenade in and clear them out...and then Piper ran right past me, burst through the doorway and opened fire, shouting "You messed with the wrong people today!" Totally blowing our cover, and getting herself mowed down in the process (possibly with some friendly fire, who could tell). This may have been partially my bad, I might have forgotten to crouch down first before approaching the doorway. But come on Piper, really?
-Preston and I climbed up to the top of the white church steeple (I don't know if it has a name) in Concord. I turned back around and started heading down the spiral staircase, and thought he was behind me...until I hear him say "Ooff...aurrgh". I turn around, and don't see him anywhere. He has vanished into thin air. Then I hear him moan... "I'm hurt...real bad." So I'm like, what the hell, where are you dude? Was there some random ambush? I didn't hear any gunfire. I'm looking all around inside the church, trying to figure out what happened to him, and then he comes running in the front door from outside. Apparently instead of following me back down the stairs, he must have accidentally fallen out the window from the top of the church, gotten injured, then revived himself since there were no actual enemies around. Watch your step, Preston!
Anyone else have any funny companion stories that weren't part of the script? They annoy us often enough, but sometimes their AI denseness is kind of hilarious.