[RELZ] Cobl Races

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:26 am


You're asking a completely random question. It's like asking "A bird just fell out of the sky. Is it because I just plugged in the electric toaster?"

If you want to get support, you need to figure out stuff yourself, not come up with random ideas and expect other folks to go to work of figuring out if they have any merit.

PS: This is a warning of an incipient finger chomping.
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Spooky Angel
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:58 am

its not worth to think badly about your work... if you feel too tight, working withWrye, everytime you can add "better" (as you wish) balancing patch on top of the cobl races... or made RBP work on top of Cobl ... or something....
Cobl is great work, all knows not all credits goes to wrye, but his concept is great... tighting to Cobl Races is better, than situation of having 12 types of Blue eyes each for another race or from another cosmetic patch (and same for another res)... CobL makes a way to avoid those, and let feel appreciated, that your work is maked for common use as part of CobL... don't feel that your credits go to wrye... heads up, cooperation is better :)
as somebody saw about complexity "more is diffrient" eg. working together makes better effects than each work on his own

EDIT: my reply isn't too fresh (its for earlier posts).... sorry... but i leave them, 'cos it may be useful
Thanks :).


As a user of Cobl and a convert to COBL races from Beautiful People I want to tell you: Thank You.

I love my kitties with hair, so don't listen to the haters. You have done an awesome job with this, first with your own vision and then adapting it for COBL. I look forward to even more COBL races. Don't let one or two people who are vocal outshine those of us that are quiet.

Many thanks :).

You're asking a completely random question. It's like asking "A bird just fell out of the sky. Is it because I just plugged in the electric toaster?"

If you want to get support, you need to figure out stuff yourself, not come up with random ideas and expect other folks to go to work of figuring out if they have any merit.

PS: This is a warning of an incipient finger chomping.
Don't be so harsh. He's actually right with his track - if he uses an original Xivilai (so neither CRB nor RBP), then yes, it's because he plays a Xivilai.

The people in the Dark Brotherhood have quite high aggression ratings. Now an original Xivilai has a Personality of 5... if that's not raised considerably, it gets ugly. Same thing with the Siren quest.

Anyway, I personally don't care - I usually get some startled questions why I've set the Xivilai's personality so much higher in "my" version, and ... this is the answer. Well, one of two, actually ;). (The other one is that personality is much less useful than most other attributes, therefore while a race with a personality of 5 may have 320 attribute points in total, it's more like the race had 350 attribute points...)

PS: Sorry for bad English, brain is frozen.
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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:12 pm

You're asking a completely random question. It's like asking "A bird just fell out of the sky. Is it because I just plugged in the electric toaster?"

If you want to get support, you need to figure out stuff yourself, not come up with random ideas and expect other folks to go to work of figuring out if they have any merit.

PS: This is a warning of an incipient finger chomping.

not too random, as my best guess would be that it had to do with 1.playing a xivali and 2.a xivali from cobl races and 3.it was suggested by dev akm in the fcom thread that i ask here.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:49 am

:mellow:Thanks :).

Many thanks :).

Don't be so harsh. He's actually right with his track - if he uses an original Xivilai (so neither CRB nor RBP), then yes, it's because he plays a Xivilai.

The people in the Dark Brotherhood have quite high aggression ratings. Now an original Xivilai has a Personality of 5... if that's not raised considerably, it gets ugly. Same thing with the Siren quest.

Anyway, I personally don't care - I usually get some startled questions why I've set the Xivilai's personality so much higher in "my" version, and ... this is the answer. Well, one of two, actually ;). (The other one is that personality is much less useful than most other attributes, therefore while a race with a personality of 5 may have 320 attribute points in total, it's more like the race had 350 attribute points...)

PS: Sorry for bad English, brain is frozen.

no i'm not using cobl races balanced. currently ngcd has my personality at 23. i'll raise it via consloe and see what happens.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:08 am

Stab in the dark: my xivali has just joined the db, but upon entering-as soon as ocheeva gives me my gear- Teinava and the rest of the guild members attack me. could it be cobl races?

not too random, as my best guess would be that it had to do with 1.playing a xivali and 2.a xivali from cobl races and 3.it was suggested by dev akm in the fcom thread that i ask here.

Okay. But problem is that you didn't provide enough info to make that clear. E.g.
1) "I just got a some new kitchen utensiles, and my toe fell off. Could that be related?" vs.
2) "I got a new knife, and after sharpening it quite a bit, I dropped it ,and it fell blade first on my bare foot, slicing my toe very severely. I then walked away to get some milk, and the toe stayed behind. Could there be some relation between buying the knife and my toe taking leave of my foot?"

Answer to 1) is "Sounds completely unrelated.". Answer to 2) is "Duh!"

In other words, you should have said something like. "This only happens with Xivilai from Cobl. Not with other races from Cobl, not with Xivilai from other mods. (Yes, I've tested.)" Of course, at that point, you should have asked yourself "What's differerent about Xivilai?" Vanilla DB members wouldn't know about such a race. So it must not be the mere fact that it's a xivilai. So, there must be something else...

As it happens, bg knew enough to recognize the problem, but to anyone else, it looked like you were taking a wild ass guess w/o making an effort to actually investigate it. If you did indeed make an effort to determine the problem, then you need to tell us about it (and NOT tell us that you're taking a stab in the dark).
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:05 am


Question, I would like to know if you would mind If I did COBL Races TNR for MMM?

this would be for non bash users of course to resolve compatiblity problems..If cbr tnr loaded before MMM loses changes, if load after loses MMM changes etc..So I need to create a patch for non bash users ..

I would have posted in cobl thread..but this thread is better for this subject since it is related to this..

COBL Races TNR SI works fine with MMMforSI by the way for the record if anyone ask..can be loaded before or after MMMforSI does not matter since I did not modify any vanilla si npcs at all..
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Philip Rua
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:47 pm

This is fine with me. I think that bg would prefer not to have further tweaking of hair/eye choices in it, but it sounds like you're just doing a pre-bashed file -- i.e. no changes just a merge of the data. So, should be okay.
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meg knight
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:30 am

This is fine with me. I think that bg would prefer not to have further tweaking of hair/eye choices in it, but it sounds like you're just doing a pre-bashed file -- i.e. no changes just a merge of the data. So, should be okay.

thank you, and if it is okay with bg of course also..

no changes everything has is..

and correct just a merge of the data..

so that non bash users can save a slot and solve compatiblity problems at same time has long has it loads after Main.esp - I may have to make Frans,OOO version but that is all part of my plan after all for MMM optionial Downloads..
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Alexis Estrada
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:49 pm

I think that bg would prefer not to have further tweaking of hair/eye choices in it

thank you, and if it is okay with bg of course also..

And why exactly should I care if someone wants to waste time on spend time for Bash denier :D*? Do as you like ;).

(Actually another problem with Cobl Races is that it's a bit outdated. It's based on RBP 9.2, while the current version is 10.5 . I don't know if / when they get synch'd, but if they do, I fear there will be some additional changes ;).)

* = usually I am (or, thinking back to a certain thread a few weeks ago, was) for giving players customizing options, but Bash denying is not on my support list. Too much hassle, too little reward. Others don't have to share my policy, though ;).
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Killer McCracken
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:32 am

Do the races conflict with the
CCR (Cosmetic Compilation Revived) - Capucine http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17042
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Connie Thomas
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:52 am

Do the races conflict with the
CCR (Cosmetic Compilation Revived) - Capucine http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17042

The new races itself? No. The existing races? They do.

Although please bear in mind that this Cosmetic Compilation Revived doesn't offer much that Cobl Races don't have - in fact Cobl Races are more all-encompassing.
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Taylah Illies
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:53 pm

And why exactly should I care if someone wants to waste time on spend time for Bash denier :D*? Do as you like ;).

I don't know if / when they get synch'd, but if they do, I fear there will be some additional changes

I can understand and thank you,

but there are still many users out there that do not use bash, so once again this is why I am creating the MMM version once again..1) for users without bash (which they should be using, but that is for another thread)

2) to save a slot in loading order per say, since the MMM Cobl Races TNR it is a direct replacer so you would not need cobl races tnr activated to use it.

3) If cobl races get updated to RBP 10.5 and any changes that are made, I will readapt the MMM Cobl Races Tnr patch has needed..Not a problem once again..

Just want to provide MMM users with compatility patches once again

So thanks both of you for letting me do this once again..

Now to build the MMMforOOO and MMMForFrans Version..MMM version is already done..

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Carlos Rojas
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:24 pm

Cobl Races Update: Cobl is overdue to get an update to match recent race updates in RBP. It's just a question of my having the time to do it. It's kind of a spin the wheel on which project gets done on any weekend. And I'm spending more time on RL -- and actually playing the game these days.
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Sharra Llenos
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:19 am

Could Elaborate Eyes be intergrated with this mod? I really love those eyes and I would like to use them with the new hair and races you have in cobl races.
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Bonnie Clyde
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:33 am

Elaborate Eyes won't be integrate into Cobl. However, it's possible for someone to create a patch mod -- though they'll have to deal with the eye mesh issues.

EE uses a different (incompatible) eye mesh. So, such a mod would have to replace most of the new eyes (except those that are limited to aimhi, etc.) with EE compatible versions. And it would have to patch all races to use the EE eye mesh.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:50 pm

What happen to the dark elves? When the race is rebalance to a pure mage character like Bretons and High Elves why do they even have combat and stealth skills?

2-endurance(Armorer, Block)
2-stelth(light armor, marksman)
3-Magic(Destruction, Mysticism, Illusion????)

By changing strength for endurance, the bonus for certain occupations are useless and redundent.

I feel I've lost something with this mod. I think its the race identities. The races became Jack or Jills of all trades. Nords are no longer healthy, wood elves are noisy, Brentons and Altmers are less magical. The races may be balance but the attributes are now unbalaced. Where the vanilla races had two or three skills to justify a high attribute number this mod does not. Was this mod made to improve the races, to change them or have me laugh at them.

One joke
The alchemy skill for the nord race. How many nords does it take to make a potion? Nords know how to make potions? The question should be how long will it take for a nord to find the ingredients? Forever if they looking for Aloe in bruma.

I don't see it. Why would a nord need an alchemy skill? Why did the bosmer lose their sneaking skill? Why did the Dunmer lose their blade skill? I don't see it.

I read the posts from people raving about this mod, am I missing something?
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Kevin Jay
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:31 am

I feel I've lost something with this mod. I think its the race identities. The races became Jack or Jills of all trades.
Nords are no longer healthy,
wood elves are noisy,
Brentons and Altmers are less magical.

The races may be balance but the attributes are now unbalaced. Where the vanilla races had two or three skills to justify a high attribute number this mod does not. Was this mod made to improve the races, to change them or have me laugh at them.

I don't see it. Why would a nord need an alchemy skill? Why did the bosmer lose their sneaking skill? Why did the Dunmer lose their blade skill? I don't see it.

I read the posts from people raving about this mod, am I missing something?

Well you do not have to use Cobl Race's Balanced.esp to use COBL Races ? if you do not like the changes that it make's then disable this and it will reset their abilities and skills back to vanilla settings.

Race's Balanced.esp make it so that Races are no longer overpowered per say, make them where they are almost all same playing field when it comes to skills and abilities.

Else Wrye and Bg2408 can answer you better has why the changes where made.
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Marcia Renton
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:29 pm

What happen to the dark elves? When the race is rebalance to a pure mage character like Bretons and High Elves why do they even have combat and stealth skills?

2-endurance(Armorer, Block)
2-stelth(light armor, marksman)
3-Magic(Destruction, Mysticism, Illusion????)

By changing strength for endurance, the bonus for certain occupations are useless and redundent.

I feel I've lost something with this mod. I think its the race identities. The races became Jack or Jills of all trades. Nords are no longer healthy, wood elves are noisy, Brentons and Altmers are less magical. The races may be balance but the attributes are now unbalaced. Where the vanilla races had two or three skills to justify a high attribute number this mod does not. Was this mod made to improve the races, to change them or have me laugh at them.

One joke
The alchemy skill for the nord race. How many nords does it take to make a potion? Nords know how to make potions? The question should be how long will it take for a nord to find the ingredients? Forever if they looking for Aloe in bruma.

I don't see it. Why would a nord need an alchemy skill? Why did the bosmer lose their sneaking skill? Why did the Dunmer lose their blade skill? I don't see it.

I read the posts from people raving about this mod, am I missing something?
First of all you've missed that CRB is optional. It is not required to run CR.
Second when it comes to the skill and attribute distribution everyone's just love to disagree. Yet they disagree in entirely different directions, up to a point at which I even summarized a FAQ entry just because people complained that Dark Elves are now too much magic orientated, and now not enough battle orientated (despite the facts that they were equally lousy in just about everything in Vanilla), just to address later the issue that people complained about the exact opposite (fewer, but still).
Starting skill bonuses mean nothing. If you think they're important, then that's your right to do so. I don't agree. With the tone you've used in your post I don't see any reason to explain why I did something in a specific way. Simply as it is - it's optional, therefore if you don't like it, don't use.
Third... I'm just quoting the entire post just in case it goes missing. It's a too great read to disappear :).

Hm. Need Bash's people list... it's no good week if I can't add anyone to it every once in a while :D.

For future occassions like this something to keep in mind: Explaining takes time. Time can be quite a limited resource. If a post sounds to me like "heck, I hate it!" I won't even try to explain anything about a given mod, and simple answer with "... then simply don't use it."
Reason is that in my experience it just ends up like "why had the meteorite had to hit my car and not my neighbors?"
This is just venting anger or disappointment, and for both I've got no time.
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Bethany Watkin
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:35 pm

I feel I've lost something with this mod. I think its the race identities. The races became Jack or Jills of all trades. Nords are no longer healthy, wood elves are noisy, Brentons and Altmers are less magical. The races may be balance but the attributes are now unbalaced. Where the vanilla races had two or three skills to justify a high attribute number this mod does not. Was this mod made to improve the races, to change them or have me laugh at them.

:lol: Chomp. (I.e. what bg408 said.)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:53 am

To bg2408

Confusion was the tone I was trying to express. I edit that post, so I only expressed major confusion. I failed. I'm too anolytical and expect to find a reason for something to exist. For example, the vanilla nords have a restoration skill. I figured it existed because the female nords had a higher willpower number and the crusader class has it. Was this planned by the developers, I don't know, but it works.
As for your mod. I should have asked if there is a page that list all the changes from the vanilla version. Like the wiki pages do for spells. Like before,I failed to do so. Btw, I give recommend mods their chance to shine. Your mod still has a chance. I just need to get over the confusion and you probably don't give a damn.

To Wyre

read to bg2408 then go to the WyreMorph pages for a question that might make this mod shine. For this mod, will Chingari Demon Race make your list.
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A Lo RIkIton'ton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:26 pm

I just wanted to pop in and say thank you to bg, Wrye, and the Cobl team for continuing to make this such a wonderful addition to my game. I've recently revamped OB with all new music, new quests and lands, new NPC's, fun new stepping stones, new weather, and shiny new trinkets. The result of this is that I literally feel like I am playing a new game. I haven't enjoyed my time in Tamriel this much since I opened the box the first time.

Your efforts do not go unnoticed.

And for the record, I like my kitties with hair. :woot:
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Peter lopez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:02 am

What Vaisellias said better than I ever could.

I found the pages I was looking for by rereading Wyre's page on cobl races. I'll blame my comprehension problem and poor writing skills for this mess.
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Janine Rose
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:05 am

I'm getting this error when I try to bash my bashed patch with COBL races balanced + normal:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\basher.py", line 3929, in Execute
File "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\basher.py", line 3891, in Execute
File "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\bosh.py", line 10970, in buildPatch
File "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\bosh.py", line 14395, in buildPatch
raise StateError(_('Mesh undefined for eye %s in race %s') % (strFormid(eyes),race.eid,))
bolt.StateError: Mesh undefined for eye (Cobl Main.esm,0x01F407) in race Argonian
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Kayla Keizer
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:12 am

Do you have 'ghosting' turned on? I did that once to myself when rebuilding with 'ghost' on.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:03 am

Nvm, solved the problem :embarrass: , thanks for the help Aegyen :goodjob:
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