[RELZ] Cobl Races

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:12 am

I ask because with nGCD+CRB my chars starting magicka is 198 :o I chose the Mage birthsign and have 5 major spell schools but that's the highest I've had yet. Mystic Elves gave me 127 in comparison so I was wondering bg2408 if you could let me know if starting that high was your intention.

Which race do you play? Intelligence?

Everything regarding Magicka is the same as in Vanilla. Mystic Elves (the original) don't have a Magicka bonus, while other races (like CRB's Hidden Elves) have.

PS: nGCD, being some kind of http://www.uesp.net/wiki/User:Wrye/Somewhat_Acerbic_Modders_Dictionary#O of character leveling systems, has a habit of creating some imho strange results. It fiddles in a few areas too much to not cause some minor mod interactions.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:38 am

Another awesome job by Wrye
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Lillian Cawfield
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:01 am

Credit Where Credit is Due
Actually, it's awesome by http://wrye.ufrealms.net/Cobl.html#CoblTeam. Races in particular is the product of many people (different folks for eyes, hair, original races, bg2408 for integration and re-balancing, etc.)

If you would like to give thanks, please pick one or two people from the http://wrye.ufrealms.net/Cobl.html#CoblTeam and drop them a note! (Or say thanks to them here.) If you look over the team page and there's something in particular that you're thankful for -- thank the related authors. Or you might just pick one or two persons randomly and thank them for their contributions to Cobl.

In that spirit, thanks to Luchaire for the Tabaxi (nee Ohmes-Raht in Cobl)! I'm finally experimenting with playing that race, and it's really nicely done!

Magicka and CRB: I still want to review that a bit more. I started doing that yesterday, but I've also got a Bash code project (nothing new, just mostly code review with a little cleanup) that's been taking up my time. Plus RL stuff too. There are still a lot of GMST differences between CRB and RBP, and those are going to affect your starting magicka, even if the birthsigns, etc. are otherwise the same.
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Laura-Jayne Lee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:20 am

Magicka and CRB: I still want to review that a bit more. I started doing that yesterday, but I've also got a Bash code project (nothing new, just mostly code review with a little cleanup) that's been taking up my time. Plus RL stuff too. There are still a lot of GMST differences between CRB and RBP, and those are going to affect your starting magicka, even if the birthsigns, etc. are otherwise the same.

Actually... the birthsigns and race bonuses between RBP and CRB are not the same. Here's the background:
- CRB uses Vanilla's static Magicka bonuses. Example given if you pick the Mage birthsign, you'll get 50 Magicka at the beginning of the game, and it will stay the same for the rest of the game.
- RBP uses a more dynamic system, which tries to mimic Morrowind. You'll get 1/10th of the bonus at the beginning, and when you invest in intelligence, it grows.
=> result: In Vanilla / CRB you could create a Nord battlemage, pick the Apprentice, and be done with it. Don't need to invest (much) in Intelligence. In RBP this won't work, because without intelligence the bonus won't be that noticeable.

Additional differences, those ugly GMST changes are actually all documented into a single table in RBP's readme. CRB uses Vanilla settings here:
    Vanilla system / CRB:
  • 2 Magicka points per intelligence
  • Magicka Regeneration = 0.75 + 0.02 * Willpower
  • Armor Penalty min = 0.05, max = 0.30
  • Skill spell cost decrease: 0.2 + ( 1 - Skill / 100 ) * 1.2
  • Full Magicka bonus at the beginning
  • Fatigue does not affect spell effectiveness
  • 5 Magicka points per Intelligence
  • Magicka Regeneration = -1.00 + 0.05 * Willpower
  • Armor Penalty min = 0.20, max = 1.00
  • Skill spell cost decrease: 0.4 + ( 1 - Skill / 100 ) * 0.75
  • Magicka bonus is Intelligence dependent.
  • Fatigue does affect spell effectiveness

Of course this doesn't say much. Especially if you don't interpret the numbers correctly. Therefore here's an example (in RBP's readme it's colored and bolded. I'll skip the fluff here ;)):
Q: Are you really, really serious about your changes to Magicka?
A: I've got a lot of question concerning the Magicka pool ("Are you serious!?"). Now of course I'm always pointing then to all optional files to make it like in Vanilla. Nevertheless today I'd like to say a few words about that. Warning - this will be a bit of boring math now!
Magicka is a currency. You're buying spells with Magicka. Now when comparing Oblivion to Morrowind, you'll see that you get for the same amount of Magicka in Morrowind much stronger spells. So Morrowind Magicka has a higher value than Oblivion Magicka. What I'm doing is to change many aspects of Oblivion's Magicka currency - to put it bluntly, you can't easily compare them, because the currency has also another value.
Let me give you an example. And let's use an armored Altmer with Mage birthsign for it. When everything is maxed out, his Magicka is 350 in Vanilla and 1000 in RBP. Now let's say he wants to cast spells doing 100 fire damage, and his destruction level is master.
- Vanilla: One spell costs 87 Magicka. He has enough Magicka to cast 4 of them.
- RBP: One spell costs 217 Magicka. He has enough Magicka to cast 4 of them.
As you see from this example, because of many changes to how much Magicka is worth as a currency, it's not a single spell more possible. But wait, what if the Altmer goes unarmored?
- Vanilla: One spell costs 82 Magicka. He has enough Magicka to cast 4 of them.
- RBP: One spell costs 163 Magicka. He has enough Magicka to cast 6 of them.
Now there's a reason to go unarmored . This time he's got 50% more Magicka - which is still much less than 200%.
So why all these hassle when everything is only altered slightly, just with higher values? The thing is, it's not. While I did find magic due to Magicka pools in very high levels playable (like the examples given - as you see, the difference is not that high), I found magic due to Magicka pool in lower levels next to unplayable. Now let's take a look at the same Altmer, when all his stats are at 60 (which means a Magicka of 270 in Vanilla and 520 in RBP). This time he wants to deal only 35 points of fire damage. Armored, as ever:
- Vanilla: One spell costs 77 Magicka. He has enough Magicka to cast 3 of them.
- RBP: One spell costs 99 Magicka. He has enough Magicka to cast 5 of them.
Now it looks a bit different, suddenly he has nearly 70% more Magicka. And now let's take a look at him when he's unarmored!
- Vanilla: One spell costs 72 Magicka. He has enough Magicka to cast 3 of them.
- RBP: One spell costs 74 Magicka. He has enough Magicka to cast 7 of them.
And now he finally has around 135% more Magicka. Now considering that at this skill levels for most enemies he usually needs five to ten spells, he atleast has enough for one of them. The rest? Well, there's regeneration. Which also plays a major role, but isn't the topic now . I think my changes are making magic depending characters playable in medium levels (where I think they're seriously lacking Magicka in Vanilla), while not overpowering them in higher levels - where they were playable imho.

Anyway, that's not present in CRB. When someone notices a strange difference in Magicka between e.g. CR Hidden Elves and CRB Hidden Elves, it's only due to different starting intelligence and different starting bonuses between these "two" iterations of the same race ;).
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:48 am

Actually... the birthsigns and race bonuses between RBP and CRB are not the same. Here's the background:

ah icic, things are beginning to be much clearer :celebration:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:41 pm

PS: nGCD, being some kind of overlord mod of character leveling systems, has a habit of creating some imho strange results. It fiddles in a few areas too much to not cause some minor mod interactions.

does that mean if I enable Cobl races and races balanced I shouldn't use nGCD?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:56 am

does that mean if I enable Cobl races and races balanced I shouldn't use nGCD?
No. I'm just saying that I can't say what exactly nGCD does. Regardless which (if any) race tweak mod is used, nGCD gives some ... interesting results. Some like them, some don't. The choice to use it or not is yours ;).
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:28 am

I like this very much only problem, which was easy to fix thanks to using vanilla eye meshes, was that you overwrited the Dremora eye and personally I prefer using Slof's dremora textures and eye. It was easy to fix mind, just reinstall the slof's dremora textures. Apart from this it's a very nice mod. And reinstalling slof's dremora wasn't a biggy, just thought I would mention it because I wonder why exactly were the dremora eyes overwtrited to begin with.
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Skrapp Stephens
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:37 am

My, how I love you for this....
Thanks, it works flawlessly for me!

One small thing I've noticed is that the eyes are constantly tilted slightly upwards now.
Not a huge deal, but it scares me a little. My girl looks like she's on drugs sometimes. ;)
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Robert DeLarosa
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:33 pm

I like this very much only problem, which was easy to fix thanks to using vanilla eye meshes, was that you overwrited the Dremora eye and personally I prefer using Slof's dremora textures and eye. It was easy to fix mind, just reinstall the slof's dremora textures. Apart from this it's a very nice mod. And reinstalling slof's dremora wasn't a biggy, just thought I would mention it because I wonder why exactly were the dremora eyes overwtrited to begin with.

I'm not sure what the difference was there.

My, how I love you for this....
Thanks, it works flawlessly for me!

One small thing I've noticed is that the eyes are constantly tilted slightly upwards now.
Not a huge deal, but it scares me a little. My girl looks like she's on drugs sometimes. ;)

All races, or just one in particular? If there's a change in face geometry, I might suspect something like race facial sliders. Should be easy to check on with tes4View to see if there are differences in any race mods.
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Jack Walker
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:43 am

One small thing I've noticed is that the eyes are constantly tilted slightly upwards now.
Not a huge deal, but it scares me a little. My girl looks like she's on drugs sometimes. ;)

The 'doped eyes' (which are also not to my own ilinformed taste) are also the case for Cobl Races magnificent mother mod - Race Balancing Project ... I always thought that maybe that was just the desicion and artistical freedom made by the creator!
Even if it is a small misalignment it is still fantastic mods both of them!

Anyway I only ever tested RBP as Imperial until I switched to the light version (has no cosmetics only the balancing stuff) so I only noticed this on the Imperial character.

Would be marvellous if it was indeed just a small misalignment that could be readjusted.

Warm thanks to both Wrye and bg2048 for a set of wonderful mods ... thank you!

All the best
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Harinder Ghag
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:58 am

Eye alignment: Actually that was a design decision by Capucine, to remove the "robot look" of default eyes. I think she succeeded (have an NPC with her eyes and one with default alignment next to each other - the one with her eyes does look better imho), to be honest - I like them more that way ;).

I once had available the "older" version of Capucine's eyes with RBP, which don't look quite as good imho, but have Vanilla's alignment. Unfortunately people weren't able to follow readmes, therefore I removed them at some point to remove my need for answering questions. Maybe I still have them somewhere and could reupload them, if someone isn't happy with the current eyes :).
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Peter lopez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:55 am

How was the slant done? Texture or mesh?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:54 pm

Eye alignment: Actually that was a design decision by Capucine, to remove the "robot look" of default eyes. I think she succeeded (have an NPC with her eyes and one with default alignment next to each other - the one with her eyes does look better imho), to be honest - I like them more that way ;).

Ahhh ... so my assumption was right. I remember looking at my butt ugly face in the mirror from different angles to see if the Capucine way was indeed a more realistic placement of the eyes ... and even if I liked Capucines way better then what the mirror reflected, I still fancied the vanilla way even more ... :hubbahubba:

I once had available the "older" version of Capucine's eyes with RBP, which don't look quite as good imho, but have Vanilla's alignment. Unfortunately people weren't able to follow readmes, therefore I removed them at some point to remove my need for answering questions. Maybe I still have them somewhere and could reupload them, if someone isn't happy with the current eyes :).

That would be just awesome (if you are American) or the dogs bullocks (if you are British) or spitzen klasse (if you are German) or simply just overdreven forfedesthed (Danish for exagerated tocoolness) ... and very much appreciated Sir bg! :woot:

Anyway thank you for RBP, the mother of all Oblivion race balancing!

All the best
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Ana Torrecilla Cabeza
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:50 am

How was the slant done? Texture or mesh?
Texture. "Slant" would be a bit exaggerated - Capucine merely lifted the "eye center" about a mm up on the texture.

That would be just awesome (if you are American) or the dogs bullocks (if you are British) or spitzen klasse (if you are German) or simply just overdreven forfedesthed (Danish for exagerated tocoolness) ... and very much appreciated Sir bg! :woot:

Anyway thank you for RBP, the mother of all Oblivion race balancing!

All the best

:D, thanks.

Anyway, http://www.tikanderoga.net/bg2408/Maps/obbl/Capucine%27s%20Old%20textures.7z.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:21 am

Indeed, I have to agree with HawkerT.....
I like the natural Vanilla look much, much better. It just looks more natural to me simply because with Capucine's, the eyes are looking up when the camera view is more eye-level. (That sounded a bit backwards, but I think I got my point across)
I have a hard time with the constant upward tilt....heehee.
:rolleyes: See what is looks like?
So, yes! I would be most grateful for any adjustment, or help in doing so.
Thanks a whole lot!
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Isaac Saetern
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:17 am

May I please "third" the eye request? I'm a long time fan of of RBP and COBL. I would like to give COBL Races a whirl as well. Capucine's Eyes are undoubtedly beautiful and of exceptional quality. But that extra mm does distract me.

And here I will add my thanks to bg2408, Wrye, and all the cosmetic/race mod creators for their imagination, ingenuity, and industry. Thank you!

edit: I'm rather incoherent today...
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Daniel Holgate
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:06 am

Okay, can one of you put together a before and after shot for an npc or two? Should be same angle, lighting, etc. of course. Make it clear which is using which eyes (e.g. current cobl installed eyes, vs. old texture Capucine eyes.)

If I've got that, I can include it in the patch file to make it clear what it does.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:02 am

I forgot to add that for me, it was the Breton. But, If I am remembering correctly, it was the same for most of the races.
Sorry, wanted to add that.

As for the screens....I'm not quite sure what you're asking....I don't have Capucine's mod. Should I download it?

Hey gw, by now, I'm guessing I should congratulate you on a happy new computer!
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:47 pm

I mean, find an NPC (or the player) whose eyes look annoying with cobl's current (base) version of the eye textues. Get a screenshot of them. Make sure it shows how the eyes look annoyin. Then exit, install the package of textures supplied by bg2408 given above and take another screenshot of them from the same direction, lighting, etc. Those two shots are what I need to differentiate the eyes.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:21 pm

...Okay, let's try this again, green...

Here are some comparison shots- http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj294/ohmygoblino/Imperial.jpg, http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj294/ohmygoblino/RBP-CapOrig-Imp.jpg

Another pair: http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj294/ohmygoblino/MysticElfRBP.jpg, http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj294/ohmygoblino/RBP-CapOrigMElf.jpg

Finally, here's the infamous Palonirya. http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj294/ohmygoblino/PaloniryaReg.jpg, http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj294/ohmygoblino/PaloniryaMod.jpg, http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj294/ohmygoblino/PaloRBPCapOrig.jpg

I love both versions of Capucine's eyes, truthfully, now that I've been staring at them in comparison for the last hour or so. Both are lively, colorful and appealing. But examples were asked for, so I obliged...in my typical bumbling way.

@Lady Deadlock- :wave:
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:50 pm

Example given in RBP there are the "NPCDiversity" modules, which do nothing else than distributing new hairs and eyes to NPCs. This makes NPCs so much more unique... hm... I guess if there are a few files worth converting to depend on Cobl Races, I guess it would be them, then.

I've decided to make my own NPCDiversity module for COBL ( totally based on yours ).
Here it is :

I hope you will all enjoy it. ^_^

( bg2408 if you don't want this file on TesNexus tell me and I will delete it. )
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Shelby Huffman
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:47 am

Okay, I see what you're talking about.

I've decided to make my own NPCDiversity module for COBL ( totally based on yours ).
Here it is :

I hope you will all enjoy it. ^_^

( bg2408 if you don't want this file on TesNexus tell me and I will delete it. )

I'll see about including that in future Cobl release (assuming permissions from bg2408). (Shawn, you just converted bg's mod, right?)
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Austin England
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:29 am

Wrye, do you need additional photos to Greenwarden's? I figure not since hers look very good, but let me know because I've downloaded Capucines just in case.
Let me know if you still need them.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:42 pm

Eyes: I'm starting to like the alternate more myself (at least based on screenshots). LadyDeadlock: No I don't need any more screenshots, thanks. Might have to start a poll on which version is preferred. If the "alternate" is the clear winner, then I would make that the default. (But I'm a little busy to start a poll right now. If someone wants to give it a shot, please feel free.)

Default Playable: I erroneously made the new races playable by default. (I.e. even if you don't have Cobl Races.esp loaded.) My bad. I'll fix that in next version.
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