Cobl Races
Cobl provides a large assortment of popular hairs and eyes plus five new races.
* Eyes from Capucine and Miss Onatop.
* Hairs from: Rens, Capucines, Babe, Soya, Throttlekitty, Saram, Corean, Kafeid.
* Races: Playable Aureal, Mazken and Xivilai. Plus Ohmes-Raht (based on Luchaire's Tabaxi), and Hidden Elves (based on Ren's Mystic Elves).
New Races
* Aureal (Golden Saint)
--* This is a playable version of the existing Aureal race from Shivering Isles.
* Mazken (Dark Seducer)
--* This is a playable version of the existing Mazken race from Shivering Isles.
* Xivilai
--* This is a playable version of the existing Xivilai race.
--* This based on Alien Slof's Playable Xivilai race. The unbalanced version is close to Alien Slof's original design. Balanced version is by bg2408.
* Hidden Elves
--* This based on Ren's popular Mystic Elves race. The unbalanced version is close to Ren's original design. Balanced version is by bg2408.
* Ohmes-Raht
--* This based on Luchaire's Tabaxi race. The unbalanced version is close to Luchaire's original design. Balanced version is by bg2408.
Default vs. Balanced
Without CRB (Cobl Races - Balanced) installed, the default version of each race is pretty much the same as the way it was originally created (either by gamesas or by other modders).
The CRB mod however rebalances both races and birthsigns to "level the playing field" i.e. to make all races and birthsigns have roughly equal value. We'd like to explain it at length -- but we're a bit short of time at the moment!
Suffice it to say, that CRB is roughly a cut down version of bg2408's RBP (Race Balancing Project). You might want to look at [[|RBP]] to get a rough idea.
Upgrading to CRB
If you start a new game with CRB active, then gameplay will proceed as normal. You'll get new options in the race selection area, but other than that things will be as usual.
However, if you activate CRB for an existing character, then you'll need to go through a procedure to adapt your character to changed birthsigns and racial spells and stats. Fortunately, this is mostly automatic. Shortly after loading your savegame, you should get an option to adjust to changes. If you follow this procedure, it will proceed in three steps:
* Changes to birthsigns will be applied. Old abilities and spells will be removed from your character and new ones will be added.
* Changes to racial abilities and spells will be applied. As before, old spells will be removed and new ones added.
* Changes to racial beginning stats will be applied. This will affect skills, attributes and health.
Each of these steps is optional and can be skipped. However, skipping step two (changes to racial spells) will also force skipping step three (changes to racial stats).
Keep in mind that adjustments to racial stats may confuse player leveling mods. You may have to reset such mods, or simply live through an odd level up or two.
Generally, adjustments to stats will work better when applied to lower level characters. Keep in mind that you can always try the changes first, and then if you don't like them, revert back to the original save and try it without. Or you might hand tweak some of the stats through the console.
Upgrading from a different race balancing mod (e.g. bg2408's RBP) is likely to be difficult. We can't offer much advice for such a conversion.
Note that if you've been playing with CRB for a while, but wish to switch back to vanilla balancing, you can do that. After reloading, Cobl will again recognize the change and revert your player back to Oblivion birthsigns and racial stats, etc. The procedure will be the same as above.
If Cobl fails to autosense the change (or if you canceled the automatic update), you can force start the transition process by starting the appropriate quest from the console:
* startQuest cobBalToBalancedQ -- To switch from vanilla to balanced.
* startQuest cobBalToVanillaQ -- To switch from balanced to vanilla.
CR/CRB Credits
* Mucho thanks to contributors of hair, eyes and race mods!
* Alien Slof, Luchaire, and Ren for letting us incorporate their race mods.
* bg2408: Cosmetics aggregation, race balancing, conversion to Cobl.
* Wrye: Misc. tweaking, coding etc.
Beware of Finger Chomping Monkey God!
Wrye (main monkey god for Cobl) has a notoriously low tolerance for questions which could easily be answered by a) reading the readily available readme/manual, b ) reading back in the topic a little bit, c) doing a google search, and/or d) using your brain to put two and two together. He's also mostly retired (from modding) and thus even less patient than he was before. So, please, do a little research before asking your question. If Wrye in response to such a question, he later won't be available to help you if you have a more serious problem.