Sorry I don't have time atm to check the whole thread to see if anyone else has been experiencing this.
I'm having a little problem with the Options menu, specifically the Clock, specifically the setting of the interval.
I can type in the numbers fine, I can also change them with the arrow keys (although Shift does not seem to work to change the amount by which the number increases; it remains at 5 minute intervals no matter what), but neither Enter nor any other key allows me to confirm the numbers; neither ESC nor TAB allows me to exit the menu (ESC brings up the main menu-- behind the dialog, so I can't even use it anyway-- and TAB does nothing since the inventory screen is already up, behind the Options dialog. The main dialog of which this is a sub dialog is still visible, but naturally I can't escape via the Done button because the sub-dialog is till open. Tilde brings up the console as normal, and the only way for me to get out is to qqq using it (at which point the game hangs trying to exit and I have to System Monitor out of it, or reboot).
This is really only a "feeler" question, since there are other factors that could be causing the problem, but so far, the other options I've tried work fine (I was able to set a Denock key, for example, without issue), and the game as a whole works fine as well, so I'm kind of suspecting an anomaly here, and wanted to know if that was possible.
The other factors in play are:
- I'm running the game on Linux (but as I said, other option dialogs are not failing, and the game runs fine otherwise, so it seems odd that just this one option would be affected)
- I'm still in the tutorial dungeon (maybe the clock doesn't work in there, since time is kinda screwy there)
- I'm running a couple of plugins with INIs that I haven't configured (but I find it hard to believe that they would disable the Enter key on one dialog).
I feel a bit bad about mentioning this with so little actual debug information, but it's just kinda bugging me that this is acting so screwy when everything else is working so well.... I suppose I should test it under Windows (which would be a big PITA), but maybe somebody else could check and then at least I would know if it was a Wine problem, or a tutorial dungeon problem, or .... my problem

Certainly if the issue is the fact that time is screwy in the tute dungeon, and therefore the clock shouldn't be enabled within it, the option to even turn it on should be turned off (not visible) while you're still in there. The interval is turned off by default, but when I first went into my inventory screen after following Uriel out of the cell (to turn on a torch that had been conveniently dropped outside in the tunnel, because it's bloody dark, so thanks for that, whichever mod did that-- might even have been this one), I immediately saw the options menu in the Misc menu, and said to myself "Well, nothings going on yet anyway, so I might as well take a minute to set my options, such as the clock." Which was apparently a bad idea, since the clock didn't want to be turned on with an actual interval (if I had left the interval at 0, what would happen? would I get a constant clock, or no clock?).
So if I shouldn't try to turn the clock on in the tutorial dungeon, the option to do so shouldn't be visible to me in the tutorial dungeon.
But is that the problem, or might it be something else (such as another mod, or some failing in Wine that only appears in that one instance-- thus far)?