[RELZ] Cobl #14

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:15 am

Remember to thank migck, Vacuity and CorePC too :)

Oops. Thanks migck, Vacuity and CorePC for your contributions. :)

I have my own thoughts on a few things ((since I've just released a ingredient overhaul mod)).

Liches: Please, please, please keep the Lich dust in the liches. If bonemeal can appear in them it should be additional to the lich dust.

Could the non-harvestable ingredients also be added as a rare instance to a few lvl-lists? I'm talking about : Ironwood Nut (common), Root Pulp & Ginkgo Leaf (Very rare). These are the only non-harvestables I can find just now but there might be more.

For corePC (MMM) : I feel almost I get too much gems when killing golems that gives these. I was wondering if it could be toned down a bit (and perhaps randomized quantities) so I don't get so easily rich. :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:24 am

Just a microscopic "bug" report: Beseker's Special Brew is misspelled.
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Poetic Vice
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:10 am

Very cool thinking and progress on this.

I've been using MALO: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25981 which has support for Giskard/Dragon Captions mods.

So I'm very curious to see how this develops.

Looks neato

No particular comments on the other part at present. Let me think on/digest it first (sorry, also haven't check the test file yet).

Oops. Thanks migck, Vacuity and CorePC for your contributions. :)

Good to see the interest and the input - thanks everyone :)
I've been using MALO: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25981 which has support for Giskard/Dragon Captions mods.

It'll be a little bit different. MALO sounds like the way it was in Morrowind - tombs have tomb loot, caves another type of loot, and unique items in random dungeons. This will focus more on the NPC and what 'e would be carrying. I'll say a bit more at the bottom.
I have my own thoughts on a few things ((since I've just released a ingredient overhaul mod)).

Oh, yeah - that looks epic cool! I was meaning to tell you something though - I'd been planning for a long time to incorporate the "Locate Key" type spells in Finders Keepers into Cobl for the respective Morrowind ingredients. I've been waiting for OBSE v18's user functions, so hopefully soon I'll be able to add those. Also, I might as well add the Fortify Alchemy script from UoP, to make that more available as well.
Liches: Please, please, please keep the Lich dust in the liches. If bonemeal can appear in them it should be additional to the lich dust.

I actually made the dust *more* likely to appear. You only have a 1 in 5 chance of getting bonemeal, otherwise you can get 1-3 lich dust from a single lich (7/5 > 1). Just a bit o' good old variation :)
Could the non-harvestable ingredients also be added as a rare instance to a few lvl-lists? I'm talking about : Ironwood Nut (common), Root Pulp & Ginkgo Leaf (Very rare). These are the only non-harvestables I can find just now but there might be more.

Ah, didn't realize that - can do.
Just a microscopic "bug" report: Beseker's Special Brew is misspelled.

You try to pronounce all your "r"s after drinking it :biglaugh: Thanks for the catch.

Wow, have to use 2 posts for the replies.
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dean Cutler
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:53 am

II already assumes that Goblins trade rare ingredients, but in their case it is *very* rare and it is only the chieftains and shamans who will be found with the rare imported stuff, even if it's the cheap rare stuff. The way I see it is that goblins will not value things the same way humans will, so if it's something they simply can't get around there then it's going to be a status symbol, even if it's just something pretty worthless to men and mer. To be honest I didn't really see it as trade in the way people typically think of trade (for profit), so much as just a way that tribes interact with each other.

What would they like, though? Just rare, shiny, body parts? Bethesda seems to present Goblins as old-time Neanderthal (what was the Crichton novel, "Sixth Man"?) or, from Firefly, Reavers. They're obsessed with body parts and trophies of their kills. (Didn't Morrowind also have Human Hearts?) I agree whole-heartily that only the chieftains and shamans should have them - if they saw a lower Goblin with the item they'd just take it.
I also assumed that giants, minotaurs and ogres migrated, swapped "treasures" socially (again, a kind of "trade"), and picked up rarities along the way, so they also very rarely carried TI ingredients of all kinds (they're also *quite* powerful enough to deal with most of the creatures that might be carrying the original ingredient).

Cool ideas - with what I'll present below, they can be half bandits, half adventures with maybe a bit of gathering.
With regards to scamps, as I understand it, Creeper was very much an exception to the rules: it's implied (and generally accepted?) that he was probably Barbas, Clavicus Vile's hound. The daedra found invading Cyrodiil and in the realms you enter are an invasion force, not a trading convoy, I would be very surprised to find them carrying anything other than the necessities of war.

Ingredients can go a long way to helping the war effort, though - with Wortcraft, Fig (Restore Fatigue) and Guar Meat (Restore Health). But would they have a chance to get these, or have them... umm... to parallel the modern world - sent from home (internal trading)?
Other monsters:
Spriggans - I haven't yet looked at what they've got, but I don't really see them carrying a lot of ingredients from *outside* their local area. Aren't they supposed to be guardians of their local bit of nature? Why and how would they get flowers from hundreds of miles away? I suppose there could be a magical explanation. To be honest, I don't think spriggans in Blackwood should be carrying ingredients from up by Bruma or over by the Gold Coast. Unfortunately only one overhaul addresses this kind of localisation and that's still in alpha.

and that one would be? I was thinking along the same lines, but didn't know if they had Dryad (I believe) type powers to enter one tree and exit from any other tree.
Imps - Too dumb, and while they have wings, I just don't see them as the migratory kind. Just my opinion, of course.
Will o'the wisps - Well, I know a little about these in regular myths and the version that Bethesda has gone for seems to be the mindless, but sentient gas. "It's alive, Jim, but not as we know it!". These things are also quite localised, only appearing in dungeons and in marhes. Big travellers? I think not!

Good, good :Monty Burns Grin:


Still working out the kinks a bit, but here's the idea so far - everything will revolve around 2 major concepts: Lifestyle (class basically) and Sources. This will basically make your loot more random at lower levels - very likely common ingredients, but still some (remote) chance of a rare ingredient. As your enemies get harder and they get smarter about Alchemy, their ingredients will be more refined and specific and so will be more rare ingredients.
  • Sources are basically broken into tiers (though it gets more complex after I explain Lifestyles). Origin is where the ingredients naturally occur - moss on caves, mushrooms along the road, bonemeal from killing skeletons, etc. Gatherers will collect the ingredients directly via harvesting, hunting, and adventuring. Suppliers will purchase from the Gatherers and spread them throughout Cyrodiil. Some will go directly to users (Noble mostly), but the rest will go to Middle-Men or Merchants (i.e., Falanu Hlaalu). Finally, the Merchants sell the ingredients to Commoners (need a better name, I think, but everyone else). On the more illegal side, Smugglers would be a type of Supplier and Thieves, stealing from Merchants, would have a similar set of ingredients.

    As you go up the tier, the number of ingredients shrinks. The Origin determines the base number of ingredients in all of Cyrodiil - that is, it represents all of the ingredients. Gatherers will only gather a fraction of this number. They'll sell it to several Suppliers, thus dividing the number available to the Suppliers (not much of a division, though, but either way Suppliers can only have as much as the Gatherers). The Suppliers take it to several Merchants and the Merchants sell it to several people, dividing the number of available ingredients each time.

    With this system, changes in rarity will work it's way up the supply chain. For example, by default Guar Meat is only imported from Morrowind and thus only available in small quantities to Suppliers. If you add Guars to Cyrodiil (MMM, and IIRC OOO) then Gatherers will also be able to get the Guar Meat. Now Suppliers will have an additional source of Guar Meat and thus will have more of it.

  • An NPC's Lifestyle will determine which Sources they go to, how often, and how much they can get. For instance, a Necromancer would spend a good chunk of time grave robbing, would spend a bit of time buying from Smugglers and a little with Thieves, would never go into town to buy from Merchants. So 50% of their ingredients would reflect those you find around local graves (wraith essence, etc.), a bit from 35% from Smugglers, and 15% from Thieves.

    I'm thinking of adding two additional of "Sources" for everyone as well: Blind-Luck and Coveted. Blind-Luck represents the chance that you'll stumble upon the ingredient through infinite-degrees of separation (i.e., a Bungler's Bane fell out of the Smuggler's create, a wolf rolled onto and got it stuck to its back, was killed by a one-toothed bandit who believed his one tooth brought him luck and thus, the Bungler's Bane must also be lucky/good, who fell upon hard times and blamed his change of luck on the Bungler's Bane, throw it away at the foot of a cave where the Necromancer found it and said, "Hey, I know what this is! I can use this!"). Coveted ingredients are what the Necromancer would actually want and represents their ability to get exactly what they want. In a sense, the Coveted ingredients are Source-less, as the person knows the best and easiest place to get the ingredient. It will also be less random than the Smuggler or Thief ingredients as they will only be what is Coveted. How this affects the Lifestyle-Source percentages: Blind-Luck represents how often the person just Wanders around, aimlessly finding things and Coveted represents how often they go for exactly what they want. So, for an Amateur (in the Alchemy sense) Necromancer, they would spend only a little time actually getting Coveted ingredients (lack of skill), but also little time with Blind-Luck (focused). So, 50% of their ingredients would still be grave/tomb ingredients, 25% Smugglers, 15% Thieves, 5% Blind-Luck, 5% Coveted. An Advanced (again, Alchemy) Necromancer would know exactly what they want and would have a far higher percent of Coveted ingredients so: 50% Coveted, 25% tomb, 15% Smugglers, 8% Thieves, and 2% Blind-Luck.

    Finally, a bit of money/skill/personality/combat will determine how much of each ingredient you get. Necromancers might not have a lot of money, so while they spend time with Smugglers they won't be able to buy all that much from them. However, they're good at grave robbing, so they will have a lot of Tomb type ingredients. This one in particular makes a lot more sense when you know how Oblivion sets up leveled lists. Each leveled list is a list of items that are chosen at random, but the count of that item is somewhat independent. For example, the Lich Drop list has 1 Bonemeal and 4 individual Lich Dust entries. Of those Lich Dust entries, 2 of them have 1 Lich Dust, another has 2 and the last has 3. So, you have a 20% chance of getting Bonemeal, 40% chance of getting 1 Lich Dust, 20% chance of getting 2 Lich Dust, and 20% chance of getting 3 Lich Dust. Even though the Lich Dust is the same item for each of its entries, they're treated separately. Also, each entry has its own count independent of the other entries. An Amateur Necromancer's leveled list would have the entries reflect how much time they spend at their Sources, so they'd have 50 Tomb entries, 25 Smuggler, 15 Thief, 5 Blind-Luck and 5 Coveted (taking out common factor and so I don't kill myself, it'll really be 10 Tomb, 5 Smuggler, 3 Thief, 1 Blind-Luck, and 1 Coveted). Each entries count will reflect how well that Necromancer can get them - he won't have much money so the Smuggler and Thief lists will have a small count (mostly 1s, maybe a 2) while they'll be better at grave robbing and have higher counts (mostly 2s, 3s) for the Tomb lists. Coveted and Blind-Luck will probably be 1 for everyone.

  • The web of sources and lifestyles - here's the setup as I see it so far, roughly divided into the tiers mentioned above:
    • Gatherers
      • Common - ingredients that anyone has access to including: flora near road (mushrooms, many flowers), mined ore (iron, copper, etc.)
      • Farmers - gather the crop type ingredients
      • Hunters/Woodsmen - gather off-road flora, hunt animals
      • Adventurers (Beginner) - go into easy dungeons like caves and mines
      • Adventurers (Expert) - go into harder places like Ayelid ruins, Vampire dens, Oblivion
      • Chemist - there are a number of chemicals from Daggerfall that would be created in a lab (Pure Water, Pyrrhic Acid)

    • Suppliers
      • General Importers - bring ingredients from Vvanderfall, Morrowind, Solstheim and Hammerfell to Cyrodiil (probably only big in IC and cities along the way), only have legal ingredients
      • Smugglers - bring in the illegal ingredients, deal with shadier/hostile/other characters who want to be discrete
      • Drug Dealers - for the Moonsugar (I assume it would be a different network?)

    • Middle-men
      • Merchants - most of their supplies will come direct from the Importers, but they'll also have some from local Gatherers
      • Bandits - these are the people who raid the Importers, so their lists will be similar to Importers, can get the legal stuff to shady characters
      • Thieves - steal from steal from Merchants and will have a similar, but smaller list

    • Users (really needs a better name)
      • Amateur Alchemist - will tend to have a bit of everything, no coveted
      • Expert Alchemist - still a bit of everything, but tends to have rarer items
      • Necromanceers
      • Conjuers
      • Just about any NPC, really - but they only have a chance of being an Alchemist (so you probably won't find anything on them)

I still need to ponder a bit on how to make the leveled lists reflect this system. I'm going to try to make it completely through leveled lists rather than scripts (easier for a patch to modify a leveled list than a script). The main reason I'd like to do this with lists - with list within lists, a chance at the root most list (i.e., add Guar meat to Gatherers) can affect everything on up. Also, I can create a list for importers that you can add directly to Importers and use the same list for those that buy from Importers (of course, Importers would have a higher Count of their own list).

Leveled lists aren't very flexible, though. Adding an item to a list makes every other item less likely to appear. I'd like to add some Chance None to each level, but if each level has a Chance None that can quickly lead to no ingredients at all. Most importantly, though, it would be hard to add variety to the count of ingredients with this system - with so many ingredients, it would be very unlikely to choose the same entry twice, thus the count will always be the same.
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Amy Gibson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:20 pm

For corePC (MMM) : I feel almost I get too much gems when killing golems that gives these. I was wondering if it could be toned down a bit (and perhaps randomized quantities) so I don't get so easily rich. :)

Make your request in the MMM thread has that would affect all MMM users..


Hamma - alot to digest, and alot of ideas has well..
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Beast Attire
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:42 am

I have an idea...
could COBL contain itself some metamagic effects and/or some common script effects?
ie. Mighty Magcik (I believe I don't mistake the mod) gives Conjurers Boon effect which makes your summoning spells to summmon more than one at once. Now any Mod which want to use Summons mind-compatible with MM must make mod dependent on MM and a version for non MM users of mod. So if COBL gives common On-Monster-Conjure effect based on script, and give option for user to enable/disable subeffects (any of effects which is under the group-efffect) only modder need to do is to make mod dependant on cobl and add On-Monster-Conjure effect to all monster summons spell he made, not worryfing with multiple version of his mod - If user want or not the magic tweak he chooses yes/no from cobl menu.
I believe there are other effects/spells which fall under this category.

also I think some common simple spell scripts could be added to COBL (such as all 'toggle' spells - toggle nighteye, toggle detect life etc.)

when I thought about summon I have another Idea too: May COBL main plugin add spells with all vanilla/SI and FCOM monster summons? those from vanilla will be always availible, those from SI/mods would be in default version (cobl.esm) the scripts which tell something like "you failed to summon the fallen one because MMM don't exist in your world" and cobl plugins like Cobl-MMM tweaks.esp binds to the spell correct summon effect, so modders could play with summon spells without to worry like "my magic mod is great because as quest reward it gives great creature as summon spell but what if user don't use MMM?", also there's should be markers for mods so scripts could do something like "this quest gives as reward free great creature summon, but if user haven't MMM let give them summon some vanilla creature"
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:44 pm

I have an idea...
could COBL contain itself some metamagic effects and/or some common script effects?

Of course (I proposed adding a Detect script just a few posts ago :P)
ie. Mighty Magcik (I believe I don't mistake the mod) gives Conjurers Boon effect which makes your summoning spells to summmon more than one at once. Now any Mod which want to use Summons mind-compatible with MM must make mod dependent on MM and a version for non MM users of mod. So if COBL gives common On-Monster-Conjure effect based on script, and give option for user to enable/disable subeffects (any of effects which is under the group-efffect) only modder need to do is to make mod dependant on cobl and add On-Monster-Conjure effect to all monster summons spell he made, not worryfing with multiple version of his mod - If user want or not the magic tweak he chooses yes/no from cobl menu.
I believe there are other effects/spells which fall under this category.

also I think some common simple spell scripts could be added to COBL (such as all 'toggle' spells - toggle nighteye, toggle detect life etc.)

when I thought about summon I have another Idea too: May COBL main plugin add spells with all vanilla/SI and FCOM monster summons? those from vanilla will be always availible, those from SI/mods would be in default version (cobl.esm) the scripts which tell something like "you failed to summon the fallen one because MMM don't exist in your world" and cobl plugins like Cobl-MMM tweaks.esp binds to the spell correct summon effect, so modders could play with summon spells without to worry like "my magic mod is great because as quest reward it gives great creature as summon spell but what if user don't use MMM?", also there's should be markers for mods so scripts could do something like "this quest gives as reward free great creature summon, but if user haven't MMM let give them summon some vanilla creature"

In general, we would add the skeleton script so all you have to do is insert a FormID/Reference (all creatures Summon) or add it to a spell (Toggle). Actual implementation would happen in Cobl-aware mods or Cobl Glue. That is, we'd make the skeleton script for the summon spell and let others create the spell for it using that script. You would still see a good deal of it in Glue and maybe even the MMM/OOO patches. However, I might add the Toggle Nighteye and Toggle DetLife spells to Cobl Main because they are so popular and to prevent duplication... do I need to add the other spells to prevent duplication (spells can be heavily customized, by time, etc. so I might not have to)?

Summons - the little I've seen summons scripts I know they're not straight-forward... but bg does do LAME, so maybe he can help me there (or let me steal a script :evil: )

Toggle - I have an idea for a general script requiring OBSE, but I seem to remember this being possible before OBSE too. But how the **** was it possible before OBSE? I'll have to look, or just create the generalized OBSE one anyway :shrug: One advantage of the OBSE one - I can create an Option that would let you choose which key to use. I'll probably set it up so you can toggle NE and LD with the same key - press it once for NE, again for LD, again for both, and finally one more time to turn them all off.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:53 am

as I remember lookin' through CS I saw something like that
two toggle effect pairs spell-script + one efffect ability
first script-spell add the ability to player adds second spell to player and removes self from player
the second does anological but in diffrent direction

so the most part of script is adding and removing an ability to player - rest is an interface
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Christina Trayler
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:50 pm

Oh, yeah - that looks epic cool! I was meaning to tell you something though - I'd been planning for a long time to incorporate the "Locate Key" type spells in Finders Keepers into Cobl for the respective Morrowind ingredients. I've been waiting for OBSE v18's user functions, so hopefully soon I'll be able to add those. Also, I might as well add the Fortify Alchemy script from UoP, to make that more available as well.

Locate spell effects ay? Sounds interesting. I wonder if I would be able to add those to my mod (in effect carrying over your additions to cobl to my mod).

You've really thought it through with how to prepare the leveled lists. I like it a lot and it was a good read too. :)

Blind-Luck represents the chance that you'll stumble upon the ingredient through infinite-degrees of separation (i.e., a Bungler's Bane fell out of the Smuggler's create, a wolf rolled onto and got it stuck to its back, was killed by a one-toothed bandit who believed his one tooth brought him luck and thus, the Bungler's Bane must also be lucky/good, who fell upon hard times and blamed his change of luck on the Bungler's Bane, throw it away at the foot of a cave where the Necromancer found it and said, "Hey, I know what this is! I can use this!").

:lmao: :lol:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:32 pm

Sorry I don't have time atm to check the whole thread to see if anyone else has been experiencing this.

I'm having a little problem with the Options menu, specifically the Clock, specifically the setting of the interval.

I can type in the numbers fine, I can also change them with the arrow keys (although Shift does not seem to work to change the amount by which the number increases; it remains at 5 minute intervals no matter what), but neither Enter nor any other key allows me to confirm the numbers; neither ESC nor TAB allows me to exit the menu (ESC brings up the main menu-- behind the dialog, so I can't even use it anyway-- and TAB does nothing since the inventory screen is already up, behind the Options dialog. The main dialog of which this is a sub dialog is still visible, but naturally I can't escape via the Done button because the sub-dialog is till open. Tilde brings up the console as normal, and the only way for me to get out is to qqq using it (at which point the game hangs trying to exit and I have to System Monitor out of it, or reboot).

This is really only a "feeler" question, since there are other factors that could be causing the problem, but so far, the other options I've tried work fine (I was able to set a Denock key, for example, without issue), and the game as a whole works fine as well, so I'm kind of suspecting an anomaly here, and wanted to know if that was possible.

The other factors in play are:

- I'm running the game on Linux (but as I said, other option dialogs are not failing, and the game runs fine otherwise, so it seems odd that just this one option would be affected)

- I'm still in the tutorial dungeon (maybe the clock doesn't work in there, since time is kinda screwy there)

- I'm running a couple of plugins with INIs that I haven't configured (but I find it hard to believe that they would disable the Enter key on one dialog).

I feel a bit bad about mentioning this with so little actual debug information, but it's just kinda bugging me that this is acting so screwy when everything else is working so well.... I suppose I should test it under Windows (which would be a big PITA), but maybe somebody else could check and then at least I would know if it was a Wine problem, or a tutorial dungeon problem, or .... my problem :) .

Certainly if the issue is the fact that time is screwy in the tute dungeon, and therefore the clock shouldn't be enabled within it, the option to even turn it on should be turned off (not visible) while you're still in there. The interval is turned off by default, but when I first went into my inventory screen after following Uriel out of the cell (to turn on a torch that had been conveniently dropped outside in the tunnel, because it's bloody dark, so thanks for that, whichever mod did that-- might even have been this one), I immediately saw the options menu in the Misc menu, and said to myself "Well, nothings going on yet anyway, so I might as well take a minute to set my options, such as the clock." Which was apparently a bad idea, since the clock didn't want to be turned on with an actual interval (if I had left the interval at 0, what would happen? would I get a constant clock, or no clock?).

So if I shouldn't try to turn the clock on in the tutorial dungeon, the option to do so shouldn't be visible to me in the tutorial dungeon.

But is that the problem, or might it be something else (such as another mod, or some failing in Wine that only appears in that one instance-- thus far)?
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Susan Elizabeth
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:44 am

Has anyone had any problems with using COBL 1.72 and the latest beta of Mart's Monster Mod (the new 3.7 beta that uses the BSA file)? I upgraded both in my game, and I was missing inventory icons for several MMM items (goblin eyes and hearts, several gems and some pelts).

I have posted this on the MMM message thread, and CorePC is trying to help out from the MMM side.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:37 am

Sorry I don't have time atm to check the whole thread to see if anyone else has been experiencing this.

I'm having a little problem with the Options menu, specifically the Clock, specifically the setting of the interval.
- I'm running the game on Linux (but as I said, other option dialogs are not failing, and the game runs fine otherwise, so it seems odd that just this one option would be affected)

Working for me in Windows XP. I'd be quick to jump on Linux in this case - the IsKeyPressed functions check for Windows specific operations that may be missing (or not well emulated) in Linux. Try pressing in the Denock menu (or key-press of Clock) - I imagine it won't detect the key-press there either.

Has anyone had any problems with using COBL 1.72 and the latest beta of Mart's Monster Mod (the new 3.7 beta that uses the BSA file)? I upgraded both in my game, and I was missing inventory icons for several MMM items (goblin eyes and hearts, several gems and some pelts).

I have posted this on the MMM message thread, and CorePC is trying to help out from the MMM side.

CorePC is part of the COBL team... so he's helping you from the COBL side too. Looking at the MMM thread, you have yet to respond to his http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?s=&showtopic=1049752&view=findpost&p=15250430, so see if that helps.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:21 pm

Sorry to ask an easily answerable question but the readme link is BROKEN. I'd just like to know how to delete spells. I've tried every button that's somewhat related to deletion but bubkiss. Thanks
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:13 am

Sorry to ask an easily answerable question but the readme link is BROKEN. I'd just like to know how to delete spells. I've tried every button that's somewhat related to deletion but bubkiss. Thanks

Just put your cursor over the spell and press delete key. The feature must be enabled, check the +Options. You can also read +Guide books to find out more (it's like an ingame readme).
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helen buchan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:16 am

Or... read the readme? Pretty much all decently made mods bundle a readme *with* the mod and Cobl is no exception. You don't need to look online, it's sitting on your hard drive.

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alicia hillier
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:36 pm

Is this useful, or even functional with Cobl now:http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21307?

I see that Cobl comes with two TNR files, but do they use any of the new features from Cobl Races resources?
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JaNnatul Naimah
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:50 pm

Man, I'd very much like to read the readme... :I

The website being down is very inconvenient.
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Cheryl Rice
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:28 am

Man, I'd very much like to read the readme... :I

Yeah, I can't imagine how inconvenient that would be. I mean, what kind of muppet wouldn't include the readme with the mod, ehh? Thankfully Wrye was smart enough to include the readme with the mod, so why don't you check the copy on your hard drive (\Data\Docs\)?

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Matthew Barrows
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:05 pm

hello guys, cobl is truly amazing and it's working very well in my game.
I use cobl versions of real thirst and real hunger, alongside with real sleep updated.
everything is fine, except one little thing: I can't get messages related to hunger, so I've to check manually my hunger level to see if I need to eat.
I enabled hunger messages in COBL options, and I get regularly messages related to thirst and sleep.
maybe there's something that interferes with/overwrites hunger messages?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:22 am

Hello Team COBL,
Since my mod (see sig) is following what COBL dictates I was wondering if we could agree on the rarity on the rare metals of COBL. I'm talking about the following ingredients:

Tin Filings
Stalhrim Filings
Iron filings
Ebony Filings
Dwemer Filings
Copper Filings
Adamantium Filings

And lastly lead (which in the CS is called cobTIleadFilings suggesting it's usable in the Grinder. I haven't tested yet, but I think not).

I've found prices on a few items at www.uesp.net :
Stalhrim Filings 300
Adamantium Filings 300
Ebony Filings 200

The rest I haven't found anything about and I haven't played Morrowind (and expanses) more than a little peak, so I don't know about the rarity of the rest.
Can we/you agree on the rarity of these items?

My suggestion is (from very rare to less rare):

1. Adamantium Filings & Stalhrim Filings
2. Ebony Filings
3. Dwemer Filings
-big leap-
4. Iron filings
5. Copper Filings
6. Tin Filings
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:12 pm

Is this useful, or even functional with Cobl now:http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21307?

I see that Cobl comes with two TNR files, but do they use any of the new features from Cobl Races resources?

Not needed, that is old version. plugin has been replaced with Cobl Races TNR/SI Plugin (which came from that plugin by the way just renamed for cobl purpose) . It does adds new eyes and hair to many of vanilla npcs /si npcs.

If you are wondering about new Races has Npc in game,

Cobl does not have a plugin like the one that Race Balancing Project has which add's them has NPC to game in leveledlist.


Hamma: I have an updated MMM-Cobl for 3.7b3 Version has well that I need to send to you, fixed the liches that where missing the undead faction and lvls on a few creatures has well.
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Justin Hankins
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:17 am

hello guys, cobl is truly amazing and it's working very well in my game.
I use cobl versions of real thirst and real hunger, alongside with real sleep updated.
everything is fine, except one little thing: I can't get messages related to hunger, so I've to check manually my hunger level to see if I need to eat.
I enabled hunger messages in COBL options, and I get regularly messages related to thirst and sleep.
maybe there's something that interferes with/overwrites hunger messages?

I thought the message timings were fairly related, and if you saw one you should see the others. I'll take a look again.
Hello Team COBL,
Since my mod (see sig) is following what COBL dictates I was wondering if we could agree on the rarity on the rare metals of COBL. I'm talking about the following ingredients:
My suggestion is (from very rare to less rare):

1. Adamantium Filings & Stalhrim Filings
2. Ebony Filings
3. Dwemer Filings
-big leap-
4. Iron filings
5. Copper Filings
6. Tin Filings

I had Lead and Tin as common, Copper and Iron as Uncommon, and the rest as rare. The real-world metals are from Daggerfall - nuggets, if I remember correctly (which can be ground into filings?). Also note that Ebony and Dwemer were illegal in Morrowind (all Ebony was mined and owned by either royalty or government and Dwemer required raiding Dwemer ruins which was illegal). I'd assume the same goes for Adamantium and Stalhrim. Not sure about the Lead filings - there's no Lead nugget Misc Item, so it can't be ground down. I have it in the Daggerfall list, so I assume there was a Lead nugget :shrug:
Hamma: I have an updated MMM-Cobl for 3.7b3 Version has well that I need to send to you, fixed the liches that where missing the undead faction and lvls on a few creatures has well.

Cool (BTW, did you ever get a chance to look over the proposal I uploaded? I'm especially wondering how to make it work for FCOM, and whether the changes are good ones...) and thanks for answering the Race question :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:59 am

Yeah, I can't imagine how inconvenient that would be. I mean, what kind of muppet wouldn't include the readme with the mod, ehh? Thankfully Wrye was smart enough to include the readme with the mod, so why don't you check the copy on your hard drive (\Data\Docs\)?


I DL the mod and the readme wasn't in there.

Re-DL and it was there. An incomplete DL or something?
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Mr. Ray
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:06 am

I have in my install the Race Balancing patches for COBL Exhaustion.

I have no idea where I got them or a readme apparently I searched several times on NEXUS with no luck. Anyone know where they come from?

Issues I'm having detailed here: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1053068&view=findpost&p=15302373

I'm thinking that due to an error/shortcoming - whatever kind words fit best - in MMM which causes NPCs to spawn with less health and then try to heal themselves combined with COBL Exhaustion (which may be allowing orcs to recast their berserk power over and over) combined with LAME shaders is causing my game to ctd when the power is cast repeatedly by an NPC.

If it were not for wrye bash being conflictual I would be closer to figuring that out.

Oh wait found the readme for the COBL Exhaustion patches - apparently made by a modder named Kmacg94 and the readme referenced this site: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24343 which is dead. A search for his name on Nexus leads to nothing.

Here is the readme:
Name: COBL exhaustion - PatchesVersion: 1.2Date: 5/9/2009Category: MiscellaneousRequirements: Oblivion Patch, Cobl 1.69, Wrye Bash 264 and whatever mod(s) your going use this forAuthor(s): Kmacg94Source: [src="http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/1037455-relz-cobl-14/http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24343"]http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24343[/url]Description===========A file that allows you to use COBL exhaustion with various mods, if you use Wrye Bash.Details=======When the latest version of COBL came out I saw the new feature - COBL exhaustion.It sounded like a very interesting idea, so I updated COBL, ran BOSS, rebuilt my Bashed Patch and decided to try it out... Then I realised (shock-horror!) that while it worked with Vanilla, SI, the orrery and Cobl races, there was no support included for RBP. So I wrote my own file for it.After that I kind of thought, well, why stop there?Install=======NAVM_Exhaust.csv - For Nekhanimal's Awesome Vampire ModRBP_Exhaust.csv - For Race Balancing ProjectSVVR_Exhaust.csv - For StarX Vanilla Vampires RevisedVnC_Exhaust.csv - For Vows and Covenants1. Extract the files to a temporary location.2. Copy the included "*modnamehere*_Exhaust.csv" file to "Oblivion/Data/Bash Patches/".3. Open Wrye Bash, if you haven't already.4. Rebuild you Bashed Patch, making sure you select "Cobl Exhaustion" and, "*modnamehere*_Exhaust.csv"5. Wait for the patch to finish, then scroll through the summary to the Cobl Exhaustion section. If you see something like picture 3, it's worked. Done.Uninstall=========1. Go to "Oblivion/Data/Bash Patches/".2. Delete "*modnamehere*_Exhaust.csv".Incompatibility===============Should work with anything :) Known Issues or Bugs====================None so far, tell me if you find any.History=======1.0. 09/05/2009 - Initial release.1.1. 09/05/2009 - Added support for Vows and Covenants1.2. 10/05/2009 - Added support for another 2 modsContact=======You can find me on the official Elder Scrolls forums as "Kmacg94"You can find me on TESNexus as "Kmacg94"Credits=======Thanks to Bethesda for creating Oblivion.Thanks to TESNexus.com for the a one-stop-shop resource for authors and players.Thanks to LHammonds for the Readme Generator this file was based on.Thanks to Wrye for Wrye Bash/Cobl.Thanks to the rest of the Cobl team for your exceptional mod.Thanks to bg2408 for RBPThanks to Picador for Vows and CovenantsThanks to Nekhanimal for Nekhanimal's Awesome Vampire ModThanks to StarX for StarX Vanilla Vampires RevisedLicensing/Legal===============I accept no responsibility for any issues caused by using this.Please give credits if the exceptions below take me up on my offer.NOBODY *except* Wrye or the authors of the mods patched have permission to edit, reupload this mod or in any other way alter it.
Just to let you know I'm not crazy and it does exist.
No mention of how NPCs use the COBL Exhaustion powers though.

Then also the COBL readme does not say whether it does either. :nope:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:25 am

I have in my install the Race Balancing patches for COBL Exhaustion.

OK, do you have all of the mods mentioned in the readme? Have you removed the .csv files for those that you don't have? It's not connected to the issue, but might help with the other issues you mentioned earlier.
Looks like this was incorporated into Bash early on. Make sure you're using the .csv from Bash rather than the one you downloaded (looks like there were a few mods added, and possibly other updates). From what I can tell, Bash should skip the data if you don't have the mod installed.
Issues I'm having detailed here: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1053068&view=findpost&p=15302373

I'm thinking that due to an error/shortcoming - whatever kind words fit best - in MMM which causes NPCs to spawn with less health and then try to heal themselves combined with COBL Exhaustion (which may be allowing orcs to recast their berserk power over and over) combined with LAME shaders is causing my game to ctd when the power is cast repeatedly by an NPC.

I thought this was discussed here, but it doesn't look like it... repost
Cobl Exhaustion, the RBP Orc Power, & sloppy coding
While testing Extra Wounding (see MMM thread), I picked on Urbul at Slash & Smash. When I reduced his health, he proceeded to cast his 'Beserk' power, which is defined in RBP as a greater power and changed by Cobl Exhaustion to a lesser power. Once he had cast it, he cast it again, and again, and then I got a CTD.

What appears to be happening is: the AI engine detects that he is injured, and looks to see if he has a healing spell. It notices the Restore Health component of the Beserk power, and tells him to cast it. It then doesn't bother waiting for the spell to end (hence the 'sloppy coding' comment), and says "oh, you're still injured, better cast your spell again". Unfortunately, something in the scripts attached to the power (not sure if it's the RBP scripts or the Cobl Exhaustion script) doesn't like being run multiple times simultaneously, and this causes a CTD.

I'm not sure what needs to be done to fix this problem - I suspect a similar thing may happen when you encounter a hostile orc. Of course, determining which script portion is causing the CTD and fixing that will help, but won't stop them casting the power over and over again. Any ideas?


Psymon reported a similar problem, but tracked it down to one of kuertee's mods. Unfortunately he didn't say which - some fatigue mod, I think?

I'm not sure how to tackle it without completely changing the Power Exhaustion system. Maybe the orcs are coded, rather than AI, to keep using their powers - and the fix needs to happen in MMM? Hmm... Maybe I could completely drain a user's Magicka when they use a power and give it a slow build-up?

Ahh, new idea - maybe I can change Power Exhaustion so it leaves the NPCs' powers untouched - basically, make the Lesser Powers the PC has as new spells, rather than changing the original Greater Powers into Lesser Powers. I guess Wrye reused the original Greater Powers because other mods might change the powers. Well, Bash is pretty good at determining which mods you have loaded :), so it can (probably) be rewritten to figure out what your Lesser Power should look like and copy the effects onto a new spell. I'll look into it.

Does anyone know another reason to use the original Greater Powers (changed into Lesser Powers) rather than new spells? Perhaps mods checked for the powers?

I can also create a more compatible method with OBSE v18 - both compatible in that it won't affect NPCs and it will work with any mod's Greater Powers for the PC. I'll still need to include support for non-OBSE players, so I may have to do a combination of this and the above (for non-OBSE players).
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