Thanks for your opinion and the extra info I lacked. I'll accommodate my next version to what you just said about the rarity (and therefore also price and alchemical power) of the metals.
[00:25] Background Loader: [Cobl Main.esm] Building reference info.[00:27] Background Loader: [Cobl Glue.esp] Building reference info.[00:27] Background Loader: [..\obmm\BSARedirection.bsa] Loading Resources.[00:27] Background Loader: [Oblivion - Meshes.bsa] Loading Resources.[00:30] Background Loader: [Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa] Loading Resources.[00:32] Background Loader: [Oblivion - Sounds.bsa] Loading Resources.[00:32] Background Loader: [Oblivion - Voices1.bsa] Loading Resources.[00:40] Background Loader: [Oblivion - Voices2.bsa] Loading Resources.[00:52] Background Loader: [Oblivion - Misc.bsa] Loading Resources.[00:52] Background Loader: [F:\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\] Setting Resource Path.[00:52] Background Loader: finished[Filtering done] Processed Records: 1220373 Elapsed Time: 00:20[Removing "Identical to Master" records done] Processed Records: 1568 Removed Records: 0 Elapsed Time: 00:00Undeleting: [REFR:00030D9C] (places MiddleClassPewterPlate01 "Pewter Plate" [MISC:0001C626] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ICMarketDistrictTheMerchantsInn "The Merchants Inn" [CELL:0002C171])Undeleting: [REFR:0003C912] (places WallSconce01Fake [STAT:0002479D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of SkingradWestWealdInnCellar "Sinderion's Cellar" [CELL:0002E9A3])Undeleting: [REFR:0002BB73] (places MiddleClassPewterknife01 "Pewter Knife" [MISC:0001C620] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of SkingradWestWealdInnCellar "Sinderion's Cellar" [CELL:0002E9A3])Undeleting: [REFR:0002EA2B] (places MiddleWinerack06 [STAT:0001CA53] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of SkingradWestWealdInnCellar "Sinderion's Cellar" [CELL:0002E9A3])Undeleting: [REFR:0002EA2A] (places Middlewinerack05 [STAT:00010593] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of SkingradWestWealdInnCellar "Sinderion's Cellar" [CELL:0002E9A3])Undeleting: [REFR:0002EA28] (places MiddleWinerack06 [STAT:0001CA53] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of SkingradWestWealdInnCellar "Sinderion's Cellar" [CELL:0002E9A3])Undeleting: [REFR:0002EA27] (places Middlewinerack05 [STAT:00010593] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of SkingradWestWealdInnCellar "Sinderion's Cellar" [CELL:0002E9A3])Undeleting: [REFR:0002EA23] (places Middlewinerack01 [STAT:0001057C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of SkingradWestWealdInnCellar "Sinderion's Cellar" [CELL:0002E9A3])Undeleting: [REFR:0002E9F8] (places interiorlight02r256 [LIGH:00000E2E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of SkingradWestWealdInnCellar "Sinderion's Cellar" [CELL:0002E9A3])Undeleting: [REFR:000664EC] (places Middlewinerack05 [STAT:00010593] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of SkingradWestWealdInnCellar "Sinderion's Cellar" [CELL:0002E9A3])Undeleting: [REFR:000664ED] (places Middlewinerack05 [STAT:00010593] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of SkingradWestWealdInnCellar "Sinderion's Cellar" [CELL:0002E9A3])Undeleting: [REFR:000235EC] (places MiddleTapestry04 [STAT:000237A2] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ChorrolHouseForSale "Arborwatch" [CELL:00000823])Undeleting: [REFR:0002B71A] (places UpperTapestry01 [STAT:0002374C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of SkingradHouseforSale "Rosethorn Hall" [CELL:00027D51])Undeleting: [REFR:00029FA1] (places UCBench02Fall "Bench" [FURN:0002F1DA] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of SkingradHouseforSale "Rosethorn Hall" [CELL:00027D51])[Undeleting and Disabling References done] Processed Records: 1568 Undeleted Records: 14 Elapsed Time: 00:00
Circular Leveled List found: SE14GSEscortList [LVLC:00079C90] -> SE14GSEscortList [LVLC:00079C90]
Circular Leveled List found: SE14GSEscortList [LVLC:00079C90] -> SE14GSEscortList [LVLC:00079C90]
Circular Leveled List found: SE14GSEscortList [LVLC:00079C90] -> SE14GSEscortList [LVLC:00079C90]