[RELZ] Cobl #14

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:36 am


I noticed that there is a missing porridge.nif in 1.71. Is this just a redundant reference in the esm? I noticed this while I was in the process of creating a BSA version for myself (which I've finally managed to do without any issues now)

thanks for a great mod :)
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Britta Gronkowski
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:13 pm


I noticed that there is a missing porridge.nif in 1.71.

I can confirm that is is missing from 1.71 archive has well, it is for Slaugtherfish Chowder. Ummm Yummy..

Checked older archives all the way back to 1.60 but could not find in that has well.

I cannot even find the folder that is looking for either which is \custom\porridge.nif

Can anyone else confirm this or now why it is missing?
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Olga Xx
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:54 am

I can confirm that is is missing from 1.71 archive has well, it is for Slaugtherfish Chowder. Ummm Yummy..

Checked older archives all the way back to 1.60 but could not find in that has well.

I cannot even find the folder that is looking for either which is \custom\porridge.nif

Can anyone else confirm this or now why it is missing?

Checked all the way back to v1.10 - nadda. I'd suppose this was part of Salmo's or Coleen's and was missing from the original. Meaning later versions of the mod might have the fix :) Added to the list.
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Sophie Payne
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:20 pm

in response to the lug position overlapping instances:

in the case of the chorrol FG overlap with the OOO chest, couldn't the lug fit the same format as cheydinhall MG chest and sit outside on the back porch?
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Elisha KIng
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:59 pm

Checked all the way back to v1.10 - nadda. I'd suppose this was part of Salmo's or Coleen's and was missing from the original. Meaning later versions of the mod might have the fix :) Added to the list.

thanks hamma,

I will get my stuff sent over to you today for sure.

in response to the lug position overlapping instances:

in the case of the chorrol FG overlap with the OOO chest, couldn't the lug fit the same format as cheydinhall MG chest and sit outside on the back porch?

Yea, I could have done that, but, then it would have had problems with Open Cities. So this is why is not moved outside mostly.

Let my try to explain the situation has I found some things and had will have to redo a couple of them.

Cobl glue.esp needs to load before OOO.esp.

Has OOO make pathgrid changes in worldspace cells. Cobl glue.esp make changes to some of these same cells that OOO does.

If cobl glue.esp is load after OOO.esp then you lose pathgrid changes that OOO makes, and cell placement of luggage is dominated by Cobl. So Cobl luggage overlap OOO chest.

If other way around cobl glue.esp is loading before OOO.esp then everything is fine in worldspace, but, it end up affecting cell placed objects. With OOO chest end up overlapping cobl luggage instead.

So what I did was just move the cobl chest so that they do not overlap anymore with any of OOO chest period to get around these issue.

The other solution is a Cobl Glue OOO.esp, but, it is more work than just moving the chest has needed.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:46 pm

thanks hamma,

I will get my stuff sent over to you today for sure.

Done with Luggage and OOO compatiblity Issue..

Luggage and Cobl Mage Alter Placement Fixes for Compatiblity with OOO for Cobl Glue..

OOO itself places chest throught many of mages and fighter's guild in Oblivion. Or other Objects, in some cells Cobl Luggage where overlapping with those or OOO was overlapping luggage depending on load order, or cobl luggage/mage's guild was interferring with OOO placed objects. or vice versa load order dependent.

The version of Cobl Glue fixes that by moving luggage to different location that would not interfer with OOO chest or OOO placed objects.

In some case it was has simple has moving the chest to left or right, or moving to a different location withing in same cell so that luggage could be found easier.


Chorrol Fighters Guild was a one of these location where both OOO and Cobl Luggage where overlapping. Moved chest to Left.

Cheydinhal Mage Guild - OOO places an glass display..cobl luggage was sitting right below this just did not look right in game. Moved luggage to right of this display case.

Bravil Mage Guild - Cobl Mage Altar was sitting right on top of chest that was placed by OOO. Moved Cobl Altar to left.

All Other cells have been checked has well and adjusted has needed. But the ones noted above where the ones that needed the most attention.

Other Fixes:

UOP checked against once again to make sure Fog Value where set correctly.

Sending to Hamma..

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liz barnes
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:21 am

Done with Luggage and OOO compatiblity Issue..

Sending to Hamma..


Thanks Corepc - it'll be included with the update (probably tomorrow or Friday). By the way, were you able to reproduce the Benaurus CTD Khettianna had?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:16 am

Thanks Corepc - it'll be included with the update (probably tomorrow or Friday).

Just a quick reminder that I think the current Cobl is carrying an older version of II, would you be able to bundle the latest version (0.76) up with Cobl as well?


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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:01 am

Yeah, it's placing the haunted and non-haunted ingredient storage, and the luggage. But those were there in the old version and worked fine, and removing those records didn't fix the crashing. Only setting the Near Fog back to 0, then removing "Identical to Master" records fixed it.

from last thread.

Thanks Corepc - it'll be included with the update (probably tomorrow or Friday). By the way, were you able to reproduce the Benaurus CTD Khettianna had?

Nope, but, I will add to my list of things to check tommorrow after work. Looks like the abandonedhouse.esp is dirty or it could be something script related and the door itself. Going to have to snoop around in cs editor and in game to make sure.

Just a quick reminder that I think the current Cobl is carrying an older version of II, would you be able to bundle the latest version (0.76) up with Cobl as well?



I could not agree more..
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Catherine Harte
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:59 pm

Nope, but, I will add to my list of things to check tommorrow after work. Looks like the abandonedhouse.esp is dirty or it could be something script related and the door itself. Going to have to snoop around in cs editor and in game to make sure.

Ahh - very good and thanks!
Just a quick reminder that I think the current Cobl is carrying an older version of II, would you be able to bundle the latest version (0.76) up with Cobl as well?



You'll be happy to know that I'm finally keeping COBL's list in a physical location (well, a file rather than my brain-meats). The file starts out with:
-Basics (every version)
--Update COBL Version in cobSigSe
--Check for new II
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:17 am

Ahh - very good and thanks!

You'll be happy to know that I'm finally keeping COBL's list in a physical location (well, a file rather than my brain-meats). The file starts out with:
-Basics (every version)
--Update COBL Version in cobSigSe
--Check for new II

Well, I think a couple of the last Cobl releases were followed within 24 hours by a new release of II, so I don't think anyone's to blame for Cobl often carrying "old" versions of II. You should be safe for a few weeks until I finish making my new wisps in any case.

Oh, and I'm almost forgetting, there were a bunch of new files added to II between 0.74 and 0.76, so the omod install script with Cobl won't cover these presently. You can use the II omod install script as a guide, or I could probably hack the Cobl script for you if you'd like.

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A Dardzz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:16 am

'Twas distracted by http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1041974 (I'm guessing a Rick Roll)
Well, I think a couple of the last Cobl releases were followed within 24 hours by a new release of II, so I don't think anyone's to blame for Cobl often carrying "old" versions of II. You should be safe for a few weeks until I finish making my new wisps in any case.

Oh, and I'm almost forgetting, there were a bunch of new files added to II between 0.74 and 0.76, so the omod install script with Cobl won't cover these presently. You can use the II omod install script as a guide, or I could probably hack the Cobl script for you if you'd like.


'egads - forgot that wasn't cut and paste :P I'll take care of it (got a good pace tonight :shocking: )
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:18 am

will the next version merge in the cosmetic resource or are you still keeping that seperate? The reason I ask is because merging them could allow for a BSA version (I personally prefer BSAs to loose data files)
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Elena Alina
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:13 pm

will the next version merge in the cosmetic resource or are you still keeping that seperate? The reason I ask is because merging them could allow for a BSA version (I personally prefer BSAs to loose data files)

Not everyone uses the cosmetic resource... and that package is very big.

Seeing as it is an optional addon, I would assume it's going to be kept as a seperate download.

Making your own BSA file is very, very easy... if you have a BSA file manager (I use OBMM for light weight BSA functions, and BSACommander for more serious stuff).

Just make a new folder on your desktop, call it something like Work... whatever.
Inside the Work folder, make a new folder called Data.
Inside the Data folder, unzip whatever resource files you want to put into your custom BSA file.
(install the resources into this Data folder as if you are installing them to the \Oblivion\Data\ folder)
Fire up your BSA file manager of choice, and direct it to look in your \Desktop\Work\Data\ folder.
Tell the BSA file manager to create a new BSA file, and include everything under under the \Desktop\Work\Data\ folder.
Save your new BSA file in your \Oblivion\Data\ folder.
Mission accomplished.
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Cassie Boyle
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:29 pm

ah yes good point, I forgot it was only related to Cobl races.

Already bsa'd my version of cobl with the cosmetics added - had to make a few alterations to it to get it to run properly though ;) (TES4Files comes in very handy for checking errors)
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Rik Douglas
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:09 pm

will the next version merge in the cosmetic resource or are you still keeping that seperate? The reason I ask is because merging them could allow for a BSA version (I personally prefer BSAs to loose data files)

I hope not! Not everyone wants those and I am not a big fan of BSAs anyway.
If I get them I use BSA commander to get the files and folders I need to make the sometimes needed adjustments.
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Danny Blight
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:46 am

It's nice that Cobl is getting along so well without me! :lol: (I was going to try to throw in some words of wisdom here, but it looks like what little I have to say will just be redundant. Still, some history comments might be useful.)

Missing Porridge, Slaugterfish: Those would be from Colleen's. Most likely the error goes all the way back to the first inclusion of Colleen's items. Oops. :( Coleen's was not really fully integrated because: 1) it includes an additional crafting component that I didn't have time to deal with, and 2) I just didn't have time. However, we have permission from Colleen (dating *way* back) to include that artwork (i.e. including the missing textures).

Someone was asking recently about making Coleen's mod dependant on Cobl (i.e. using Cobl items in place of the original versions in Coleen's). Again, we have permission, but I just didn't have time. Someone would have to take on that project. Again, the crafting elements were the main distraction since Cobl has a plan for crafting -- but never implemented it (and crafting is complicated).

Race Resources:
Yep, that should be kept as a separate download because of its size. Part of the reason for *not* BSAing it is that Bain clearly shows and handles conflicts for loose files -- but not for BSAs.

in the case of the chorrol FG overlap with the OOO chest, couldn't the lug fit the same format as cheydinhall MG chest and sit outside on the back porch?

Too late for such an edit I think -- people who are already using it in its current location would be confused when it suddenly went "missing".

Anyway, looks like CorePC is on the top of these issues. (Thanks CorePC!)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:29 am

I have found a few worldspace cells that where marked in cobl glue.esp that are not in used anymore or is just adding a small pathgrid change nothing else and some of these are conflicting with OOO pathgrid changes (load order dependent). Do you want me to clean those and resend or shoud this wait until next version..
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Kay O'Hara
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:43 am

I'm going to add another very minor bug, together with the porridge one. The misc item "Bristleback Leather" is using the MortFlesh.nif, but it has its own model in the archive, the clutter/Ingredients/ingredBoarLeather.nif. I think that file is misplaced because its a misc item, not an ingredient.
I actually noticed because I made a very expanded version of the Cobl tweaks.esp file, adding that item to boars, as well as many other things like adding the new meats to each animal, leveled lists changes similar to those in the original Tamrielic Ingredients mod, adding the unused leveled lists in Cobl (cobTiTombLoot, cobTiDagFood, etc...) to relevant vanilla leveled lists, creating new loot for spriggans with TI ingredients... the thing is, could the Cobl glue or Cobl tweaks be upgraded to do this, or best not to avoid possible conflicts with other mods?
If you were to upgrade these files to do that, I would offer you my own file for the purpose of comparing and upgrading, but I don't know if the changes I made are clean enough. And I may have made too many to expose here, looking the file in TES4Edit should be better to see what I did.
So, what do you think?
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Haley Cooper
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:08 am

I'm going to add another very minor bug, together with the porridge one. The misc item "Bristleback Leather" is using the MortFlesh.nif, but it has its own model in the archive, the clutter/Ingredients/ingredBoarLeather.nif. I think that file is misplaced because its a misc item, not an ingredient.

I actually noticed because I made a very expanded version of the Cobl tweaks.esp file, adding that item to boars, as well as many other things like adding the new meats to each animal, leveled lists changes similar to those in the original Tamrielic Ingredients mod, adding the unused leveled lists in Cobl (cobTiTombLoot, cobTiDagFood, etc...) to relevant vanilla leveled lists, creating new loot for spriggans with TI ingredients... the thing is, could the Cobl glue or Cobl tweaks be upgraded to do this, or best not to avoid possible conflicts with other mods?

Item Interchange should be considered a expanded Cobl Tweaks and cover most of this stuff that you may have already done..

you can send me the plugin I will take a look over it..and compare to Vacuity Item Interchange and see if there is difference..
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:42 am

Is there any way that the various ales added by COBL could include an inebriation effect? Edit: Thanks Miqck, trying that out now. Edit2: Didn't change anything. Morrowind beers still don't have inebriation effect. Is this because I'm running OOO?
Also, I love this mod. Everything about it, really. Fantastic work, thank you.
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Esther Fernandez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:28 am

Actually I thought of item Interchange, which I use and enjoy, but in the readme it says that it doesn't touch vanilla Oblivion content. It does touch vanilla leveled lists since it could do little without that, but after looking my file compared to II it seems to complement it to some point. Still, II probably does a better job for the most part. But if your interested, tell me where to send the file and take a look, maybe something useful in it turns up.

@Bodevanlot: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=23091 you go.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:24 pm

I have found a few worldspace cells that where marked in cobl glue.esp that are not in used anymore or is just adding a small pathgrid change nothing else and some of these are conflicting with OOO pathgrid changes (load order dependent). Do you want me to clean those and resend or shoud this wait until next version..

I'm going to try to get out the next version tomorrow night, but don't worry about it too much because I plan another release a few days afterwards (in particular, I'm probably going to skip the no-free-Meteoric stuff this version).
Go for it! (if there are only a handful and not 1000s :P)
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Samantha Mitchell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:43 am

Go for it! (if there are only a handful and not 1000s :P)

Just a handful not alot..should not take me long..


Doing this clean make the Worldspace changes clean with UOP/USIP/DLC/UMOP/ and OOO now has well no more pathgrid conflicts. One more Compatiblity Issue with OOO solved that if you had cobl glue.esp loading after OOO.esp that is would have caused..

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Catherine Harte
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:21 pm

Is there any way that the various ales added by COBL could include an inebriation effect? Edit: Thanks Miqck, trying that out now. Edit2: Didn't change anything. Morrowind beers still don't have inebriation effect. Is this because I'm running OOO?
Also, I love this mod. Everything about it, really. Fantastic work, thank you.

This probably ought to be handled much like Power Exhaustion is now:
1) A central inebriation function in Cobl which contains an inebriation level (a float), and which is responsible for managing inebriation effects as well as gradual sobering up.
2) A generic "magic" effect script attached to alcoholic drinks which increases the inebriation level. You could have a single script which increases inebriation according the the number of seconds the script is in effect (4 seconds leaves you twice as drunk as a 2 second effect). Or you could just have several variations of the script (10 proof, 20 proof, 40 proof, etc.) which instantly increase inebriation level. This would probably be better since identical applications of the same scripted effect can have strange results.

Some Issues:
1) Adding appropriate effects to drinks from Cobl, Vanilla and other mods. A consideration here is that for most drinks you need to remove an existing effect to add the inebriation effect. Keep in mind that not everyone likes inebriation effects, and so some folks would be annoyed at removing existing effects for the sake of an inebriation effect that they don't want anyway. Also, Cobl has a general policy of NOT modifying vanilla items -- it's part of Cobl's "Extend only" and "No Vision" policies. However, if there were a separate patch mod that only added inebriation effects. Or if there were a Bashed patch function which added such effects that would be okay.

2) Integration with mods that already do inebriation. Their inebriation effects would need to be overridden by Cobl. This would probably largely come down to replacing potion effects (as above).

3) Allowing user to specify and/or deactivate inebriation effects. Again, some folks don't like it, or would prefer a different effect. A Cobl option to deactivate inebriation (or reduce it) would be one option. Another possibility would be to allow the central inebriation script to be (carefully) overridden.
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