Hi, sorry, I've been focused on particle systems and animation so long I've been letting everything else slide.
Here's my take on the tweak file seperated as best as I can:
Creatures:Roast rat: unless I mis-remember, the roast rat "meat" is actually more of a pie/pastry, so putting it into the roast rat "container" is actually... kinda wierd! Look, there's a rat over a fire, and it's got... pies inside? Yep, just checked, it uses the mutton pastry nif (even comes on a shiny white plate...). Good for buying at a low-class restaurant, not quite what I'd expect to pull out of a rat though.
Horse meat, wolf meat, bear meat: all seems perfectly reasonable to me, I'd be good with this stuff going into the Cobl Tweaks file and adjusting the OOO and MMM Cobl patches to sort things out. Not sure about the Frans Cobl tweaks as I haven't seen Dewshine around for a while (but I haven't been too active here myself).
Bristleback Leather: Is this definitely appropriate for boars? I'm pretty much a lore philistine, so I'm honestly not sure if this is supposed to be associated with a particular creature?
Slaughterfish Fillet: Somewhere I thought this was another prepared foodstuff as well like the roast rat, but I seem to be mistaken. I'll probably be adding this to mod-added slaughterfish in future via II now I know it's a "fresh" ingredient, so I see no reason not to have it in Cobl tweaks as well?
Spriggan Loot: When did Cobl get a Spriggan Loot list? Did I miss this before? Damn, damn, damn. Seems good to me too. Again, this'll probably get implemented into II and the MMM Cobl patch in any case.
Leveled Lists:Vendor lists: There are two things to bear in mind here: firstly, Cobl already places new vendor chests in many of the vanilla vendors, ensuring that items are placed at (as Wrye said) location- or race-relevant vendors. Secondly, while II hasn't been updated for a while (my fault), Bash has and includes some nifty new functions that I *think* would allow me to break that sacrosanct rule of never editing a vendor's stock chest. I haven't tested this out but PacificMorrowind has assured me that this would work (indeed he was very careful to make
100% sure I was aware of this possibility, bless his heart), which means that II could (and thus probably will) make vendor specific adjustments in future adding in location- and race-relevant wares for sale at (selected) mod-added vendors. Making adjustments to the vendor lists means that items from specific locations are thus available everywhere. Again, things like the beers and books are already for sale at many vanilla vendors and will probably also be added more specifically via II in future to mod-added vendors.
Loot and general lists: To me and my tastes adding the stuff in here the way you have makes it essentially common, everyday stuff. If that's what you want then that's great, however it will have a pretty major effect on the "impact" of Cobl on the game world. Even Item Interchange's extensive tweaks won't make most of the Cobl material anywhere near as common as it will be this way. As I said, if that's how you want it, that's great (one player game and all), but I'm not particularly convinced these should go into the regular Cobl tweaks file.
Wrye/Haama, would you like me to update the Cobl Tweaks file with the animal meat, slaughterfish fillet and spriggan loot adjustments in the meantime? I can have it done in minutes. And I might spit out an II update at the same time if I'm already doing this. Maybe. No promises.
There was also an adjustment to the Bristleback leather model. It seems that the entry in Cobl main.esm is pointing to Clutter\ingredMortFlesh.NIF when it should be pointing to Clutter\Ingredients\ingredBoarLeather.NIF? Might be worth fixing that in Cobl main?
Migck, thanks for the file: it was very interesting to look over, and it's obvious I missed a couple of things somewhere, sometime, thanks for letting me see those.