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* by ThreeD
* by SvShu
This is both a RELZ and a WIPZ topic for Cobl (Common Oblivion). Cobl is essentially two things: 1) a shared library mod, and 2) a content mod that adds lots of little things (ingredients, beers, foods, alchemical sorters, and of course, The Luggage).
Cobl Races
Cobl has recently expanded to (optionally) include a moderate sized set of hairs, eyes and races. You'll find more info about this in the readme. For more discussion, see the
Direct Additions
If you're using Cobl by itself, here's some of what you'll find added to the world:
Alchemical Catalogs
By default, these catalogs list all vanilla Oblivion ingredients by name and by effect. However, if you use Wrye Bash, the Bashed Patch will automatically update them to list all ingredients from all active mods. You'll find the catalogs for sale in Cheydinhal.
Alchemical Sorters
Alchemical sorters are now available in all eight buyable Oblivion homes. No need to make an extra purchase -- each sorter is associated with one of the standard furnishing packages for each home (typically a storage or a dining room package).
Use the sorters to: put away your ingredients, or retrieve ingredients by name or by effect. By default, the sorter will handle all vanilla Oblivion ingredients. But if you have OBSE installed/active, the sorter will handle ALL ingredients from all mods.
The Luggage
The Luggage is a universal storage container that's available in most pre-existing sleep spots. You'll find it in Mage and Figther guild halls (if you've gained at least one rank); inns and taverns (if you've rented a bed); and in wilderness camps (if you've slept nearby in the last day or two). To get started with the luggage, visit the docks in Anvil and look for it.
Lore Ingredients and Books
Cobl includes the full set of ingredients and books from previous games. You'll find these in loot, alchemist shops and bookstores. (Note that if you're currently using Tamrielic Ingredients, you should remove that and use Cobl instead.)
Foods and Drinks
Cobl contains the foods from Tarnman's Salmo the Baker and beverages from Tarnsman's Beer. You'll find these in inns and taverns and scattered around the world. (Additional foods will be added later.)
Options Menu
Cobl provides an in-game options menu for configuring various aspects of gameplay. Here, you'll find command like "Time Scale" which allows you to set how quickly time passes in-game. You'll also find commands that allow you to configure how Cobl (and possibly other mods) act.
Support for Modders
While Cobl adds many items into the game, it is primarily designed as a support library for other mods. All of the features listed above can also be used by Cobl aware mods. Mods that use Cobl have more features, are more consistent with each other and are quicker to download. Here's a listing of what Cobl provides to users...
All of the Above
Alchemical sorters; The Luggage; lore ingredients and books; foods and drinks; options menu. All of these can be and are used by other mods. By using Cobl, modders avoid inventory doubling (e.g. two or more different versions of "Pearl Dust" in your inventory). Also mods benefit from upgrades in Cobl (e.g. mods that were using Cobl's alchmical sorter recently received an automatic upgrade due to the addition of the OBSE sorting mode).
Survival Suport
Cobl provides standard water wells that can be placed in villages. Survival mods can then re-define the script for these, thus automatically making all such wells work with their mods. Cobl also provides a "Dinner Plate" interface for accessing foods in the player's inventory. Survival mods can override some scripts related to this so that they will accept foods from all mods that are Cobl aware (plus of course the Cobl foods themselves).
Various Signals
Cobl defines a number of signals that mods can use to signal each other. Current signals include: cobNoPCNeeds (PC temporarily exempt from survival needs -- e.g. while PC is in afterlife or dream); cobSigCompNoFollow (Companions should not follow pc into next location); cobSigQuestMarkers (whether or not the user wants to see quest markers). Plus many more (see
Death Handling
Cobl provides a safe and conflict-free mechanism for intercepting the player's death, and then passing it on for a client mod to handle. Useful for mods tha provide an "afterlife" or "resurrection" ability to the player.
Beware of Finger Chomping Monkey God!
Wrye (main monkey god for Cobl) has a notoriously low tolerance for questions which could easily be answered by a) reading the readily available readme/manual, b ) reading back in the topic a little bit, c) doing a google search, and/or d) using your brain to put two and two together. He's also mostly retired (from modding) and thus even less patient than he was before. So, please, do a little research before asking your question. If Wrye in response to such a question, he later won't be available to help you if you have a more serious problem.