[RELZ] Cobl #14

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:34 am

Download: http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=3508 or http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21104 (TESNexus has the latest)
Readme: http://wrye.ufrealms.net/Cobl.html (http://wrye.ufrealms.net/Cobl.html#Versions)
Related: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes4Mod:Cobl/Mods
Modders Manual: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes4Mod:Cobl/Modding at UESP.
Previous Topic: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=991307
* http://www.ei-der-zeit.com/portal/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=854 by ThreeD
* http://tesall.ru/files/authors/svshu/?page=1#cobl by SvShu

This is both a RELZ and a WIPZ topic for Cobl (Common Oblivion). Cobl is essentially two things: 1) a shared library mod, and 2) a content mod that adds lots of little things (ingredients, beers, foods, alchemical sorters, and of course, The Luggage).

Cobl Races
Cobl has recently expanded to (optionally) include a moderate sized set of hairs, eyes and races. You'll find more info about this in the readme. For more discussion, see the http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=919329

Direct Additions
If you're using Cobl by itself, here's some of what you'll find added to the world:

Alchemical Catalogs
By default, these catalogs list all vanilla Oblivion ingredients by name and by effect. However, if you use Wrye Bash, the Bashed Patch will automatically update them to list all ingredients from all active mods. You'll find the catalogs for sale in Cheydinhal.

Screenshot: http://wrye.ufrealms.net/images/Cobl_Catalogs_01.jpg

Alchemical Sorters
Alchemical sorters are now available in all eight buyable Oblivion homes. No need to make an extra purchase -- each sorter is associated with one of the standard furnishing packages for each home (typically a storage or a dining room package).

Use the sorters to: put away your ingredients, or retrieve ingredients by name or by effect. By default, the sorter will handle all vanilla Oblivion ingredients. But if you have OBSE installed/active, the sorter will handle ALL ingredients from all mods.


The Luggage
The Luggage is a universal storage container that's available in most pre-existing sleep spots. You'll find it in Mage and Figther guild halls (if you've gained at least one rank); inns and taverns (if you've rented a bed); and in wilderness camps (if you've slept nearby in the last day or two). To get started with the luggage, visit the docks in Anvil and look for it.

Screenshot: http://wrye.ufrealms.net/images/Luggage_01.jpg

Lore Ingredients and Books
Cobl includes the full set of ingredients and books from previous games. You'll find these in loot, alchemist shops and bookstores. (Note that if you're currently using Tamrielic Ingredients, you should remove that and use Cobl instead.)

Foods and Drinks
Cobl contains the foods from Tarnman's Salmo the Baker and beverages from Tarnsman's Beer. You'll find these in inns and taverns and scattered around the world. (Additional foods will be added later.)

Screenshot: http://wrye.ufrealms.net/images/Oblivion%20beer%20bottles_CS.jpg, http://wrye.ufrealms.net/images/Bakery%20Shelves2.jpg

Options Menu
Cobl provides an in-game options menu for configuring various aspects of gameplay. Here, you'll find command like "Time Scale" which allows you to set how quickly time passes in-game. You'll also find commands that allow you to configure how Cobl (and possibly other mods) act.

Screenshot: http://wrye.ufrealms.net/images/Cobl_Options_01.jpg

Support for Modders
While Cobl adds many items into the game, it is primarily designed as a support library for other mods. All of the features listed above can also be used by Cobl aware mods. Mods that use Cobl have more features, are more consistent with each other and are quicker to download. Here's a listing of what Cobl provides to users...

All of the Above
Alchemical sorters; The Luggage; lore ingredients and books; foods and drinks; options menu. All of these can be and are used by other mods. By using Cobl, modders avoid inventory doubling (e.g. two or more different versions of "Pearl Dust" in your inventory). Also mods benefit from upgrades in Cobl (e.g. mods that were using Cobl's alchmical sorter recently received an automatic upgrade due to the addition of the OBSE sorting mode).

Survival Suport
Cobl provides standard water wells that can be placed in villages. Survival mods can then re-define the script for these, thus automatically making all such wells work with their mods. Cobl also provides a "Dinner Plate" interface for accessing foods in the player's inventory. Survival mods can override some scripts related to this so that they will accept foods from all mods that are Cobl aware (plus of course the Cobl foods themselves).

Various Signals
Cobl defines a number of signals that mods can use to signal each other. Current signals include: cobNoPCNeeds (PC temporarily exempt from survival needs -- e.g. while PC is in afterlife or dream); cobSigCompNoFollow (Companions should not follow pc into next location); cobSigQuestMarkers (whether or not the user wants to see quest markers). Plus many more (see http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes4Mod:Cobl/Modders/Signals.)

Death Handling
Cobl provides a safe and conflict-free mechanism for intercepting the player's death, and then passing it on for a client mod to handle. Useful for mods tha provide an "afterlife" or "resurrection" ability to the player.

Screenshot: http://wrye.ufrealms.net/Wrye%20Shivering%20Death.html

Beware of Finger Chomping Monkey God!
Wrye (main monkey god for Cobl) has a notoriously low tolerance for questions which could easily be answered by a) reading the readily available readme/manual, b ) reading back in the topic a little bit, c) doing a google search, and/or d) using your brain to put two and two together. He's also mostly retired (from modding) and thus even less patient than he was before. So, please, do a little research before asking your question. If Wrye http://www.uesp.net/wiki/User:Wrye#Warning in response to such a question, he later won't be available to help you if you have a more serious problem.
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jason worrell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:38 am

I'm pretty much retired, so I'm going to offer off the cuff answers which may well be wrong. (Right answers tend to take a lot of time, which I have less these days.) So, keep that caveat in mind...

After some more tweaking it looks like it's some kind of interplay between my modified copy of MMM and the MMM-COBL compatibility patch as running it without the compatibility patch fixes that particular error, guess I'll have to redownload MMM -_- (do you have any idea how long it takes to d/lthese mega mods on a 128kb line? - argh!)

My suspicion is that the problem arises from your having modified MMM. If it's a minor edit with no new formids, not changing any scripts, etc. that might be okay. But if you added new formids, that might indeed result in a formid conflict. If there were a general problem with MMM and Cobl, I think that we would be getting many complaints.

*offers banana, and pie and punch for the non-Monkeys*

Team, I has a bone to pick!

Ever since this last update, my game CTDs on cell load when entering Benirus Manor if Cobl Glue.esp and any version of my Better Benirus Manor is active. It is repeatable and predictable regardless of load order and with those as the only two active mods. So I did some snooping, and I found http://kit.rirnef.net/Images/Khettienna/EVIL%20RECORD.jpg.

Note the big mean red lines, and how there is a record in Cobl Glue.esp that changes the Fog Near setting in the AnvilBenirusManorHaunted cell. That there record is EVIL. I know, because I vanquished it, and the crashing stopped.

Now, I love you guys, but I have to scold you on this. The edit is a bit out of the scope of Cobl Glue, don't you think? And I think the Monkey is very particular about scope. If you are going to adjust cell lighting, it would be nice to have this optional, in a separate .esp, or at least documented somewhere. And if it's just a boo-boo, please fix it?

And if I'm wrong about the entire thing, remember I gave you bananas.
*hides fingers*

The fog fix is there to prevent the black screen bug which will cause the screen to go black (on some video cards) if all fog values are set to zero. The standard is that mods should not include cells in which all fog is set to zero. So this is something you should probably fix in your mod.

That said, a minor change in fog settings will not cause a CTD. As CorePC mentioned, the bug is probably due to a conflict between something in the cell rather than the cell itself. Maybe a deletion of a permanent ref? (My memory is now getting a little blurry on common CTD causes. Anyway, expanding cell contents would likely shed some light.

Is there still discussion going on about coblizing Coleen's Farmer's Market as was noted here?

I add my vote, though it may be too late. :) Is there anything I could possibly do to help to get it rolling forward? I have no idea how much of it has been started or how it will interact with the original mod. If the foods are COBLized, with the entire mod be rewritten (if permissable) to use the new foods that will be newly added into COBL? That's a lot of newly added new foods. ;)

A lot of the foods from FM are actually included in Cobl. I would be possible to modify FM to be Cobl based, but it would require a bit of work and the crafting/cooking aspects of it would need to be discarded since Cobl does not support cooking (we put together a plan to support it at one point, but I didn't (and won't) have enough time to do it).

I think that Coblized FM mod could be constructed now, and AFAIK would not require any changes to Cobl (since Cobl already includes the foods). So, it's a task that someone else might take on (with permission from Coleen first, of course).
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Stephanie Valentine
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:34 pm

Ayleid Clutter Credits: We're usually very good about including authorial credits in Cobl docs, but we dropped the ball somewhat on the inclusion of Ayleid Clutter. Here's a bit more detail:
As an aside, while I'm flattered that the ayleid clutter is being referred to as "mine", the original meshes and tectures were made by Meo and released as a modders' resource. I pyffied the meshes, and designed a more lore-friendly (I hope) system of names and values. So the visual design and meshes are not mine. Kudos has to be given to Meo for her/his original work and I also drew from Cryptic_Rain's alternate take on Meo's resource. It gets confusing when you're talking about a remake of a remake, I guess.

So in short:
* Meshes and original textures by Meo
* Retextures, rename and integration-prep by Vacuity (with some texture inspiration from Cryptic_Rain)

Usually we list the Authors in the http://wrye.ufrealms.net/Cobl.html#CoblTeam banner (with explanation such as above), and then give a longer description in the body of the document. I'm sorry that we missed that this time around (my fault -- I should have passed that checklist item onto Haama before my departure).

Oops, actually he is listed in the banner (sorry Haama, I should have noticed that). Hmm. probably should be
* Meo (Ayleid Clutter)  * Vacuity (Retexures, Lore Names)

Might need a "special credits" section to deal with inspiration credits like those to cryptic_rain.
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Josh Dagreat
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:18 am

Welcome back Wrye, your mods are always my prefered tools for oblivion.
Just a quick question since I'm playing now an alchemy expert character:
Is there a possibility to add buyable "Alchemy sorters", not only retrieving them after buying a whole official house?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:07 am

Well I wouldn't say that I'm "back", just briefly visiting, doing barest maintenance. Also, I definitely don't regard Cobl as "my mod" -- rather I and Haama are the integration guys for work by a lot of dedicated and talented modders. Please see http://wrye.ufrealms.net/Cobl.html#CoblTeam

Portable Sorter: Aside from Tekurmoto's (below), I recall there was another one or two portable versions in various mods. Can't recall much. (I recall something about a goblin on a column that you could summon and would act as an alchemical sorter.)
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Tiffany Carter
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:11 am

Is there a possibility to add buyable "Alchemy sorters", not only retrieving them after buying a whole official house?

http://bit.ly/PSRelz. I know it's not really what you are after, but they're useful nonetheless.
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Mrs shelly Sugarplum
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:56 am

Wrye you may want to add me back to TEAM Banner, under Misc since I do fixes every once in while to COBL Glue.

From Last thread COBL Glue.esp development and placement of COBL Chest.

Oh ya sorry about that its in Chorrols Fighters Guild second floor i hope that helps :P

Just so that everyone understand what is posted below. This is pic to show the problem between COBL Chest and OOO chest.

Placed Object Collisions:

If you try to place items out of the way in standard locations, you'll find that there's very little open space -- hence there's a good chance that different mods will overlap to one degree or another. (While the floors may look fairly open, you also want to avoid pathgrids -- that's the thing that cuts so severely into free space.) A good example is the Mages Guild in Bravil -- where a Mages Altar and an OOO Chest are stuck in exactly the same space so that the altar sticks directly out of the top of the chest -- not very physically realistic.

I would say that if such problems are to be resolved, they should not be resolved in such a way that one chest completely obscures the other. Either move them so that they no longer conflict or just live a mild overlap. (Besides, it's the luggage -- it probably just ate part of that other chest. :))

Thanks for responding. and welcome back..

I will see if I can't find a spot for cobl version for them without them interfering with OOO chest / pathgrids, doors, and other objects.

My whole reasoning behind overlapping chest. From a player view is Since well OOO chest and Cobl Chest both are empty and used to store stuff. 2 chest are great, but take away from the whole OOO exprience to me. While having one chest would stick to more OOO settings.

Ahh, gotcha. Didn't know that OOO added chests just for storing stuff. Still, could be a bit of a problem if someone stored stuff in the OOO chest then added Cobl/activated the luggage, and then couldn't access the OOO chest because it was now covered. Granted that could be resolved in a couple of ways (e.g. temporarily turn off luggage in +Options menu), but the player would have to know about that.

Yes OOO added free chest has well to most of the guild's.

True did not think about that, if item where stored in OOO chest and cobl version was overlapping, they could not access the ooo version.

But once again, they can temporaily turn off luggage, get items from OOO chest, and then turn luggae back on and replace items back in cobl chest. So that is already solved and could be explained how to do for players in case it happens, Which I fear would end up happening "now I can't access my OOO chest with all my items in it what do I do? happend after I installed Cobl? I want my OOO chest back, simple move cobl glue.esp above OOO.esp..or disable Cobl Chest.

I am going to finish up COBL Glue.eps luggage changes if no one minds. and make it overlap those in OOO with Ones from COBL. If player needs items from OOO chest then they can either disable luggage or move coblglue.esp up above OOO.esp to get ooo chest back, grab items, save and exit, and and then move cobl glue.esp back after words and replace their items into cobl chest.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:41 am

CorePC: I'll abstain from voting since I can live with it either way. If you don't get any unresolvable objections, then go for it.

And yep, I'll get you in the credits banner. :) Thanks for your help!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:43 am

Portable Sorter: Aside from Tekurmoto's (below), I recall there was another one or two portable versions in various mods. Can't recall much. (I recall something about a goblin on a column that you could summon and would act as an alchemical sorter.)

http://bit.ly/PSRelz. I know it's not really what you are after, but they're useful nonetheless.

Thanks very much for the help.
I just noticed that sometimes we get some potions called "No Name" with no effect, but I presume this is due to OBSE if you are too fast at making potions it happen that you get one more potion with only one ingredient.

There is no new thread for Wrye Bash, I post here:
I noticed that tweak settings:
- Essential NPC Unconsciousness
- Repair Cost multipliers
are not working properly in the the last Wrye Bash version.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:44 am

CorePC: I'll abstain from voting since I can live with it either way. If you don't get any unresolvable objections, then go for it.

And yep, I'll get you in the credits banner. :) Thanks for your help!

Look into the COBL Luggage and OOO chest placement and there is only that one spot that was conflicting with each other.

I checked all the other cells locations.

There are a few spots that I cannot overlap the chest because the OOO chest are much different or have notes sitting on them.

There a a few cell location that cobl chest are in totally different cells than OOO chest so will not move those. So in some cells there will be both cobl and OOO chest.

Also going to clean up and remove any marked cells that are not needed and do anymore UOP fixes has well if needed. Think I already got most of them, but will double check has well.

Also how come Cheydinhal mage guild did not have any mage luggage, so I went ahead and added that one. Will the global script need to updated for this one has well. ?

There is no new thread for Wrye Bash, I post here:

Wrye is retired once again, PacificMorrowind is handling Wrye Bash now..Current thread can be found here.


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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:50 am

Also how come Cheydinhal mage guild did not have any mage luggage, so I went ahead and added that one. Will the global script need to updated for this one has well. ?

It does! It's placed on the doorstep as I recall.

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emma sweeney
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:35 am

It does! It's placed on the doorstep as I recall.


Seemed I was looking in wrong place for it, it is placed outside? Does anybody know the reason why it is placed outside ?
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Svenja Hedrich
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:35 pm

Seemed I was looking in wrong place for it, it is placed outside? Does anybody know the reason why it is placed outside ?

If I remember correctly, (and I make no promises about this!) the problem was that suitable space was exceedingly limited inside the Mages' Guild and there were already mods vying for use of this space even when Cobl was made. By comparison the doorstep apppears to be and to remain conflict free. I think it was therefore a trade off: minor unusualess in exchange for avoiding guaranteed conflicts. The space inside that guild really is very limited.

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Sabrina Steige
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:15 am

Just a humble suggestion: might it be possible to add a disenchant function to the mage's altars? That way they would really be a one-stop enchanting station.
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Jade Barnes-Mackey
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:18 pm

Seemed I was looking in wrong place for it, it is placed outside? Does anybody know the reason why it is placed outside ?

The Luggage wanted a bit of a change. You'll also find it outside in the Arcane University, where it likes to glower hungrily at the lecturers just for the fun of it.

Disenchant: Shouldn't say stuff like that. Gets me thinking about Wow again (which I'm trying to take a break from). Anyway, I'll leave that up to Haama. (Remember that when you enchant something, you actually create a totally new record -- hence removing the enchantment doesn't give you the original object back. Anyway, disenchant would require a lot of OBSE stuff -- current spellmaking/enchanting is in contrast a trivial 4 line vanilla script. (Well, at least the onactivat part is about four lines.)

Bash Stuff: Be sure to post on the bash relz topic. I or PacificMorrowind will take care of it when one of us has a chance.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:07 am

Sorry for the absence - more computer troubles. I'm now on the third "backup" computer :brokencomputer: Anyway, let me tink around with this computer and get Oblivion on here (hopefully), catch up with the past few weeks of posts... and whip up a release :)
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Sierra Ritsuka
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:13 am

Script cobLugFirstOS isn't compilable, as there is one endif to much near the end of the script.
Found that while translating version 1.71.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:40 am

Script cobLugFirstOS isn't compilable, as there is one endif to much near the end of the script.

Yep, I see it has well..

Line 69 or 71..one too many endif..

Perhaps that explain why some of the luggage is not working right..
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:40 am

Catching up... Wrye's got most of the stuff answered (thanks Wrye, hopefully I'll be back in more of a full-swing now), but to fill in some gaps:
Tekuromoto, you said you have an .http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?s=&showtopic=991307&view=findpost&p=14896930(fix) for the Filter file, and a http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?s=&showtopic=991307&view=findpost&p=14934796fix.

For the .esp, could you send it to me at haama341@hotmail.com. For the latter, have you tried it in game and does it seem to take care of the problem? see below. (Your other script fixes have already been added to the next version :))
Exhaustion message seems backwards - displays your Exhaustion limit (so 0/100 means you can safely cast another Power) rather than Recharge (100/100 when recharged). I'll take a look as well - maybe it should be flipped, or the Readme should be altered so it's obvious this is an Exhaustion limit?
Fog distance in various cells - these were added so COBL doesn't conflict with the Unofficial Patch. So, speaking of which, do you get the same crash with UoP? If not, I'd suspect something else in the cell too.
... hmm... what's this Chandelier fix?
Downloading the mod and will take a look...
OK, so there's not much COBL adds there - just the Fog bit, a Luggage container and the Alchemy Sorter shelves. Can't tell if any of it overlaps (still need to set up Oblivion and CS for this computer), but the only conflict (of any sort) is the lighting, and as I said above UoP's got the same setting.
Just a humble suggestion: might it be possible to add a disenchant function to the mage's altars? That way they would really be a one-stop enchanting station.

Do you mean to disenchant and give it another enchantment? Otherwise, Wrye is spot on - there's nothing in the game engine linking it to the original item and, while we can disenchant it, we can't make it stack with the original item (or make it appear the same to scripts).
Script cobLugFirstOS isn't compilable, as there is one endif to much near the end of the script.
Found that while translating version 1.71.

Best regards,

Good catch, removing...
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Nina Mccormick
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:24 pm

Just a humble suggestion: might it be possible to add a disenchant function to the mage's altars? That way they would really be a one-stop enchanting station.

Do you mean to disenchant and give it another enchantment? Otherwise, Wrye is spot on - there's nothing in the game engine linking it to the original item and no way to "restore" it to its original form.

Not really... there is more than one mod that does disenchanting (including http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21456).
An enchanted item is made of 2 formIDs, 'base item' and enchantment. when removing an enchantment from a custom made item you get a clone of the mundane original back (which is just as good).
If you disenchant a game-made item, you can't get back it's mundane original, but you do get an unenchanted equivalent with similar or identical properties.
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Melissa De Thomasis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:49 am

One thing I forgot - CorePC, sounds good, let me know when you've got it put together and I'll add it in to the next release.

(LazyMonk - :rolleyes: add Wrye's post so there's a sense of what I meant. Otherwise, yeah... I wasn't very clear there so I've changed it.)
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Melissa De Thomasis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:55 am

One thing I forgot - CorePC, sounds good, let me know when you've got it put together and I'll add it in to the next release.

Thought you had forget about me..LOL..

I just need to do some more UOP/USIP/OOO tes4edit cell checking and it should be ready to me to send to you.
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helen buchan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:38 am

Not really... there is more than one mod that does disenchanting (including http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21456).
An enchanted item is made of 2 formIDs, 'base item' and enchantment. when removing an enchantment from a custom made item you get a clone of the mundane original back (which is just as good).
If you disenchant a game-made item, you can't get back it's mundane original, but you do get an unenchanted equivalent with similar or identical properties.

In my opinion a clone of the original mundane item would be fine. The idea is only to be able to re-enchant that cool sword you found with a better/different enchantment if you want to.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:31 pm

In my opinion a clone of the original mundane item would be fine. The idea is only to be able to re-enchant that cool sword you found with a better/different enchantment if you want to.

Ah, OK - let me see if I can streamline it a bit further, say, a "Show All" button in the enchant menu (I don't quite remember the layout, and have been having a bit of a problem getting Oblivion to run).
re: Fizzle (@Tekuromoto)
That code leads us back to the original problem, though - the player can spam powers if they're not careful (and the spell lasts a while). The spell needs to switch off the power (and back to the default spell) as soon as possible.

Let me take a look at how often Fizzle polls - if it's just a few frames (and within Cast time) I could add a countdown and the spell-switch won't be a problem. Otherwise, I might add a check for Fizzle and try to manipulate it (or, since Fizzle requires OBSE, prevent you from casting until you switch spells or something similar if you have Fizzle.)

(Err... could someone remind me where Power Exhaustion is set up now? Not in main, glue, or tweaks, and the file on ufrealms is from 2007, long before the code was added to COBL).
Time Frame for Release:
Shooting for early next week - still setting up this computer...

So, I'm on a third or so backup computer now. This one had Oblivion on it, on its D drive. I currently have its original C: drive and the C: drive from my new computer set up as the D: drive. It has Oblivion on it (of course :P), so I was able to start up Oblvion without a problem :celebration: So I finally bother to load a savegame tonight, and it gets about half-way before CTDing. OK, I had DarN's on the new computer but not the old, so I uninstall DarN's - now it CTDs when I try to load a game (doesn't even get to the Yes/No menu for loading the game). So I make sure the font defaults are set back - no good. Delete the .ini file (because it's a common bane) - now Oblivion doesn't get past the black box :brokencomputer: Once I get this figured out, the testing should be quick ('ell, it's already been done by others).
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stephanie eastwood
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:14 pm

Ah, OK - let me see if I can streamline it a bit further, say, a "Show All" button in the enchant menu (I don't quite remember the layout, and have been having a bit of a problem getting Oblivion to run).

Actually that's even better than what I had in mind. I guess you don't need to strip an enchantment when you can just enchant over it ;)
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