Now, when you re associate a file, you are not stopping Winamp, or any other program from playing that media.
Besides, how many media files out there use ogg extentions? None that I have ever used.
MP3 files have to be associated with Windows Media Player, has been since the days of Morrowind, and that has a bigger impact than the obscure ogg files. And, it never stopped people from using Winamp to play their MP3s
Oh wow. I'm so sorry to say this, but you are either very well misinformed or just don't understand.
No program requires you change any file association with any file in order for that program to use it. In the case of audio files, a typical program takes these steps in order to play a file:
Load a tangible/usable interface to handle the file. Usually you see the program itself use a built in decoder. Winamp has several built in local decoders for this job, which in no way affect Windows. If they do no have it then in the case of OGG, that would normally be a local vorbis dll. Vorbis does not come with windows, and is supported through local (meaning immediate location of the program) and directshow support. Again for this Winamp and other programs like Foobar2000 have localized support for this natively, they in no way affect windows or programs outside of their jurisdiction. As for MP3 in windows, the same applies as it would for OGG. In most cases they use local decoder, but since the use of MP3s means using proprietary content (encoding and decoding MP3s is a copyrighted process), they either use Windows' local decoder (in system32) or take their hands off of it completely and use DirectShow filters.
When it comes down to a DirectShow filter, the filter used is controlled by a priority list of filters Windows has access to through the system registry. That list you see in InstalledCodec just so happens to be that list. The codecs or filters shown on that list each have their own individual settings that let Window's know what formats they support and have control on if they are activated for use.
There is not one part of this step where a 3rd party program is ever loaded or referenced for the use of the audio format. Windows never loads a program to query whether or not the file can use it. You can go ahead and remove WMP completely and the system runs fine, because the program and windows itself never talks to the program at any one point in the process. You can see the process completely like someone said before. Using a Microsoft tool called Process Explorer, you can see that there is not one point where a program that is associated with the file is queried or loaded, only associated directshow filters and the local vorbis dll.
It then buffers the audio file into memory for the decoder/filter, outputs it through said decoder/filter, then it outputs the audio to the sound controller. This last bit is controlled almost exclusively on the decoder/filter, and is now outside the hands of the main program.
I've programed in this many times. Not in one instance of that routine does the file ever get opened by some 3rd party program in order to run. DirectShow, is merely just an platform through which developers can create filters for audio/video for a wide variety of standards without the use of drivers and programs that could hamper the use of the OS. Problems for my programs that use DirectShow have problems stemming from filters on Directshow only.
I do not know where the heck you got the idea that this has been a problem since Morrowind. If I'm not mistaken, many of those problems came from directshow filters that came with whatever pack or program they were using at the time. If Winamp happened to be the case, it was never down to the use of Winamp, but whatever crappy filter the user decided to install that does not come with vanilla Winamp in a local filter/decoder. Your also suggesting that no one uses OGG. And that is where I draw the line at your understanding. I won't even go into an argument over that, but my god you sound as though you only just got the information a few days before suggesting help to people. To change association to files for a game that has no right to do so on a user's system is just asking for trouble.