I think it sounds very interesting! I'm curious though, what's your stance on Feral Ghouls?
Oh, and could you tell us more about your sheriff. Like his name, affiliations etc.
I haven't run into feral ghouls yet (I've finished Primm today), but it's an interesting question. Sincerely, I haven't thought about it (yet), but I guess I'll try the same as with humans, assuming that they were also human beings once.
My protagonist's name is Gregory Baxter, his visual apperance is on purpose not anything special: middle-aged balding guy with ginger hair, green eyes and gunslinger moustache.

I only set his height (scale) a lot higher.
I'll write his backstory, but it's a long reading, so I'll put in spoilers so those that aren't interested don't need to read it all:
Spoiler He was a courier already once he was very young and delivered few items here and there...I'm writing such beginning to justify the game ending, let's say. Then he got married, got a son and settled down. He's a doctor by primary profession and was working as such in a small town (I didn't give it a name) on a border of the NCR territory. The area was overrun with raiders, so he eventually stopped being a doctor (he got an assistant which showed to be capable enough) and became sheriff's deputy. As years passed, he realized that due to sheriff's laziness and strict law-obeying many criminals weren't convicted of their crimes and the rich ones were not accused of crimes at all, because sheriff was afraid to them. With help of local citizens he overthrew the sheriff and assumed the new position. Many known criminals were brought to justice in a few days and the most dangerous of them were sentenced to death - actually death in a duel. Baxter gave everyone a chance to defeat himself the best as they could. As time passed, criminal rate in the region declined and Baxter became a fearsome sheriff. After about ten years, NCR expanded their territory and sent their soldiers to protect the town, so Baxter's not completely law-obedient actions were found out. He was betryed by some influential town citizens that had their own interest with the region and thought that sheriff that sees and hears everything was in their way. He was stripped of his rank and forced to left the town, leaving his family behind, eventually becoming bounty hunter for a few years until he heard of a bounty hunter position in Mojave (Mod - NV Bounties). He decided to travel there, accepting a courier job in between.You can conclude the story from the rest of here...
Affiliations:none so far, will probably stick with the NCR because despite they removed him from his sheriff position, he doesn't see them as bad as he'll see the Legion, House (he's not into fancy hotel suites

), neither he'll be interested in ruling independent Vegas.
Tags: Guns, Medicine, Survival
I'm not exactly sure about SPECIAL, I'm not at home now, but I think it's like that
S 7
P 6 (however using a hat - so it's actually 7 almost always)
E 7
C 4
I 4
A 9 (was 8 originally, but I used intense training) - agility is high because I wanted high Guns at the beginning already
L 4