Well in a few quests anyways. Nothing really of significance though considering only like 15 septims was required.
In the slummy areas of Chorrol or Anvil I expected more beggars there. Slums in cities should be almost a haven for beggars, maybe people will like you more if they see you giving coins to beggars?
Nothing major?
Only 15 septiums?
While you just run out tamrial in your young body able to kill off rats for the fighters guild to get money, my brokens and legs forces me to life on the water front, BEGGING FOR BREAD. You think its oh so nice, but NO we are SUFFERING, and ever since the last Emperor died, the Imperial Guard has taxed us for LIVING and treated us like scum, and I can't get back to work because I can't afford a doctor. We have to depend on a group of THIEVES TO LIVE. Of course everyone scremes "THEY STEAL, THEY DESERVE TO BE POOR" but NO we use the thieves BECAUSE NO ONE ELSE HELPS US.
So if it's "only like 15 septims", why don't you just drop off those 15 septims at the water front every day for us.