everyone that thinks C3 is f#ching awesome might never played or played seriously C2?i just wanna say what would these guys have been saying if they played some matches on C2???"full of hackers","invisibility last too long".so,you would say that game is crap!i made 120k kills in 9 months,daily improoving my style and becoming better and better!i made it!but you-who probably would have quited-say game "rocks" now cause you can make a good game only by firing your weapon(not using suit powers)!you do that cause players have very limited cloak time,no nano recharge,weak armor!thats not crysis!its like a mainstream FPS(big maps->bf,gameplay and graphics->cod)...all you need is to use your weapon good and not bad connection,nanosuit powers are weak,almost dont play a serious role to win the game!so what do you say about this???