I was working over the last beta weekend so I didn't get as much time to spend playing ESO as I'd hoped but, overall, it was good experience. There were still a few bugs but the game is in Beta for the purpose of finding and fixing those bugs so I'm hardly going to complain about that. However, as a confirmed alt-aholic, I have to say I was disappointed with the Cold Harbor tutorial.
Starting out as a prisoner escaping/ being released from a prison is a tradition in Elder Scrolls games and it was used with good effect in Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim to guide you through character creation and learning the basics of gameplay. But playing through Cold Harbor a few times over the weekend as I tried out the different alliances and classes and I have to say that ESO didn't really do a good job. I imagine it's setting up the back story for the world raid encounters coming later on but I think those plot points could have been covered in a minute long cut scene.
The areas were overly large for the amount of actual game play explanation that was passed on. Do people really need to practice running for a couple of minutes just to grab a weapon from a rack? I did a quick run through once, ignoring the loot items and clicking through the dialogue as fast as I could and it still took over 15 minutes to get through it. It's almost like someone in management had insisted they had to have a 30 minute tutorial to prepare people for the game and the only way the guys who actually built Cold Harbor could stretch it out was by making the areas larger so you'd use up time running from place to place.
In terms of story line, Lyria's sacrifice to free the Prophet was noble and all but seriously, I'd met the woman five minutes earlier, she'd helped out in a couple of fights I could have easily won myself and passed on a couple of plot points. I had absolutely no emotional investment in the character so this noble sacrifice added about as much to the experience as seeing a red shirt die in a Star Trek film. She could have easily been replaced by another couple of visits from the Prophet in his blue glowie form. Maybe the idea is you'll go back to rescue Lyria in some end game raid but by then you'll be asking yourself "Lyria who?"
Lastly there's the loot chests and the instancing from having a mega-server. Quite aside from the game story telling you, "Rush, rush we have to get out of here before we're trapped forever." then plopping a few dozen loot chests that you have to search through (because if you don't get at least one racial style book you can't craft armor or weapons) the way they've been implemented is that it's random chance whether they'll have already been picked clean or untouched, depending on whether you entered the room just as the mega-server's population had fluxuated enough to put you into a new instance or into one that had already been running for hours.
Overall I'd say that they need to seriously re-think whether they even need Cold Harbor. At the very least they should have an option to skip it once you'd played through it with at least one character.