Student: Fellow magister this teacher is boring! All he talks about is dwemer and aylieds.
Mage Scholar: I know just the thing to liven up the lecture.
Student: What do you suggest?
Mage Scholar: This little spell called Stark Reality.
Student: What does it do?
Mage Scholar: You'll find out :biggrin:. By the way do you have some Cyrodiilic Brandy?
All that said, I do hope Winterhold has a truly Massive Library. As to spells and training. . . well, there were trainers and spell sellers/teachers at The Arcane University and at all the guilds. And there were alters of spellmaking.
My real hope is that
A. The Mages in The guild will be more respectful towards you as you advance, particularly if you have also developed strong skills in one or more of the schools of magic. :foodndrink: :whisper: :hugs:
B ) That there is evidence of their lore on campus. Daedra like at the conjourers guild, and means for long term summoning them etc. :grad:

C) A significant amount of items, tomes and lore not commonly found in other towns and cities in the game. :read: :deal: :read: :grad: