-I would love to see a greater variation of secondary stats on weapon within the same type of weapon, so say longsword A has a higher attack speed then longsword B, but longsword B has a greater chance to knock back then longsword C etc, instead of it being Oblivion style with all longswords have X speed and all Axes have Y speed etc
- I would also love to see enchanted weapons and armour follow the same line, having magic effects that affected a gears own stats, like a chainmail with a enchantment to make it lighter then normal, or a axe with a greater knockback. Not just make weapons and armour medias for the same magic you cast.
-I would love to see blocking act as a way to prevent catching diseases from melee attacks, however the protection should not be to great, nerfing diseases, so say weapon blocks counts like a 25% protection, shield 50%.
-I know I′ll get flack for this, but I love to see some level of slow motion with finishing moves, at least more the kind you see in movies like 300, aka normal-->short period of slow-->short period of extra fast-->normal so to not draw it out.
well there was a few I have, hope you all feal like giving your own small ideas.