» Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:01 am
I think a less objective way to ask the question would be, is the Collector's Edition overpriced? Because I think that, this time around, we can all agree that it definitely is, especially since the Fallout games gave you so much more for far less. Now, that said, the community seems very split as to whether or not they still want to spend the extra cash on something they know should be sold for a lot cheaper. When I first saw the CE, I swore up and down I would never buy it, because I viewed it as a form of price gauging on Bethesda's part. I still think it is, but have caved and pre-ordered it, because in the end I support companies that put out quality products, and because the cost-to-gametime ratio is so much higher for these games as opposed to, say, other $60 games that last 10-12 hours, I don't feel as bad dropping the extra caps.