» Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:12 pm
I find that a lot of the endings for questlines are mildly disappointing in the respect that there's little to no acknowledgement from any main characters (but guards always know what's going on, weird!). After beating the mage guild's scenario I go to whiterun, where the jarl's court mage still suggests I join the college. WTF, I run the college [censored]! Besides that, I didn't get anything uniquely useful to me, even the archmage robes are a let down since I have to sacrifice my armor rating entirely to use them, and all the spell books I found along the way were spells I learned ages ago. If there were more spells to find and earn, and perhaps some unique spells gained from completing this I would have been more satisfied.
"You want to learn about magic? You should visit the college in Winterhold."
Screw that! I didn't learn [censored]! I taught them how to not be dumbasses, if anything.