I think I could check if the guard is dead in the script... I might do that.
I don't really want to do the disable, then add ones via script because I already have everything set up nicely so they walk up and pick up the weapons, otherwise for it to look good I would need timers, and delay and it would just be more work than I am willing to do right now.
Alright, I will either disable the players controls, or script the guns. Thanks again everyone
Well if you are blocking the player from entering the room, is the player going to be able to see the NPC's pick up the guns? If not, You might want to place the items in a container, or if they will be seen add a script that says "OnActivate, isPlayer == 1, ;do nothing, else, activate", on the guns(on second that you might need an OnGrab also). That way the player won't be able to pick up the guns. You can also lock the door with a key-only(but without a key) and allow the NPC's to open it, that would prevent the player from entering the room first.
For cinematic effect, you can have a Collsion wall that blocks the player, but have it move to stay just behind the NPC's that way the Player can follow and see what is going on but will appear to be blocked by the NPC's in the case where the guns table is directly across from the door and therefore visible(which I'm assuming due to the work you've put into the NPC's actions), the "wall" can follow the NPC's all the way to the table, until they pick up the guns and then you can disable it.