Comanions quest issue (aela not giving second radiant quest)

Post » Sat Mar 29, 2014 1:24 pm

I am unable to progress with the companions questline as aela is not giving me the second of the two radiant quests that I must complete before progressing to "bloods honour".

Events leading up to this issue:

- Killed some bandits on the way back to whiterun having completed the silver hand quest (the one immediately after becoming a warewolf).

- Upon returning to Jorrvaskr, Aela assigns me the task of killing the silver hand leader residing at the valtheim towers (towers and bridge over the river between whiterun and windhelm), quest is named "striking the heart" and has id CR09.

- When I arrive, the objective marker is pointing to the corpse of one of the bandits that I had killed earlier.

- Rather than wait 30 days, I was impatient, and resurrected the bandit (using the console) and killed her again, the quest completed as usual, and satisfied, I returned to whiterun.

The issue:

I was able to retrieve the reward for completing the quest as usual, then everything goes pear shaped. It is my understanding that she should give me a second radiant based quest to complete before pointing me towards the companion "leader" in the basemant for a slap on the wrist, and the starting of the next quest (bloods honour). This did not happen. Furthermore, all of the other circle members in jorrvaskr refuse to give me work, telling me that I still have work to do for aela.

I have checked and double checked my journal, there are definitely no pending tasks, and no "speak to the companion leaders for work" objectives.

Aela's dialogue for starting it is not there, and attempting to force start this quest (by my understanding, either CR10 or CR11) does nothing. Querying the quests with player.sqs after doing so shows the they are still un-started. startquest does nothing either.

Not sure whether the resurrection has anything to do with this issue. Speaking from a reasonable understanding of computer programming, I should see no reason that it should. In fact it would seem to me that a command like this was put in place for the very purpose of working around issues like this.

My earliest save game is just after entering jorrvaskr to get the second quest (before any of the console commands, aside the resurrection of course).

I know that this is only a small part of the game, but I am somewhat of a perfectionist, and as such It will always bug me that the subsequent companion quests may never be accessible.

Any help would be much apreciated.

P.S. I think the issue here lies with my understanding in how quests interact with npc dialogue, so any info about that would be much appreciated too.


I play with a dozen or so mods, only one adds additional quests (interestingnpc's)

All others are appearance & item related (lighting, models, water, armour etc).

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Samantha Mitchell
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