For the previous games, my favorite set of armor was combat armor, as I typically like to play as a veteran/soldier/infantryman. Reily's Rangers, NCR, etc...
Seeing as how we are an army vet in Fallout 4, I love the idea of going back to the army depot after we wake up, gearing up and setting out to restore order like Rick Grimes going into cop mode once he wakes up after his apocalypse. Like he hasn't changed at all.
However, in all the screenshots we see US soldiers wearing power armor, not the standard issue combat armor. Only in the 2nd screenie do we see dress fatigues; not armor:
Also in one screenshot I saw an US Army enlistment poster with a man in power armor too.
Power armor is supposed to be this rare and powerful thing, with most soldiers using combat armor. Fallout 1, 2, 3, and NV all abided by this (Fallout 3 being somewhat halfway, with correct pre-war army composition, but having it standard issue for BoS rank and file). Will combat armor make an appearance? Will it be a lot more common than power armor? I hope so....