The Elder Scrolls IV
Combat FPS Optimizer Updated
v 1.01 by dieterweb, Updated version altered by Zenball
Firstly, many thanks to dieterweb for the original mod. Please see the original readme below for instructions on how to change settings.
Updated to v1.01
Changelog for v1.01:
Water fog transitions are now seamless. This was achieved by adding a weather type called WaterFog with appropriate fog settings, then fetching these dynamically via a script when underwater.
Default clip distances are now changed so that visible clipping of distant land will occur much less often and the transition between exploring mode and combat mode is often not noticable at all.
The Alt-U issue still exists. I don't consider this function to be important for anything other than for testing purposes. The best option is to change fQuestDelayTime to 1 whilst configuring the mod to your desired settings, if you wish to do so, then once you have set up everything to your satisfaction, change it back to 0.05 or another preferred setting.
Now compatible with All Natural - Weather and any other weather mods via a combination of script changes and a mergeable patch (All Natural - Weather only) to be used with wrye bash. The patch can be deactivated once merged. However, this came at the price of not being able to set your own fog distances. If requested, I can update v1.00 with the new water fog transition code so you can set your own fog settings again and enjoy non-laggy water fog transitions. Note though that this will make it incompatible with All Natural - Weather and probably any other weather mods. All the Fog Far distances in the patch have been set to 61000, which is appropriate for uGridDistantTreeRange=10 and uGridDistantCount=10 in Oblivion.ini and is the default setting for the mod. If you wish to change this to your preferred settings the easiest way to do this is by opening the patch in Tes4edit, hide non conflicting records by right clicking in the main window and selecting the relevant option, then changing the values accordingly. You can click and drag records from one cell to another, which saves a lot of time.
Hope you enjoy it,
Changelog for v1.00:
More Rapid Transitions
set fQuestDelayTime to 0.05
The switch between combat settings and exploring settings now happens faster. The change is offset by the less jarring transition between states. Can be adjusted if CPU usage is too high. Was 1 in original mod.
Streamline Style Fog Settings For All Modes
if player.IsUnderwater ==1
con_SetFog 1000 3000 ; underwater fog start and end distances
con_SetFog 15000 61000 ; fog start and end distances
This adds Streamline style fog settings to mask distant clipping and reduced uGrid count (commonly used if you use Really AEVWD). Also works underwater. Please adjust the following settings in your Oblivion.ini to adjust for the default settings:
If you use Streamline you can edit the combatFPS script to set the streamsight settings to your preferred level. Remember to turn off streamsight in sl.ini.
Known Issues
Pressing Alt-U to change modes causes extremely rapid transition due to the lessened transition time.
Transition between underwater fog and normal fog states can sometimes be delayed for a moment. This was also an issue with Streamline fog.
Other Suggestions
If you're not already doing so, you should really be using Oblivion Stutter Remover:
If you are using this with Streamline, turning off Streamsmooth in sl.ini improves performance of Oblivion Stutter Remover. In fact, you should do this anyway if you are using Streamline with Combat FPS Optimizer.
A tip for Really AEVWD users with powerful rigs:
1. Download RAEVWD Extra Rocks
2. Install using something sensible like a BAIN package or OMOD. This will not overwrite any meshes from RAEVWD.
3. Rebuild your Distant LOD using TES4LodGen.
4. Enjoy!!
The Elder Scrolls IV
Combat FPS Optimizer
v 1.0 by dieterweb
1. Description
2. Installation
3. Details
4. Version/Contact
I walk in the outside with around 20-30 FPS with nearly all detail sliders to the maximum.
Thats good enough for exploring, but too low for good fighting. Additionally the FPS will
be reduced even further when a fight starts.
The Combat FPS Optimizer changes the graphic settings dynamically when you start or end combat
and depending on you position (outside / inside / town)
It reduces the amount of grass and the details for shadows, trees, objects, and items (as well
as the maximal view distance - this was removed in version 0.9. it caused problems with the fog underwater, fixed and readded in version 1.0).
To use this mod you need the Oblivion Script Extender V0008 or higher.
The changes of the settings will not be set immediatly when a fight starts. It can take up to 10 seconds.
This was done to not warn players too early that an enemy is approaching.
Simple copy the CombatFPSOptimizer.eps into your data folder and activate it.
Oblivion Script Extender v0008 or higher is required!
You can download the latest version here:
This is a second beta of this mod. Not everything works as I want it, but I decided to let others try it.
Maybe someone knows how to improve it.
CFPSO will change the following oblivion.ini and game settings:
Setting Fight Exploring
iMinGrassSize:Grass 200 120 ; density of grass. lower values -> more dense grass
iGrassEndDistance:Grass 2000 6000 ; distance to which grass is rendered.
iGrassStartFadeDistance:Grass 1500 5000 ; distance at which grass starts to fade out
fLODFadeOutMultItems:LOD 4.0000 12.0000 ; changes distance at which items are faded out. higher values -> farer
fLODFadeOutMultObjects:LOD 4.0000 12.0000 ; changes distance at which objects are faded out. higher values -> farer
iActorShadowCountInt:LOD 2 5 ; number of shadows in interiors.
iActorShadowCountExt:LOD 0 2 ; number of shadows in exteriors.
ClipDist 9000 -1 ; distance at which clipping starts -> You have to set to -1 when not in combat. otherwise ist will cause problems with underwater fog.
These values are hardcoded into one script (combatFPSOptimizer) of the CFPSO.eps.
To change them you have to change them there.
You can change the settings manually by pressing alt+u. This will switch between exploring/combat/auto settings.
This script runs only once every second, so you have to hold bowth buttons a moment.
To change settings to your liking do the following. It will take not more than a few minutes:
1. Start TES Construction Kit with OBSE support. Start "obse_loader.exe -editor"
2. Select CFPSO.eps as active mod
3. Menu->Gameplay->EditScripts
4. Open script "combatFPSOptimizer
5. Change values for FIGHTING and EXPLORING
6. Save changes.
Since Version 0.3 you can use different settings for explorint/fighting inside, outside, and in towns.
v1.0 (08.10.06)
- re-added the clipdist option. THX to ziher, who mentioned this in the comments for this mod in tessource.
v0.9 (08.09.06)
- Added ability to change settings manually. Press alt+u.
- Removed clipdist setting. Caused problems with fog underwater.
- Now it will need always 10 seconds until the combat settings are a applied (auto-mode)
- Tweaked script.
v0.8 (06.09.06)
- Removed changing of the fog setting, due to problems with weather mods.
- Removed changing of tree detail. Never used it myself. to disturbing to have to go into the video options menu.
- Tweaked the script a little bit.
- The options will be reset every 30 seconds. This prevents wrong gfx options ater leoding or quitting when you are in a fight.
This is also needed to set to the right setting when changing location (inside/town/outside). This should cause no slowdowns.
- Fixed shadow settings. They should work now.
v0.3 (04.09.06)
- Added ability to set options to different values depending on your location (interior, town, outside)
- Fog will not be set if you are in a oblivion plane
- Changing settings will take up to 10 seconds (by this you will not be warned too early that an enemy is approaching)
- renamed esp to combatFPSOptimizer.eps
v0.2 (03.09.06)
- Added more settings that can be changed.
- Added more descriptions to the script making it easier to change things.
- Improved readme
v0.1 (02.09.06)
- First release
Please send comments and bug reports to :