Combat Knife- Weapon vs Accessory

Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 4:10 am

As long as they don't have a Marathon Lightweight Commando combo, i will be happy. though it would be more practical to stab with a knife than cut with it, unless you have a Machete.
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 1:51 pm

dude the games we make have to evolve i want more mele weapons besides a tiny little knife a katana or a spiked bat would be original and amzing for a game like brink since it has no genre add more ideas to it!!!
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Jack Bryan
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:57 pm

As long as they don't have a Marathon Lightweight Commando combo, i will be happy. though it would be more practical to stab with a knife than cut with it, unless you have a Machete.

No ohk's so even if they did have this the person would be screwed if they lunged at you.
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Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 12:27 am

The brink guy in the interview said that the knife would be a weapon and not an accessory I think
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Emerald Dreams
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:00 pm

The brink guy in the interview said that the knife would be a weapon and not an accessory I think

In the current build the knife is always paired with the pistol and the pistol is not on the screen until you slash.

Edit:paired in the sense that when you melee with a rifle you hit them with your gun, but when you melee with a pistol out you slash your knife.
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Laurenn Doylee
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Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:34 am

I think that maybe throwing knives. You could us melee and that would do a bit more damage, but only a bit. Also, it has been revealed that you can only use knives if your using a pistol
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Kat Stewart
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:07 pm

[edit] Derp... l2r whole thread before posting :P

Yeah i don't think giving heavies a knife would be a good idea, you already give them huge guns and then you see them running around with a tiny little knife trying to slash a light who can easily run away so kinda defeats the purpose...

Bayonets seem like a good idea @ the time but if you're close enough to stab someone with one why wouldn't you just pull out your knife anyway (obviously this doesn't count in brink because you have a pistol out already) not to mention (as someone else did) you don't see miniguns or grenade launchers with bayonets on them do you. it really seems silly :P
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james tait
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Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 5:39 am

Splash Damage have put a lot of work into the gunplay of this game, and I'm sure they won't want knife-only commandos running around trying to ninja. It's too distracting from the pain purpose of the game. Though on an operative I could understand...

What SD want is irrelevant, as the discussion is not calling for change. The potential problems you listed (running around trying to ninja) are just you giving us your personal taste again.

What do you mean by distracting from the main purpose of the game?

Using the example of Brink, which has no OHK melee, the knife would not only be balanced (HUGE range tradeoff and no OHK), but go through a natural filtering process as to what classes use it. Heavies would not be using knives in any class; and if they did, they would die ALOT, as they don't have the mobility to use it. Using the knife would eventually be something done only by players who are not on the front lines toting heavy guns, as under those circumstances the knife is a HUGE disadvantage. The result is that the usefulness relies heavily on what role you have on the battlefield. Therefore, I fail to see how it would distract from the purpose of the game, as the classes who could successfully use knives would be those which are suited to stealth missions - and even then, they wouldn't be able to rely on them solely, as there is no OHK.
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Alkira rose Nankivell
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:09 pm

Any shooter that allows the use of a katana becomes garbage in my eyes. Not because of balance issues, but because the katana is the most overrated and overused sword in films and videogames. Seriously, it's a good blade, but half the [censored] they feed you about them (ie. 'they can cut through anything') is [censored].

Do you have any reasoning behind this beyond your personal taste?


dude the games we make have to evolve i want more mele weapons besides a tiny little knife a katana or a spiked bat would be original and amzing for a game like brink since it has no genre add more ideas to it!!!

You should play Dark Messiah.
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:55 pm


If you are somehow implying irony between my opinion post and the questioning of another, you fail.

In my post I explicitly expressed it was personal taste, In the other I simply questioned if there was any other basis for reasoning.

Notice also how I didn't say 'it should/shouldn't be there' like many have, I simply expressed that it would lower the game's value in my perception.
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:56 pm

Well, it's not like Super Pangolin didn't say:

I think SD have implemented melee perfectly into the game, using the butt of your gun with a primary weapon and only have the knife as an option with the pistol. I seriously don't think it should be a WEAPON that you swap to however, since IMO (IMO means in my opinion) it should only be swiped with in VERY close-quarters panics and thus attacked to some other form of gun, not thought of as a viable primary weapon option with people skulking around using it as such.

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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 1:30 pm

and I questioned if there were any other reasons.. I see no irony
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Da Missz
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:17 pm

I chose "Weapon" and something you have to select/buy, not something everyone has automatically.

I really don't care what they do with knives as long as they are not overpowered or anything. ^_^ A knife is a knife is a knife to me.
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Alexander Horton
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:15 pm

Seriously, [the katana is] good blade, but half the [censored] they feed you about them (ie. 'they can cut through anything') is [censored].

Amen. And first post.

- F
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:43 pm

i think the knife should be like a third weapon to your primary and secondary, you have to make the switch to it, and also i think the knife should be multi-purpose, like left bumper throw, right bumper stab/swing. Also it would be cool if you can knife while in any of the parkour animations. For example some guy sees u at the last second tries to turn and get a shot off, while you do a slide on the floor to get under his line of fire and while sliding, be able to knife him as you slide beneath/by him. THAT WOULD BE COOL!

So your saying you want a knife you can stab and throw at people, which would be stupid because this is not cod where a knife thrown at you on any part of your body, including your foot, kills you. And your telling me you want to be a super ninja who can slide a jump off walls and knife people.

If you want to be a ninja, go play a ninja gane, brink is a FIRST PERSON SHOOYER.
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Sarah Unwin
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Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 2:00 am

If you want to be a ninja, go play a ninja gane, brink is a FIRST PERSON SHOOYER.

The term "first person shooter" predates shooters where knives are part of the arsenal. He could just as easily tell you to go play Quake if you don't want to be knifed. Naturally one must either include knives in the definition or find a new term for the genre.

- F
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Cagla Cali
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:04 pm

I think that maybe throwing knives. You could us melee and that would do a bit more damage, but only a bit. Also, it has been revealed that you can only use knives if your using a pistol

"I think that mabey throwing knives."
We have guns for that.

"Also , it has been revealed that you can only use knives if your using a pistol."

Ya if you actually read the rest of this thread you would notice its been said by me and others like 10 times.

And if you knew this why would you want throwable knives? A pistol and knives?
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Kelly Upshall
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:54 pm

So your saying you want a knife you can stab and throw at people, which would be stupid because this is not cod where a knife thrown at you on any part of your body, including your foot, kills you. And your telling me you want to be a super ninja who can slide a jump off walls and knife people.

If you want to be a ninja, go play a ninja gane, brink is a FIRST PERSON SHOOYER.

A first person shooyer?

At the end of the day, FPS games DO include melee attacks now. They've evolved, and that's how it's going to stay; to the point where the 'it's a shooter' argument is redundant. Games like Haze and CoD include throwing knives, and while I don't necessarily advocate the inclusion of them in Brink, they are easily incorporated into an FPS, and COULD be incorporated without OHK into Brink (Knockdown).

It's not about being anol and trying to limit what can be done strictly because it doesn't involve a gun. It is, and always has been, about gameplay options.
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Roy Harris
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Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 2:49 am

I honestly don't see any advantages to making knives their own weapon. You can do everything you want to do with a knife while also having a pistol in your other hand. Shouldn't the melee-loving crowd prefer it like this? You get your stabby thing plus a little ranged capability if you need it. Should be win-win.

Making them a weapon unto themselves would just make them severely underpowered, and I predict that they would hardly ever get used.
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Laura-Jayne Lee
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 5:08 pm

I honestly don't see any advantages to making knives their own weapon. You can do everything you want to do with a knife while also having a pistol in your other hand. Shouldn't the melee-loving crowd prefer it like this? You get your stabby thing plus a little ranged capability if you need it. Should be win-win.

Making them a weapon unto themselves would just make them severely underpowered, and I predict that they would hardly ever get used.

That's what I don't get, either. You already hold knives when you equip a pistol - and the knife stays out WITH the pistol, so you can shoot an enemy as you run at them and stab when you get close, or vice versa. You don't need knives as a completely separate slot because that would just take away the capability of the pistol....which is stupid.

So, what's the argument here again?
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Adriana Lenzo
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:29 pm

That's what I don't get, either. You already hold knives when you equip a pistol - and the knife stays out WITH the pistol, so you can shoot an enemy as you run at them and stab when you get close, or vice versa. You don't need knives as a completely separate slot because that would just take away the capability of the pistol....which is stupid.

So, what's the argument here again?

The discussion is about gameplay options, not which is easiest to use.

Throwing knives and Tomahawks in the CoD series are examples of this. They are not game changing, or even particularly practical, but they add fun to the game, and as a result add gameplay hours. They also require skill to use with any degree of efficiency, as you don't benefit from the slow ADS speed.

The amount of successful melee-using FPS games out are testament to the fact that the separate knife is not necessary, but this does not mean it is not fun or that it would not be liked by the community. Also, the detriment of drawing the knife is minimal if the KZ2 system was used. The knife is drawn with a button (could be done with melee button) and automatically slashes twice as it is drawn. The only thing that would be different is that people can't go around shooting and stabbing, as they'd be responsible for putting their knife away again before they shoot - introducing an element of skill.

At the moment, the votes speak for themselves.
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XPidgex Jefferson
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Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:32 am

I'm not taking the poll quite seriously. No offense to anyone, but the "majority" also voted that they want to be Light Operative ninja assassins, as I recall. :rolleyes:
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Marine Arrègle
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Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:54 am

I'm not taking the poll quite seriously. No offense to anyone, but the "majority" also voted that they want to be Light Operative ninja assassins, as I recall. :rolleyes:

Source. I don't recall having seen this. I only recall Dr. Richtofen making a [censored] inflated argument with this idea.
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Maddy Paul
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:15 pm

Source. I don't recall having seen this. I only recall Dr. Richtofen making a [censored] inflated argument with this idea.

He is right. I've seen the topics as well. And no I'm not going to look for them from my iPod.
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Ella Loapaga
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:34 pm

If they're in another thread they're hardly relevant.

And if you're going to undermine the opinions of the community, well then I guess that means your views are also not worth [censored] huh?
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