I would love to see more depth to combat
EDIT. You cant bash in oblivion without a mod.
Yes you can. I play on 360, and I can auto shield-bash once I become an expert in blocking.
Anyway, I want more emphasis on sword techniques. You shouldn't baseball-bat an Akiviri Katana the way you would a mace; your character should develop a stance, and proper striking form as your blade skill increases and you get training in different styles. Disarming opponents should be almost like a combo-move. (keep in mind that I'm thinking in terms of console-gamepads) Imagine that you block your enemy's hit at just the right moment, and then strike a spit-second later while turning your right thumbstick in a circle for a successful disarm; Moving forward in a quick burst, and holding the trigger down results in a thrust that will pierce their armor, but leaves you open if you don't have a shield; if you block and hold the left trigger, crouch, and then hold the right trigger, you can duck down and stab your enemy in the gut. It's things like this, if not exactly like this, that I think would make for a much more player-skill based, and a much more involved combat-system. Character skill level should only increase strike-damage, footwork (you should get harder to disarm and knock-down as your skill increases), and the number of aforementioned combos the player can use (your character could learn more as he raises in skill, and they could be recorded in the journal).