With the lack of any Online Multi-player (not complaining mind you...), none of us can see what other peoples combat styles are. How do they carry their character in the heat of battle?
Since I mostly play the Assassin types, I like to use a bow and snipe from a distance until all that remains is a steaming pile of fail where my enemy used to stand. Failing that (or if I'm just close enough or didn't notice my enemy until it is almost too late), I try to get in close for a one-hit Sneak Attack. When pressed into an actual stand-up fight, if I am over matched or outnumbered I typically run until I can either find a place to hide, or I can get enough distance to resume my sniping. I'll do a stand up fight, but only when there are 2-3 at maximum enemies attacking me. Anything over that and I would have built a Warrior character.
But what is you style to conduct combat, Community? What are your preferred situations, how do you handle the different situations of combat when your character gets feisty with someone else?