Although both magic and melee are nice, I personally prefer melee because it feels more interactive and intense.
Now about what I personally expect...
I hope they improve the melee combat with extra abilities, like for example shield bash. Block the attack, then immediately after sucessfully blocking, perform a shield slam on the enemy, knocking it down on the ground for a few seconds, or maybe taking it out of balance. This way you basicly open up your enemies defenses for a opportunity to make a killing blow. Some sort of execute. It feels sooo brutal just thinking about it :flamethrower:
I expect to finally be able to dual wield, especially as an assassin type of character. In oblivion assassin felt very restrictive. All you could do is spam your dagger attack. What would be cool in Skyrim, is being able to dodge enemy attacks. Make sudden movements and/or sprints outrunning the opponent and making a surprise attack, by attacking from the neck. But when struck in combat, the assassin should definitely suffer the consequences. :shocking:
Finally, bow users should be able to aim with specific anatomic precision. Shoot in the legs and the enemies ability to run should be slightly impaired. But it should be very difficult to perform the attack and only the finest marksman should be able to execute this type of attacks. :disco:
Now I can''t wait to hear what you guys think. I can talk about combat all day long. :ahhh: