How will the new combat system affect the tactic you used in morrowind and oblivion? What is your opinion on the new grittier look at the combat system?
You can't just use magic anytime you want anymore, has to be equipped
No more button mashing
You might be knocked around, lose balance
Blocking at the right time
Blocking with a weapon isn't as effective as the shield
you can actually specialize in weapon through perks
and more importantly, you can't just backpedal and spam the enemy with slashes and spells.
and whatever else they stated in this article that I might have left out?
How would this,if at all, effect on how you build your characters?
What weapon would you specialize?
Are you going to use magic less because of some changes from the last two games?
I know that we haven't learned everything about the gameplay but from what we have heard so far, how would you shape your character?