I like pie...Wish i was an american - you guys have it way too good.
Hot dog / burger stands on every spot outside, Candy floss, Best pizzas, junk food, and pie!
Living in the UK we suffer badly from a case of...well...our food svcks.
Best we get is a decent apple pie - But in America you bstrds got everything! ><
Aye, and because of that, we get the stereotypical fat lard american.
I mean, really, when I say "American Food", You think of Hamburgers, Pizzas, and Hot dogs. While those are delicious, They're also loaded with fat. Most fast food restaurants go out of thier way to make the food as good-tasting as possible, and pumped full of every chemical. Our french fries have so much preservatives, it will still look delicious and fresh atfer 7 months. That is a LOT of preservatives you're eating by the bucketful.