» Sun Jun 13, 2010 10:25 am
The weapon that they have has been debated, and there are a lot of valid speculatory points. My personal opinion is that it's glass, but that is only hedging on the bet that http://cdnstatic.gamesas.com/akqacms/files/tes/screenshots/WolvesHealMace_wLegal.jpg isn't dwarven. If the mace is, in fact, elven, then the style just seems far too different for that sword to be elven as well. Plus there's the matter of http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/1/17166/1698259-artofskyrim_008_elvenfemhalberd_super.jpg, which looks elven, but is dissimilar to the armor that's actually labeled as elven, and it possesses green designs that would fit with the sword shown in the screenshot. The idea is that the concept picture there is the new glass armor, which is stylized in elven fashion and is made of mostly metal with glass accents, like it was http://images.uesp.net//5/5d/MW_Armor_GlassM.jpg. If it is glass, then it's likely taking a less-fluorescent approach to volcanic glass (that isn't Obsidian) that looks more like http://jamesradke.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/radke_c240319.jpg, http://www.occpaleo.com/images/560_aztecknife.JPG, and http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a5/PeleTears_large.jpg.
It could just be that elven glass armor is a light armor equivalent to heavy elven armor. The elven armor in this game looks pretty heavy, while the concept looks rather light.
Other possibilities include that it is Dwarven armor, a strange looking female variant of elven armor (of which we've only seen the male version of), or a concept that won't be used ever because it was supposed to be elven armor but they went with a different design instead.