I am not trying to provoke any bad results by making this thread.I am just trying to gather people and make our common problem known to Bethesda and because from searching all around couldn't find any reply from the developers regarding this glaring issue of framerate dips hics and drops on all platforms.
But especially to the mid to low tier gamers from pcs to the consoles.It's a shame and injustice to have paid for something and not be able to use it or play it in our situation as it's supposed to be played.
The framerate on both the Xbox one and the ps4 is a disappointment,I personally own the ps4 version and have played approximately 20 hours with two characters.
In the beginning it wasn't bad at all or whenever you just wander in the world but at the nigh of every fight with more than 3-4 enemies and a lot of shooting and special effects the game's frames drop so much that the game becomes a chore to play.And I LOVE THE GAME but it really hurts me to not being able to play it properly or even substantially for that matter.
All I want is for people from all platforms regardless if they are botherd by that problem BUT can see it to step up with me and try to make Bethesda patch the game.
That is all I want.
I just want to enjoy the game.
I don't have the budget to buy a high end PC but at the very least they could add some settings for lowering some settings to tone down the graphics or anything at all really so that we can play Fallout with at least 30 FPS...but steady 30 FPS...
I don't expect much from that but we could at least voice our concern through here to Bethesda if they are willing to listen...
The folks from CD project Red had the same problem with Witcher 3 but they addressed as soon as they could and kept us informed that they would fix it and they did.....
Please don't start telling stuff like ''buy a PC you peasant'' and all because we can't all afford to buy proper gaming rigs...and please help us like the gamers we are and support us in our problem.