I see a lot of people posting repeat-threads for very common questions,
and I though I'd be nice and answer most of them for you here.
Does this game have Split-screen?
Short answer - No. Crysis 2 does not support multiple players on a single platform.
Does this game have vehicles?
There are drivable vehicles in the single-player campaign, although none in Multiplayer.
What types of vehicles are unconfirmed.
Will this game have a map-editor on consoles?
This is unconfirmed - But it is very likely that there will NOT be a map editor on consoles.
Can my PC run it?
The minimum specs can be seen in the official announcements, but to save you time;
Operating system: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7, with the latest Service Pack
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo at 2Ghz, or AMD Athlon 64 x2 2Ghz, or better
Memory: 2Gb (Vista requires 3Gb)
Hard disk space: 9Gb
Video: NVidia 8800GT with 512Mb RAM, ATI 3850HD with 512Mb RAM, or better
Sound: DirectX Compatible Sound Card
DirectX?: 9.0c
Internet connection is needed for a one-time authorization when the game installed/first run.
Will I keep my stats from the demo when I buy the full game?
No, you start from the beginning like everyone else.
"Press (A) for Air Friction"??
"Air Friction" is an "upgrade" of the Air Stomp Module - awarded for 25 kills with it.
It allows a brief slow-down of a fall, and can be used to reduce fall-damage, and other things.
In the console demo was glitched in that at some rare points in some games,
you are given the prompt despite whether or not you have unlocked it.
Why isn't there a demo for PS3?
From what I've gathered (although I can't confirm), Crytek has made a deal with Microsoft
for exclusives. Microsoft does this often.
Why are there small maps and only 6v6? Is this because of consoles?
This was a design choice by Crytek, and has little to do with the limits of consoles (although some may argue).
This is a new angle for their Multiplayer, and is well received by many.
Which console is better for Crysis 2; PS3 or Xbox 360?
Both versions have been developed simultaneously and should be almost identical,
besides a thew very minor graphical differences.
Will there be a "hardcoe Mode"?
It has been stated there there will be alternate ruled mode(s).
What is Chuck Norris's weakness?
An angry wife.
Well, that's it.
If you have any other questions you you think I should add to the list please tell me below.
Also; buy me a cat.