Suggestions I presume, I guess OP has run out of ideas 
SoooOOOOooo I'll post my favorite build.......
Orc, male.
All around warrior ( skilled in all schools of combat ) with a side order of stealthy assassin.
Crafting skills are a must for better weapons and armors, smithing / enchanting and maybe alchemy if you want to make better crafting potions.
A lycanthrope, weather or not you complete the Companions quest line is up to you as long as you master beast form yer Ok.
Either side of the civil conflict is Ok, doesn't really matter. Tis your opinion that matters here.
But of course you should quest far enough to have dragons begin to spawn, perhaps even complete the main quest but learn all the shouts before you do.
Neither noble or peasant, you simply look out for number 1. 
There you go, your basic Orc warrior build with a hint of wolf