Hello everyone! Gonna try to keep this short and sweet. Love long, RPG games and so buying Fallout, heard it was amazing. Naturally, I wanted to see what it was like before buying Fallout: NV, so Im buying Fallout 3 now, and it is coming in the post in "3-5 working days." However, my xbox live has gone, and I need a time killer, and I saw how there was some challenges other people have posted. So this is what I'd like to do, could the community please decide some terms and conditions I have to abide by throughout the game to make the game hardcoe and last longer, but please don't do anything unreasonable, because I have never even seen a Fallout game before in my life, so don't make it impossible, just very very hard, and I wont know whats a real challenge or someone just screwing me around until late in the game. In return, I am prepared to take pictures and keep a dairy/journal of my game so you can see how Im going and laugh at my misfortune. So yeah, throw some stuff at me, I'll come back in the morning, check it out, see what you want me to do/if you want me to do it at all, and I'll get back to you

Love video games, played them since I can remember
Love a challenge
Never even seen 1 second of Fallout gameplay before in my life!
Will be playing on the 360 (don't know if that makes a difference?)
Looking forward to what you have to say! Unless you come back to my with "GTFO" in which case, I'll not do it, but just stalk the forums quietly...in a dark corner...