Hi, I've got some things to correct. Sorry if it was mentioned before, I might not seen it.
- I've been trying to connect to MP servers for hours, but 49 servers out of 50 keep losing connection during the game (or atleast if I can enter any (lobby bug))
- It would be cool if the server filters remain remembered until I log out.
- The Nanosuit Jammer should have a bigger radius, maybe twice as big.
- On map Lighthouse, the ground under the grass is almost completely black (I have nothing wrong with brightness)
- On map Lab Rat (SP) those smoke barrels really do not have any smoke grenade effect, I mean AI just get to know where I am if I hit it, or if they know already and I hit them it does nothing but cause me to not see

- There sould be hit indication too if I have laser sight equipped (that white stuff on crosshair when I hit something, I'm not sure it's called hit indication)
- In SP, there are some Leader Alien Grunts, the more armored ones. I cannot stealth kill any until I punch some armor off them :/
- Finally a MP visor emprovement would be nice too, I mean faster or maybe instant toggle in and out of it.
Things I know was already mentioned and I agree with:
- A Medium graphics setting would be very nice, and also DX10/DX11 support.
- In SP, some NPCs are crouching behind covers, thats sould be fixed

- I completed SP and now if I go to load or select mission, nano catalysts are gone, and if I pick up alot of them it still says I have 0.
- The ability to chat with friends in while in lobbies and server browser would be cool.
- While I'm ingame in MP, I can't invite friends to join me.
So again, I'm sorry if I said anithing in the upper section that was already mentioned, and sorry for my english :/
I think it's a very nice game tho, keep it up Crytek ^^