Community Suggestions for Future Patches

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:19 am

Please FIX "cryengine error deleting counted object twice" error, I can't play multiplayer game because this ****.
Many people have same problem.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:35 pm

Why I don't think a patch can do it:
Its the game itself that is dissapointing, not its parts.
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Felix Walde
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:30 am

Congratulations Crytek! Crysis 2 seems off to a very good start, with the only major hitch being the pre-order issues on PC. Review scores seem great across the board, just like this game deserves. Crysis 2 is not quite perfect yet, though. :)

Here are the most obvious fixes needed. Compiled from my own experience and several Crysis forums.

-Toggle option for crouch and sprint.
-Ability to bind two or more keys to the same action. For example, I want C and Left Control to be crouch so that I can slide using C.
-Under "Mouse", an option to remove acceleration and smoothing.
-Adjustable FOV (If possible, correct animation/clipping issues at higher FOVs.)
-Separate option for inverting axis under gamepad and mouse.
-Nanosuit Speech Volume Adjust (Or a fix specific to nano vision).

Graphics Options:
-Checkboxes to enable/disable Bloom/HDR, motion blur, and depth of field. The intense lighting and blur effects can cause headaches and nausea for some people. A slider for motion blur amount would be nice.
-More player control over specific graphics options. Ideally, you’ll provide in-game access (via an “Advanced Graphics Settings” menu) to all of the “sys_spec” variables with an option corresponding to "1-4".
-An anisotropic filtering option.
-An advanced graphics menu that pretty much does the exact same things as either of the two config utilities available at the moment would be ideal. Perhaps even just release an official config utility that operates outside the game if this is easier-- Bioware has done this for a decade.

-Quicksave/Quickload feature. Although I guess I can understand if the lack of this is intended for difficulty reasons.
-After dying and reloading, sometimes player will become unable to use melee until the game is restarted. This appears to be fixed if the player finds a car or object that they can interact with.
-Nano catalyst does not save between sessions.

-Ranked server issues.
-Server Browser filters need to save between sessions.
-The ability to add friends by clicking their name while waiting for a game to start.
-A way to invite friends to a game while we are in it.
-Similarly, we need a way to add servers to favorites from in the lobby and in game.
-Lingering issues from the limited edition bugs. For example, some players, myself included, are stuck without all of the stock classes unlocked despite being over rank 5 (because they had unlocked some before they got the day 1 advantage to work). I imagine this will be the case until I get the chance to prestige.
-In game chat is still a bit slow. Messages don't show up long enough for anyone to read them and at high resolutions the font seems too small. In non-ranked games, might as well be able to type something while dead.
-Server pings are completely inaccurate. We need a way to filter out pings above X.
-Should still get hit indication even with laser sight equipped.
-Players continue to get weapon attachment unlocks even after there are no more available (perhaps due to pre-order bonus). Messes with my OCD, man!
-Shotgun auto-reload bug when looking down the sights
-To avoid the current issues with perks and attachments not saving, adopt the Black Ops system. Whenever a player modifies their classes, it saves the changes to the server.
-Players who got the SCAR hologram through pre-ordering may not have unlocked the skill assessment.

-Multi GPU support. According to ATI support, the issue is on Crytek's end. I'd imagine the issue at least partially involves new drivers, though. If you're having issues with multi-gpu setups please play with the system.cfg commands and see if it works better for you. Perhaps we just need a menu option to enable multi-gpu mode.
-Surround sound issues. 4.1/5.1 surround is apparently not working for a significant amount of players, and there appear to be some audio glitches.
-Main menu music appears to begin playing a second overlapping audio track.
-An option to skip the intro video. Bioware and other companies have been doing this for years. You're on that level of PC-gaming awesomeness Crytek!
-On map Lighthouse, the ground under the grass is almost completely black; this appears to be a texture issue.

Matters of Opinion:
THIS IS TO BE TAKEN WITH A GRAIN OF SALT. Just trying to highlight some of the conversations that have been going on since the beta.
-PLEASE add SteamWorks support. Overwhelmingly, the feedback has been that everyone would have preferred you using SteamWorks instead of Gamespy. Obviously its too late, but keep that in mind for future Crysis titles. Perhaps in the future you can add Steam Achievements and such via SteamWorks.
-Movement speed might be a bit too low for the PC version. Some say default speed should be increased; others say default speed is fine and armor-mode movement speed penalty should be reduced.
-Weapon recoil/spread is too low for the PC version; mice are just too accurate. Default recoil is about where it should be if you have "aim enhance" enabled; without the perk, recoil should be increased significantly. This would help SCAR balance issues.
-Nanovision was overnerfed. Rather than making it useless at all but the closest ranges, the energy cost should have been massively increased.
-The flag carrier penalty might be too severe. Perhaps let them aim down the sights of the pistol, at least. I'd be in favor of giving them full weapon usage.

That's all I have for now. Really loving both singleplayer and multiplayer! Post what issues you think should get patched first!

your list is so long with this to fix that the better can make a new game.

singleplayer is awesome i agree, multiplayer is a big .... you fill in yourself

i cant believe that they announced a patch later this week, they had to been patching for the last 2-3 days, you cant tell people to join unstable server, servers full cheaters, our serial key problems for a week, without a quick patch to fix atleast a few things.
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Sophie Miller
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:48 am

Wrote a topic about these things, might help more here.

#Invert Y axis on mouse - When there is a "camera-lock" or a cinematic moment, the inverted Y axis goes back to none inverted for that time. For those who play with inverted it really takes you out of the action/moment in the game. (Like at a vista shoot or at the start when they tell you to nod your head.)

#Pressing Enter - When you need to respawn or get past the splash screen at the main menu you need to press Enter, would be nice to have it on something you normaly have you're fingers on like a mouse button or press any key to continue. (More of a comfort thing then a real problem.)

#Unlock points - The points you get to unlock weapons, perks and abilites don't stick. Everytime I go back to change something all my already spent points are reset and I have to spend them again. (I can still use the ones I pick if i go straight into a game after picking them but I can't level them correctly)

#Kicking/banning - Would be nice to be able to ban or kick cheaters with something like a vote system. (That way if the entire server feels like someone is cheating or using hacks then they can be kicked for it.)
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:13 pm

1,need dx11
2,support 64 bit
3,more graphic options
4,improvment support on ATI graphic card
5,better multi gpu support,especial of GTX 580SLI/590,HD6970crossfire/6990
6better account connect
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:28 am

Please raise the health in multiplayer and make the armor mode more useful/stronger, right now stealth seems pretty easy for me while I constantly get killed in armor mode even when utilising cover and nano vision all the time. Also, power mode doesn't have any advantage - make me automatically crouch after sliding as well as move faster during the power jump so I can evade enemy fire better. More mobility in power mode or greater speed per se would be nice, too. Also, the netcode/lag is really bad. It takes me much more shots to finish enemies then they need to kill me, regardless of headshots. Last, shotguns are mighty useless, or at least the first one. It takes way too much shots to kill someone, not just for me, also for enemies. I feel sorry for everyone I kill who uses the shotgun since I switched back from it to the SCAR. It seems just overpowered in comparison.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:17 am

My suggestions are mostly only benefiting lower-end machines, so here they are:

1. Support for 640x480 resolution (manual cfg editing allows this, but would like it official)
2. Support for Shader Model 2.0 (would help performance a lot)
3. Additional Graphics Options available to disable AA, Dynamic Shadows and Lighting, etc
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Big mike
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:23 am

autologon on game start+no press enter!
mp key fix
console commands not only for children
graphic options
nano catalyst points+items to remember

Lost money for the original game. And now back to beta. My saved games not working with 1.1
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:11 pm

Congratulations Crytek! Crysis 2 seems off to a very good start, with the only major hitch being the pre-order issues on PC. Review scores seem great across the board, just like this game deserves. Crysis 2 is not quite perfect yet, though. :)

Here are the most obvious fixes needed. Compiled from my own experience and several Crysis forums.

-Toggle option for crouch and sprint.
-Ability to bind two or more keys to the same action. For example, I want C and Left Control to be crouch so that I can slide using C.
-Under "Mouse", an option to remove acceleration and smoothing.
-Adjustable FOV (If possible, correct animation/clipping issues at higher FOVs.)
-Separate option for inverting axis under gamepad and mouse.
-Nanosuit Speech Volume Adjust (Or a fix specific to nano vision).

Graphics Options:
-Checkboxes to enable/disable Bloom/HDR, motion blur, and depth of field. The intense lighting and blur effects can cause headaches and nausea for some people. A slider for motion blur amount would be nice.
-More player control over specific graphics options. Ideally, you’ll provide in-game access (via an “Advanced Graphics Settings” menu) to all of the “sys_spec” variables with an option corresponding to "1-4".
-An anisotropic filtering option.
-An advanced graphics menu that pretty much does the exact same things as either of the two config utilities available at the moment would be ideal. Perhaps even just release an official config utility that operates outside the game if this is easier-- Bioware has done this for a decade.

-Quicksave/Quickload feature. Although I guess I can understand if the lack of this is intended for difficulty reasons.
-After dying and reloading, sometimes player will become unable to use melee until the game is restarted. This appears to be fixed if the player finds a car or object that they can interact with.
-Nano catalyst does not save between sessions.

-Ranked server issues.
-Server Browser filters need to save between sessions.
-The ability to add friends by clicking their name while waiting for a game to start.
-A way to invite friends to a game while we are in it.
-Similarly, we need a way to add servers to favorites from in the lobby and in game.
-Lingering issues from the limited edition bugs. For example, some players, myself included, are stuck without all of the stock classes unlocked despite being over rank 5 (because they had unlocked some before they got the day 1 advantage to work). I imagine this will be the case until I get the chance to prestige.
-In game chat is still a bit slow. Messages don't show up long enough for anyone to read them and at high resolutions the font seems too small. In non-ranked games, might as well be able to type something while dead.
-Server pings are completely inaccurate. We need a way to filter out pings above X.
-Should still get hit indication even with laser sight equipped.
-Players continue to get weapon attachment unlocks even after there are no more available (perhaps due to pre-order bonus). Messes with my OCD, man!
-Shotgun auto-reload bug when looking down the sights
-To avoid the current issues with perks and attachments not saving, adopt the Black Ops system. Whenever a player modifies their classes, it saves the changes to the server.
-Players who got the SCAR hologram through pre-ordering may not have unlocked the skill assessment.

-Multi GPU support. According to ATI support, the issue is on Crytek's end. I'd imagine the issue at least partially involves new drivers, though. If you're having issues with multi-gpu setups please play with the system.cfg commands and see if it works better for you. Perhaps we just need a menu option to enable multi-gpu mode.
-Surround sound issues. 4.1/5.1 surround is apparently not working for a significant amount of players, and there appear to be some audio glitches.
-Main menu music appears to begin playing a second overlapping audio track.
-An option to skip the intro video. Bioware and other companies have been doing this for years. You're on that level of PC-gaming awesomeness Crytek!
-On map Lighthouse, the ground under the grass is almost completely black; this appears to be a texture issue.

Matters of Opinion:
THIS IS TO BE TAKEN WITH A GRAIN OF SALT. Just trying to highlight some of the conversations that have been going on since the beta.
-PLEASE add SteamWorks support. Overwhelmingly, the feedback has been that everyone would have preferred you using SteamWorks instead of Gamespy. Obviously its too late, but keep that in mind for future Crysis titles. Perhaps in the future you can add Steam Achievements and such via SteamWorks.
-Movement speed might be a bit too low for the PC version. Some say default speed should be increased; others say default speed is fine and armor-mode movement speed penalty should be reduced.
-Weapon recoil/spread is too low for the PC version; mice are just too accurate. Default recoil is about where it should be if you have "aim enhance" enabled; without the perk, recoil should be increased significantly. This would help SCAR balance issues.
-Nanovision was overnerfed. Rather than making it useless at all but the closest ranges, the energy cost should have been massively increased.
-The flag carrier penalty might be too severe. Perhaps let them aim down the sights of the pistol, at least. I'd be in favor of giving them full weapon usage.

That's all I have for now. Really loving both singleplayer and multiplayer! Post what issues you think should get patched first!

I like this hope Crytek will look at this
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Prisca Lacour
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:25 am

I feel the in-game chat feature shouldn't require clicking the tab to see what people are typing. I think it should all be on the main screen. There's enough room to have the chat text displayed on the player list screen as well. It seems that only a couple people actually click the chat tab sometimes, so I think this would encourage more brief discussions in-between matches. Just food for thought.
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Chloe Botham
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:27 pm

Great writeup Harmatia! I hope crytek to takes note of this as they did in the past.

Here are my two cents.
One realy realy minor thing to consider when adressing sound problems is this:
That cursing/flaming of the opposite player when you are killed isn't realy necessary.
I clearly understand that it is there for the feeling of action and "war", and most people surely enjoy it, but it also makes one quite angry after a while, even if you originally just want to play for fun and giggles. (Especialy when killed with the currently overpowered SCAR multiple times in a row you tend to get VERY frustrated :p ) Also people arround you, in this case my younger brothers, tend to get annoyed by this too. A option to disable this would be nice. But please, care that this option does not disable the sounds like "Cover me, I am reloading!" aswell!

I greatly support the rebalancign of MP weapons and Nanovision too.

Also some of you people might want to inform what the features of DirectX 11 actually are. You won't get "better graphics" with it (realy, you want even better graphics?!). For exampe realtime tesselation can barely added to a game afterwards, they would need to "bake" additional displacement/height maps for every model in the game or write a shader that somehow creates a height approximation from the normalmaps (which would probably drain FPS quite much).

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:02 am

A buddy of mine tested that the K-Volt doesnt give kill assist, and that in assault as a nanosuit you can rip off the HMG's and then you are virtually unstoppable.

Thats all :)
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:34 pm

I think the AI needs slight fixing so they are smarter. As for Nanosuit voice options, PLEASE add a female like Crysis 1 and Warhead options :D

Maybe more graphic options? How about reducing the bloom and hdr levels? :D

Melee seems not to work sometimes in single player. Nano cells not collected and lost upon doing the save games again.

Security fix to stop pirated players and cheaters playing? :D

For the love of god please fix hit detection? I think it works fine but i had armor on and i stll got killed? Makes me wonder if the head is most easy spot to finish a kill but i didn't get a headshot kill by using armor?

Minor fixes such as why we cannot use the console ingame besides we can out of the game with a config?

How about reducing bloom and hdr levels for multiplayer?

Admin tools for users who host servers? Is there one already?

Where are the Crysis 2 collections? POSTERS? Action Figures? Shirts? Hoodies? Backpacks? Stickers? etc? I went to Hastings hoping they'd have a huge collection for sale but NONE! Come on guys boost your franchise! I want more stuff. Sorry that's nothing related to the patch but i know they read this lmao.

Some of the AI acts weird in game like they are walking towards behind their team and they get stuck and keep walking. Needs a fix on that.

I saw a seagull fly through a building while talking to Gould for the first time learning about what the nanosuit has besides the ceph virus. Total Bug!

Why we can't have First person view options when driving vehicles like Crysis 1? Is it taken outta the game completely?

I swear to god tracker isn't working in multiplayer. The Tracking perk? It comes and goes. Hologram timing is limited isn't it?

That's all i could think of!
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Luna Lovegood
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:05 am

#Pressing Enter - When you need to respawn or get past the splash screen at the main menu you need to press Enter, would be nice to have it on something you normaly have you're fingers on like a mouse button or press any key to continue. (More of a comfort thing then a real problem.)
Actually, it shouldn't be there at all. Just shows how much consol-based the game really is.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:41 pm

I think evryone would agree a REPORT ABUSE button would be nice
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Jason White
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:24 pm

I hope they take a look at the physics, they aren't that good. Remember in Crysis 1, you could drive a vehicle into another vehicle, and then jump out and watch em explode? I've tried doing this in Crysis 2, but it doesn't seem to work.
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Matthew Warren
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:19 pm

Add a toogle button for aiming..
i want to play with my mates in the same team. how can this be inpossible? fix that.
and finally, i dont want to try to join 20 servers to join a game. really annoying.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:30 am

Where sandbox editor? )
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Andrea Pratt
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:19 pm

Well, no one reported that they need to add an anti-hack system? well, they do... that is the main problem in Multiplayer...
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Killah Bee
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:31 am

why bother ? they don't care ...
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:29 pm

its very annoying with all these hacker in crysis....
we can do nothing against them...
if they would bring a kick system like other games(or some ''server watchers''), that would be nice...
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Andrew Tarango
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:58 am

A buddy of mine tested that the K-Volt doesnt give kill assist, and that in assault as a nanosuit you can rip off the HMG's and then you are virtually unstoppable.

Thats all :)


Im excited for some assault; never thought of that!
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:20 pm

Great writeup Harmatia! I hope crytek to takes note of this as they did in the past.

Here are my two cents.
One realy realy minor thing to consider when adressing sound problems is this:
That cursing/flaming of the opposite player when you are killed isn't realy necessary.
I clearly understand that it is there for the feeling of action and "war", and most people surely enjoy it, but it also makes one quite angry after a while, even if you originally just want to play for fun and giggles. (Especialy when killed with the currently overpowered SCAR multiple times in a row you tend to get VERY frustrated :p ) Also people arround you, in this case my younger brothers, tend to get annoyed by this too. A option to disable this would be nice. But please, care that this option does not disable the sounds like "Cover me, I am reloading!" aswell!

I greatly support the rebalancign of MP weapons and Nanovision too.

Also some of you people might want to inform what the features of DirectX 11 actually are. You won't get "better graphics" with it (realy, you want even better graphics?!). For exampe realtime tesselation can barely added to a game afterwards, they would need to "bake" additional displacement/height maps for every model in the game or write a shader that somehow creates a height approximation from the normalmaps (which would probably drain FPS quite much).

With the weapons all of them are weaker than their previous counterparts in Crysis Wars especially the Scar. The main reason behind this is the fact that bullet spread has been increased dramatically on all of them. The Scar was revered as the best weapon in Crysis Wars and the only reason the FY won in Crysis 1 was because of the incendiary round that were removed from wars. The weapons need to have their accuracy increased not decreased further. The laser isnt even usable on the Scar either. The guns need to be stronger and armor needs to use the energy first before allowing you to take health damage and not just decrease the damage. Does this explain the weapon situation. You should not have to aim down the sites in order to hit someone at range. The Laser is and always has been god for the reason of reducing bullet spread to near 0 and I love that its actually useful unlike other games. With the Laser site you need to trust your aim because every bullet goes to the red dot at the end. Dont complain about this because this is how its suppose to be. I hope this explains the weapon situation to you.
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Rachel Cafferty
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:41 pm

nicely put. let's hope all these fixes come this week.
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Zosia Cetnar
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:42 am

You ask that from the list should be corrected the first!!!!!
AMD Radeon 4870x2 - all flickers!!!!! To play not probably and you ask what to correct the first!!!!!
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