Here are the most obvious fixes needed. Compiled from my own experience and several Crysis forums.
-Toggle option for crouch and sprint.
-Ability to bind two or more keys to the same action. For example, I want C and Left Control to be crouch so that I can slide using C.
-Under "Mouse", an option to remove acceleration and smoothing.
-Adjustable FOV (If possible, correct animation/clipping issues at higher FOVs.)
-Separate option for inverting axis under gamepad and mouse.
-Nanosuit Speech Volume Adjust (Or a fix specific to nano vision).
-Ability to disable radio pvssyr (the voice that yells at you when you die).
-There seems to be an almost irrational hatred for your polite request that we occasionally "press enter".
Graphics Options:
-Checkboxes to enable/disable Bloom/HDR, motion blur, and depth of field. The intense lighting and blur effects can cause headaches and nausea for some people. A slider for motion blur amount would be nice.
-More player control over specific graphics options. Ideally, you’ll provide in-game access (via an “Advanced Graphics Settings” menu) to all of the “sys_spec” variables with an option corresponding to "1-4".
-An anisotropic filtering option.
-An advanced graphics menu that pretty much does the exact same things as either of the two config utilities available at the moment would be ideal. Perhaps even just release an official config utility that operates outside the game if this is easier-- Bioware has done this for a decade.
-Quicksave/Quickload feature. Although I guess I can understand if the lack of this is intended for difficulty reasons, overwhelming consensus is that the game would benefit.
-After dying and reloading, sometimes player will become unable to use melee until the game is restarted. This appears to be fixed if the player finds a car or object that they can interact with.
-Nano catalyst does not save between sessions.
Multiplayer UI/Server Issues:
-Servers need a maxping option, which apparently existed during the beta. Lots of the complaints on these forums are do to nothing more than high latency players.
-Ranked server problems.
-Server Browser filters need to save between sessions.
-We need the ability to add friends by clicking their name while waiting for a game to start, and a way to invite friends to a game while we are in it.
-Similarly, we need a way to add servers to favorites from in the lobby and in game.
-The lobby chat should really be available without having to click something—there is enough screen real estate on the PC version.
-Lingering issues from the limited edition bugs. For example, some players, myself included, are stuck without all of the stock classes unlocked despite being over rank 5 (because they had unlocked some before they got the day 1 advantage to work). I imagine this will be the case until I get the chance to prestige.
-In game chat is still a bit slow. Messages don't show up long enough for anyone to read them and at high resolutions the font seems too small. In non-ranked games, might as well be able to type something while dead.
-Server pings are completely inaccurate. We need a way to filter out pings above X.
Multiplayer Weapons/Gameplay:
-Should still get hit indication even with laser sight equipped.
-Players continue to unlock weapon attachment unlocks even after there are no more available (perhaps due to pre-order bonus). Messes with my OCD, man!
-Shotgun auto-reload bug when looking down the sights
-To avoid the current issues with perks and attachments not saving, adopt the Black Ops system. Whenever a player modifies their classes, it saves the changes to the server.
-Players who got the SCAR hologram through pre-ordering may not have unlocked the skill assessment.
-Needs enhanced cheat protection and the ability to votekick.
-K-volt does not award kill assists.
-There seems to be a general consensus that weapons have too little spread and WAY too little recoil. This reflects itself most prominently in the dominance of the SCAR.
General Fixes:
-Multi GPU support improvements.
-Surround sound issues. 4.1/5.1 surround is apparently not working for a significant amount of players, and there appear to be some audio glitches.
-Main menu music appears to begin playing a second overlapping audio track.
-An option to skip the intro video. Bioware and other companies have been doing this for years. You're on that level of PC-gaming awesomeness Crytek!
-On map Lighthouse, the ground under the grass is almost completely black; this appears to be a texture issue.
-When there is a "camera-lock" or a cinematic moment, the inverted Y axis goes back to non-inverted for that time. For those who play with inverted it really takes you out of the action/moment in the game.
Matters of Opinion:
THIS IS TO BE TAKEN WITH A GRAIN OF SALT. Just trying to highlight some of the conversations that have been going on since the beta.
-Overwhelmingly, the feedback has been that everyone would have preferred SteamWorks over Gamespy. Obviously its too late, but keep that in mind for future Crysis titles. Perhaps you can someday provide Steam Achievements.
-Movement speed might be a bit too low for the PC version. Some say default speed should be increased; others say default speed is fine and armor-mode movement speed penalty should be reduced. Look at Unreal Tournament 3 PC vs Console for an example of a developer understanding the different needs of the PC platform.
-Weapon recoil/spread is too low for the PC version; mice are just too accurate. Default recoil is about where it should be if you have "aim enhance" enabled; without the perk, recoil should be increased significantly. This would help SCAR balance issues. Look at Gears of War PC as an example of a game that realized PC gamers need more recoil to experience sufficient challenge.
-Nanovision was overnerfed. Rather than making it useless at all but the closest ranges, the energy cost should have been massively increased. (Example fix: Let it detect cloaked people from slightly farther away than now, and uncloaked people from significantly farther away than now, but less than the infinite range in the demo. Then double the energy cost.)
-The flag carrier penalty might be too severe. Perhaps let them aim down the sights of the pistol, at least. I'd be in favor of giving them full weapon usage.
That's all I have for now. Really loving both singleplayer and multiplayer! Post what issues you think should get patched first!
Great list! i agree with most of it... but also
-player not being able to shoot/melee
-eliminate cheaters and cheat programs
-fix friend system, players in certain situations cant invite or accept friends
-certain modules do not work(was like this in the demo)
-some modules do not unlock even if the player met the requirements
all i remember for the time being...