Community Suggestions for Future Patches

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:48 pm

I just think its sad that most PC FPS games these days are just console ports and have so many bugs on launch day, do these companies even have QA?

While for a company like Activision, I can't even imagine how the COD games launch as bad as they do, Crytek is a smaller company and I imagine they were pushed to their absolute limits for a triple-platform launch of this magnitude. Just like I'm sure they're work as hard as possible to get all three platforms running perfectly.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:46 pm

-To avoid the current issues with perks and attachments not saving, adopt the Black Ops system. Whenever a player modifies their classes, it saves the changes to the server.

This for the love of god!
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SaVino GοΜ
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:57 am

Also fix the AI so they are not so retarded...Thanks

What he said. All things they mention kinda needs fixing but the most sever issues first, DX10/11 would be realy nice but I'd rather make sure the game works properly as it is first.

The A.I is abit of a disapointment, in these kinds of games, brilliant A.I is what makes or breaks it all, and I understand you have tried to make it awsome but it has alot of issues, tons of them so having them sorted out with make for super improvements to the game. Love the game tho its great, nothing is perfect, as long as we see patches rolling its fine! :)
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:46 am

It would be nice if the tags didn't look so boring. There could at least be hyphens, brackets, or alt keys instead of just a max of 4 letters or numbers. Looks lame and pointless. The multiplayer squads are messed up to. Theres always issues with them. And it would be nice if you could spawn on your squad members like in the battlefield games. Whats the point of having a squad if you all spawn in game way far away from each other? All in all i would think that the sequel to such a clan oriented game like crysis 1 would be much more friendly to the clan concept.
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Jon O
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:57 am

1. Fix the flickering bug. I am using a single Radeon HD 4870 X2 and the only way to get rid of that terrible flickering is to rename the .exe in the root folder.

2. FIX THE GODAMN LOGIN ISSUE! I still haven't been able to play using this account. And once the login issue is fixed, you should set up something on the website for all the people who accidentally created duplicate account, say, on the Demo, to post or something and have those duplicate accounts deleted. Also, when those accounts are deleted, their limited edition promo code (if used) should be reset so that they can use it again for their real accounts.

3. Add either quicksave/quickload. Or an option to "reload last save" (checkpoint) or "restart level. Or both.

4. Advanced graphics settings.

5. Implement at least DX10. (My GPU doesn't support DX11, so I can't really ask for it. :P)

6. Fix the bug where melee is completely disabled after reloading.

7. Fix the Nano-Catalyst count always resetting to zero.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:53 pm

Just wanted to say what I suspect about the hit detection of the game; it feels as if I'm playing at battlefield2142 with interlinear netcode set up at around 200 as an average.

I've been keeping in mind the specific amount of bullets needed to take someone out and been patient about finding a fresh, lonely and stationary target to make sure it's how the netcode feels and is definitely interlinear with an average ping set up pretty high out client side. All the symptoms are there. After doing the exact amount required to take someone out there is sometimes a delay of 2 seconds before the target dies after the killshot.

Because of this the use of Feline, even though stated by many being very efficient, we waste a horrible amount of bullets on a target that we think is not dead yet, but in fact already is. This gets us to mitigate the effectiveness you can get out of one clip.

Other symptom is simple: being shot from a side after starting a move to go out a door - yet, in your own view, you're not even in front of the door. You started the move. Once you die and see the killcam, the guy actually shot you once a the door... Or when you react and fall back to a THICK cover (no puncture possible), you die 1 or 2 seconds later to the same aggressor. You see the kill cam and notice that when you died you were in front of the door and never went to cover.

Combine this with the score panel that shows your ping, you can suspect something unstable in the connection as well: I never saw a game where my ping would go from 18-24 to 200+ on a regular basis.

I honestly I'm unsure about the hit detection coming from the engine itself but instead from the netcode.

Soz for fat boring post :<
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:17 pm

Matters of Opinion:
THIS IS TO BE TAKEN WITH A GRAIN OF SALT. Just trying to highlight some of the conversations that have been going on since the beta.
-Overwhelmingly, the feedback has been that everyone would have preferred SteamWorks over Gamespy. Obviously its too late, but keep that in mind for future Crysis titles. Perhaps you can someday provide Steam Achievements.
-Movement speed might be a bit too low for the PC version. Might want to consider raising it in some way for our platform, UT3 style.
-Some argue that players have too little health or that armor mode could use a slight buff.
-Weapon recoil/spread is too low for the PC version; mice are just too accurate. Default recoil is about where it should be if you have "aim enhance" enabled; without the perk, recoil should be increased significantly. This would help SCAR balance issues. Look at Gears of War PC as an example of a game that realized PC gamers need more recoil to experience sufficient challenge.
-Nanovision was overnerfed. Rather than making it useless at all but the closest ranges, the energy cost should have been massively increased. (Example fix: Let it detect cloaked people from slightly farther away than now, and uncloaked people from significantly farther away than now, but less than the infinite range in the demo. Then double the energy cost.)
-The flag carrier penalty might be too severe. Perhaps let them aim down the sights of the pistol.

I disagree with some of these.

- Movement speed is fine as it is. In fact, it might be too fast at times. Combined with aim enhance++ and power mode, just moving from one side to the other is split second fast, making such targets nearly impossible to hit unless you hit the rhythm perfectly, which isn't impossible, but still overpowered.

- Default health is indeed a little too low. And actually, we need an explanation to how health and energy works in this game. Someone who's energy has been blown will go down much, much faster than someone who's just in power mode.

Also, I do believe the differences between damage rates between different parts of the body are much too severe and is a major source of inconsistency.

- Weapon recoil isn't a problem and the SCAR is fine. The SCAR is actually the most balanced weapon in the game. It's the other weapons that are just that much worse. Or not maybe worse per se... The hit detection seems really, really bad. Like, really bad. I'm pretty confident (and this is actually on videos on youtube) that hit detection in this game isn't working properly. A weapon with a higher rate of fire (read: Feline) will suffer greatly with such low-grade hit detection. To the point that using anything other than a weapon with reasonable rate of fire and higher damage rate, isn't possible (unless you hate yourself that much, for whatever reason). So, maybe the Feline isn't such a horrible weapon, but it's the hit detection that makes it unusable.

- Nanovision was indeed "nerfed" much too severely. What they should do is leave the range as it is, but increase the range of which you can detect cloaked enemies further. I don't think the energy cost should be fiddled with without caution, because there are other things that use energy. Things such as, for example, armor and cloak. More specifically, armor. I don't want to see people die more easily just because they had nanovision on, further increasing the already pretty bad inconsistency in this game.

- The flag carrier penalty is completely ridiculous in my opinion. This makes sense for Extraction, where the team controlling the tick gets an actual benefit, but for Capture the flag, this is completely unacceptable. Basically, this means that if you're carrying the flag and an enemy sees you, you can already consider yourself dead. And due to the nature of spawns and the flag locations, it's really difficult to get access to the flags in the first place. There shouldn't be any penalty other than perhaps a slight movement penalty for carrying the flag.

Now, those are my opinions on your opinions (plus a little extra).

Another really awful thing that's going on in this game right now (again, regarding networking (hint: next time, test your technology in normal user circumstances))... If there is a lag spike (either your side or player X's side, I'm not sure which one applies here), you can become stuck on player X's perspective. Just standing there, doing nothing. In actuality, you would be running around the map. Now, if player X kills you, you ACTUALLY die. In your perspective, you would die completely randomly, because player X was nowhere near you (though, the kill cam would still show player X's perspective). Now, the even more shocking part of this... If player X were to hit you enough times, you would die MULTIPLE times. That's right.

While this might not be overly common, it isn't rare. I've seen people do this to me a couple of times and I've done this to people a couple of times as well. It's definitely not rare. It's uncommon, at best.

That's it from me for now.


Thanks for posting! I was really trying to highlight the ongoing conversation rather than to put out my own opinions, and when I get the chance I'll try and modify that section to do a better job with neutrality. For the most part, what I have written at the moment IS what I've seen most commonly on various forums, however.

I absolutely agree with you in terms of CTF. It just seems out of place that in a game all about how kickass the Nanosuit is, in CTF you're suddenly handicapped for being aggressive. I've always preferred CTF games where there are lots of captures and capture attempts and penalizing the flag carrier is the opposite of how to accomplish that. If I were in charge, I'd give the flag-carrier full access to their weapons for both game modes. I understand that it reduces the requirements for team play, but really, the only games that have that happen anyway are games like TF2, where its enforced and built in, or any game once people get on mics and vent and play with clans-- whether or not you force one player to not have a good gun.

I do feel somewhat strongly that the SCAR is overpowered, however, and I'd be interested in hearing a lot more debate on the subject. I am very good at this game (to be blunt), and can top the server with literally any gun-- but it just comes SO much more easily using the SCAR in every single situation. Even on very small maps where I expect to be able to use the Feline, or capitalize on the LMG's infintie ammo-- SCAR headshots are just as effective. The only exception is on very large maps, where the sniper outperforms the SCAR for me. The Grendel, sadly, does not have a niche at the moment. Which is sad-- I've always preferred to master the most challenging guns in online shooters-- and I had hopes for either the K-volt or the Grendel, and neither can deal with the SCAR.

I think the best solution is to nerf its damage to the head-- that way, it can remain a high accuracy jack of all trades gun, which is its nice, and gives the Grendel, feline, and LMG a role-- for people who can more skillfully shoot at the head. Grendel for medium-long range headshots, feline for close range headshots, and LMG for high capacity. Not that I think this paradigm is perfect or that I have it all worked out in my head just yet :P

Grendel + lazer + point enhance and not aiming down the sight has been weirdly powerful for me, though. I do feel we still have a lot to learn about the game though and that what balance discussions we're having now MIGHT seem idiotic down the road once we figure out "standard play"; but its still a conversation worth having :)

It would be pointless to nerf the SCAR (which would HAVE to be followed by a nerf to the Mk.60, since they're VERY similar). What this game needs is a serious rewrite of the netcode. Until that happens, it's pointless to even argue about any sort of damage vs. rate of fire problems, since most of the bullets aren't registered to begin with.

I think SCAR is fine and I'm pretty sure as far as damage and health values go, this is what the developers were going for. However, they test the game internally and don't get the sense of what happens with real internet connections. As far as damage values go, the Feline, K-volt and SCARAB don't actually look that bad. As far as fire rate and damage values go, this SCAR bias is a complete mystery.

So, I'm fairly confident that there are some very serious problems under the hood here. Specifically, the networking.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:35 pm

Also fix the AI so they are not so retarded...Thanks

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Kate Murrell
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:29 am

Add prone and moddability.
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Cathrine Jack
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:43 am

its been over a week and still no patch.... once again epic fail crytec. No info on a patch? even more fail. Fix the game before you release it maybe? ohh wait we are spose to be gamers that should know a game will have 100 + bugs by launch. FIX MULTI GPU and HACKERS. i dont see what takes more than 1 week to fix these issues? Im sure you guys can google some code to help your console devo team come back to the computer programming world.

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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:01 pm

Keep this thread up and fend off any trolls you guys find.
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Lily Something
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:07 am

- Fix AI glitches
- fix glitch where if you die and load last save after selecting replay chapter, all your weapon attachments get erased.
- Ignore whining about adding quicksaves and keep the checkpoint system.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:45 pm

Well before they do any balancing/performance fixes they need to get a goddamn grip on the hacking problem. EVERY f****** server I play in has someone who has unlimited invisibility or super fast movement speed or is an aimbotter.

Fix this goddamn problem now. I am done with crysis 2 until they fix this and I tell every gamer I come into contact with to stay the f*** away from it until Crytek implement some form of anti cheating system.

Number of hackers are in epidemic proportions at the moment. I have never, ever played an online shooter with such rampant hacking going on. It's ridiculous.

What a bloody disaster this launch has been. First the leaking of a developer copy of the game to pirates who now use it to play online for free, the login/account issues and now the goddamn hackers. Definitely lost a future customer in me.
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Dina Boudreau
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:37 pm

I'd just like to add, that if there does appear an advanced graphics tab, and if for some reason we are no longer able to mod settings through config files, that the 3D options be opened up a little bit. I am using an iZ3D monitor and a Radeon 5870 to play this in 3D, but to get it to work I had to set a few variables. Please please please, if anyone who matters reads this, don't take away my 3D ... just sayin'.
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Isabell Hoffmann
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:49 pm

OK also, add these to the HUGE list of **** they need to fix. yes im raging.
Login is ****.
serial key is ****.
direct x9.. wow, just wow. btw crytek you do realise.. well im positive you do that Crysis 1 was FULL DX10. WHAT THE ****?
Give me my **** money back.
**** auto aim off.
and dont give your TRUE players a **** port from a **** xbox360... like we really cant tell that you ported it. WE were the original and ONLY support for your first game and expansion, Now you sell out and go to console?

All i can say is.. well. **** you.
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Caroline flitcroft
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:43 pm

Well before they do any balancing/performance fixes they need to get a goddamn grip on the hacking problem. EVERY f****** server I play in has someone who has unlimited invisibility or super fast movement speed or is an aimbotter.

Fix this goddamn problem now. I am done with crysis 2 until they fix this and I tell every gamer I come into contact with to stay the f*** away from it until Crytek implement some form of anti cheating system.

Number of hackers are in epidemic proportions at the moment. I have never, ever played an online shooter with such rampant hacking going on. It's ridiculous.

What a bloody disaster this launch has been. First the leaking of a developer copy of the game to pirates who now use it to play online for free, the login/account issues and now the goddamn hackers. Definitely lost a future customer in me.

I guess this guy never played MW2. Infinity Ward used steam & the hackers had a field day with that ported piece of crap to. Worse than what I've seen here. It was hacked on both consoles as well. Day one! Hackers are just people who have to compensate for having a small sack & zero skill. The first Crysis was hacked as well. As long as there are cheaters in this world we will have to hope they give us players the option to "vote to kick!"

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Mike Plumley
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:04 pm

I personally havent played multiplayer yet but for a crysis game with dx 9 is plain retarded there should be no reason that direct x 11 wasnt implemented even bioware managed to that with there new dragon age 2 and u guys are telling me u took a game like crysis 1 and warhead that had direct x 10 and gave us this garbage direct x 9 2 3 years later like how stupid can u be if it wasnt ready it shoulda never been released to the public. I respected crytek as a company and crysis as a game i could boast that my computer can handle now im just disgusted with this game being called crysis 2.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:15 pm

Ever new engine should get better not worse.
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Melung Chan
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:01 am

There need to be an option for hacker protection as their overrunning the servers atm
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:03 pm

I like how the quick game will put you on a server where your ping is over 400 to.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:48 pm

I wonder if these problems are regional. I notice alot of Canadians are having problems. Maybe if they had some servres in Canada it might be nicer as well. Just sayin!
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Tyler F
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:37 am

Fix hackers. Now. are to many and It's really killing the game. I can't even play it anymore. It will die if this is not fixed.
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Allison C
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:36 am

Fix the crashing on every other map. This is ridiculous. It's not hardware related it's happening to a LOT of people with different specs and builds. To be specific the game crashes after playing 1 to 2 levels, mostly crashing on the loading screen or right after.
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Shannon Marie Jones
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:07 pm

fix the connections, so that their is LOTS of EA servers, that arent broked.
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James Potter
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:35 am

i wonder how many hackers there really are i think a lot of it is netcode not hacking i think someone else may have stated this same thing in here as well about hit tracking and it being from the netcode being porly implemented and that sounds more like what the problem is hit tracking and network latency not cheating
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