Community Suggestions for Future Patches

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:47 pm

-ability to prone
-better anti cheat system (permanent serial ban, doubtful as there are reports of cracked serials working in mp just by typing in random numbers in a specific format) just to add i've been killed by some cheater in permanent cloak mode and it registered as a melee kill when he's like a million miles away.
- fix weapon balance issue, SCAR needs to be SLIGHTLY nerfed, its too accurate
- advanced graphic settings options
-larger maps with more players ie Power Struggle
-speed mode and strength mode to separate as individual suit power (players cant run as fast in stregth mode however will jump higher and kill with a single melee attack. Speed mode will suffer from lack or armour, dies easily when shot and therefore result in less hectic multiplayer)
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:38 am


Give us health bars back instead of helath regenerating and Bloody **** screen.

The most retarded feature ever. -.-
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Victoria Bartel
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:29 am

In my opinion, the original post focuses on far too many unnecessary issues (such as the 'Matters of Opinion' section). What should be happening is the severe problems should be stressed at being addressed first. By making so many suggestions, focus is lost and Crytek could or most likely will (based on Crysis 1) target areas which do NOT need addressing right now when there are problems which need to be fixed ASAP. This is what I consider to be some of main issues needing attention first:


? Dying results in a bug where you are unable to use melee.
? Nano Catalyst being lost (such as when you quit the game).
? The Semper Fi or Die mission having many glitches such as:

- The 'Move up! Go!' pvssyr from your teammates spammed constantly through your speakers.
- Enemies and teammates disappearing entirely (but still shooting at each other)
- Supposed problems (based on forums) where you are unable to even complete the mission.

? AI issues. Whilst they can be smart, they also seem to glitch frequently. This results in bizarre situations (such as them getting stuck on stuff for example).


? Unlocks and ranks not saving. This is probably one of the biggest things in the multiplayer which needs fixing ASAP.
? Limited Edition issues. People still can't get their content and I've heard of people actually losing it because of things like unlocks not saving.
? Cheaters running around like the plague. Some have stated that files are client sided and you can simply edit them to get many advantages...
? Music looping in the multiplayer when you go to change your equips.


? Multi GPU flicker issue. Ridiculous that you have to turn off Crossfire (for example) to stop flickering from happening in the game.
? Option to turn off nanosuit voice. It's a cool voice, but sometimes it can get on your nerves (especially in multiplayer).
? All console commands unlocked (like they supposedly were in the leaked version).

In my eyes, these are the kinds of the things which should be a priority in patch 1.2 before we look at other areas...

You're right. Originally I intended the main thread to be just the main issues, but continued to add stuff as people posted.

Been trying to figure out an orderly way to denote priority. Perhaps will rewrite this whole thing if I get the chance today.
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Sarah Edmunds
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:47 am

In my opinion, the original post focuses on far too many unnecessary issues (such as the 'Matters of Opinion' section). What should be happening is the severe problems should be stressed at being addressed first. By making so many suggestions, focus is lost and Crytek could or most likely will (based on Crysis 1) target areas which do NOT need addressing right now when there are problems which need to be fixed ASAP. This is what I consider to be some of main issues needing attention first:


? Dying results in a bug where you are unable to use melee.
? Nano Catalyst being lost (such as when you quit the game).
? The Semper Fi or Die mission having many glitches such as:

- The 'Move up! Go!' pvssyr from your teammates spammed constantly through your speakers.
- Enemies and teammates disappearing entirely (but still shooting at each other)
- Supposed problems (based on forums) where you are unable to even complete the mission.

? AI issues. Whilst they can be smart, they also seem to glitch frequently. This results in bizarre situations (such as them getting stuck on stuff for example).


? Unlocks and ranks not saving. This is probably one of the biggest things in the multiplayer which needs fixing ASAP.
? Limited Edition issues. People still can't get their content and I've heard of people actually losing it because of things like unlocks not saving.
? Cheaters running around like the plague. Some have stated that files are client sided and you can simply edit them to get many advantages...
? Music looping in the multiplayer when you go to change your equips.


? Multi GPU flicker issue. Ridiculous that you have to turn off Crossfire (for example) to stop flickering from happening in the game.
? Option to turn off nanosuit voice. It's a cool voice, but sometimes it can get on your nerves (especially in multiplayer).
? All console commands unlocked (like they supposedly were in the leaked version).

In my eyes, these are the kinds of the things which should be a priority in patch 1.2 before we look at other areas...

You're right. Originally I intended the main thread to be just the main issues, but continued to add stuff as people posted.

Been trying to figure out an orderly way to denote priority. Perhaps will rewrite this whole thing if I get the chance today.

thx for your work, bumping.
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Sophie Payne
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:53 am

Multi-GPU fix is all I want to see. It's stopping me from playing at all, so right now I have a 60$ paper-weight.. actually not even a paper-weight as I bought the game on steam so I just have some useless 60$ digits on my hard disk.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:31 am

And please if you could bring out a patch that give more variety in the weapon attachments areas.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:27 pm

Definitely Multi-GPU fix needs to be top priority

Don't suppose we could have the demo patched for us, that worked great for me : P
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:02 pm

Wasn't this stickied yesterday?
Probably too much trolling, reduce your posts to usefull content people :/
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:41 am

OP updated to address some criticism and to help Crytek focus on what they should be focusing on.

Still integrating some information/organizing.
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Jessie Rae Brouillette
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:29 pm

This might just be me...but, the ground textures on the multiplayer level "Roosevelt Island" are well as the SP level on Roosevelt Island.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:27 am

Uh, how about we add to the list....

At least give us DirectX 10, preferably 11

OMFG can't hear the directx **** anymore... there are other things that are way more important than a **** directx update.. do you even know what the differences are? the differences are so little you hardly even see any...
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Amanda savory
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:41 am

Try to fix the AI, Please :)

I believe Nathan Camarillo said that Crysis 2's AI was the most sophisticated AI ever put in a game, although that may be true, the more sophisticated something gets, the harder it is to understand/function.
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Dragonz Dancer
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:54 pm

So - Are they going to release a patch or not?

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:50 am

I just have some balance suggestions:

-Scale up rate of fire and a bit of damage on Hammer and Majestic. Right now, they're just useless paperweights. You're better off reloading than switching to either of these. The Nova is an intrinsically superior choice due to its rate of fire and having comparable damage.
-Make autofire on Jackal not svck terribly compared to its single shot ability. It takes three hits at near-melee range to kill with it on autofire, which is bloody terrible, especially when it's not much better than the SCAR or either of the SMGs. It should be blatantly superior in CQB, not *slightly* better.
-Reduce SCAR stopping power. Yes, it's supposed to be versatile, but right now it's too versatile. Give people some incentive to experiment with other weapons.

I've heard stuff about the SMGs being a little over-the-top, but honestly, I haven't been feeling it. I've been feeling the crappiness of the Jackal (outside of single-shot mode) much, much more. Oh, and the pistols. Poor guys.
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GEo LIme
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:12 pm


Give us health bars back instead of helath regenerating and Bloody **** screen.

The most retarded feature ever. -.-

LOL at the pic
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jason worrell
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:24 am

stop playing ranked servers and your problem is solved :p x1ler :D

Patch 1.2 suggestion:

Disable forum access on gamesas for all users.
Oh yeah brilliant! and then they can enjoy my $60 along with the thousands of other players $60 while leaving us with a broken multiplayer :)

You're a genius! I heard having Cryteks *** that far up your ass has that effect!

You realize the comment was directed at you right?
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Kate Murrell
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:11 pm

Ofcouse crytek will patch it, we just got to be patient. Fixing things in such a complex game shurely isn't easy :p
They already took steps aggainst the hacking/cheating today, have a look at the announcements.
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victoria gillis
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:15 am

Ofcouse crytek will patch it, we just got to be patient. Fixing things in such a complex game shurely isn't easy :p
They already took steps aggainst the hacking/cheating today, have a look at the announcements.


Very happy with the patch and Crytek has always been AMAZING to the community. Better than we deserve.

That's why I'm trying to make sure we tell them everything we want :)
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Bethany Watkin
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:00 pm

FFS, fix the shooting lag, please.

Fix nanovision, it doesnt highlight live enemies,only dead bodies, though it works when I see a killcam when someone kills me with nanovision. Or maybe the "Blind Spot" perk has something to do with it? Let me know.

Make profile progresion updates after each round, not after leaving the session.

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Kahli St Dennis
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:11 pm

Don't know if a video example of the MOVE UP! GO! bug was mentioned or not (no time to go through 33 pages) but here is a youtube link. Also shows invisible people and aliens.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:51 am

This is seriously the most important bug and i can't believe Crytek hasn't at least said anything about this bug.... Fix it already
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katie TWAVA
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:43 pm

"Got retriever to lvl 3 and guess what? it turned lvl 1 LOL"

many people having this issue

andd to weapon/percs
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Haley Cooper
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:12 pm

1. security (punkbuster or something...)
2. protecion against a high ping
3. friends chat
4. no automatic refresh servers
5. true informations about server ping and specification
6. active player's ping in game
7. kick player - vote option
8. clear cheaters from ranking
9. ban cheaters pernamently
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Emmi Coolahan
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:42 pm

Thanks everyone for posting.

If you have any youtube videos or links to threads which document any of the above issues, that could help Crytek a bunch in getting them fixed.
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loste juliana
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:55 am

Preview image for the save games in single player - there was a preview image in crysis 1
Health bar would be useful - may be split the energy bar in two & use 1/2 for energy & 1/2 for health
Vehicle damage indicator
Smooth mouse option
More graphics option tweaks similar to crysis 1
Been able to see steam friends list in multiplayer
Been able to see crysis 2 multiplayer servers from steam server browser
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Lawrence Armijo
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