You might wanna add:
- Any weapon might not reload at some point. Sometimes a weapon just skips reload animation, or fast forwards it, but ends up being reloaded after a couple of secs. After such reloading weapon might also not wanna shoot, or it just wasn't reloaded at all (like canceled). Sometimes you have to switch to secondary and back to be able to use your primary again.
- Extended Mags: Ammo-Count of 51 Bullets in Mag is sometimes shown as: 50+1 or 40+11 or 40+10 or 50+10...
- You might spawn without attachments. Sometimes they appear short after, sometimes they don't appear at all, in which case you can not use the weapon at all sometimes. Switching to secondary usually fixes this too.
- Switching weapons while cloaked will leave your new weapon uncloaked
- uncloaked weapons actually might be floating around the map even without carrier, they're just there, hovering, annoying
- Sprinting animation does not show if you sprint to soon after reloading, although sprinting speed is reached. Usually releasing sprint key and pressing it again solves this, but not always. Reloading then solves this, if reloading works (see above).
- Scarab silenced sometimes ends up having brown smoke or dust instead of it's muzzle flash, so you can't see while shooting (ADS).
- Server often freezes for many seconds. You can still move, but everybody else doesn't. You can kill what you see then (what-you-shoot-is-what-you-hit I guess), and you might also be killed by somebody who saw you somewhere else.
- Servers running smoothly and /w Ping <50 still have lag issues like players warping, (dis-)appearing... (netcode probably..)
- Servers crashing, often Server Performance starts to deteriorate in advance, freezing or laggin.
- Gametype CRASH SITE on IMPACT crashes the server (Crash Site on a indoors map might not be possible, wrong gametype index in rotation probably)
- Lobby sometimes doesn't show game mode on the preview picture, also on the vote preview pictures.
- Spawn system bugs: spawning into orbital strikes (even your own), spawning near enemies (even at start of match)
Maybe Cry-Adam might wanna format and sticky this thread and do his merge magic a little.