Community Suggestions for Future Patches

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:00 am

How about making it so people (including me) don't get random crashes all the time and can play multiplayer for more than 3 games in a row. Would be a lot better than all this UI/GFX updates that don't even matter that people seem to care about so damn much.
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Bee Baby
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:28 pm

possibility to vote kick/kickban players from servers.. especially needed now that the multiplayer is infested with cheaters/aimbots and so on..
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:58 pm

- show ping in server browser instead of latency

*professional bump* ;)
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Anna Kyselova
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:36 pm

Three more bugs:
-All non-bullet weapons do not award assists.
-Ceph Gunship does not enter the map in Downed Bird.
-L-TAG in-game kill icon shows up as exploding barrel.
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Dan Endacott
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:23 pm

I want this: FIX the resetting awards in multiplayer !! PLEASE !
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Marquis deVille
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:24 pm

The best thing Crytek can do is give us the money back!! And you can keep your stupid 1.xxxx patch. You sold enough console game so you don't need our money. At least I think that. Because if you would care you can't give us **** like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I ussually a nice guy :\
Crysis 2 makes me CRAZY!!!!!
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Becky Palmer
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:43 am

- When a round ends, and you have your crosshairs on an enemy (= red crosshairs), you will have red crosshairs at start of next round... until you die.
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Setal Vara
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:44 am

In the screen where you choose your options for the class, you roll the mouse over the modules and the grenade and it tells you how many kills you have. It would be cool to see that for the primary and secondary weapon on that screen as well instead of having to go all the way to the assessments area.

In the lobby when you roll your mouse over the player names it shows the dog tag they have and their suit module levels. Well it would be cool to see how much time that player has put in as well. It may help weed some of the hackers out cause if all the players are say level 25 and they have 1 day and another player joins and he has a level 25 and he has 15 minutes, then most likely nobody will want to play with that person.
This would be pointless if all the stats and times are incorrect.

I've had a really good gaming experience so far aside from a few small things everything works for me and it's fun and challenging despite the odd hacker here and there.

Clean up the leaderboards also would be nice. I just took a look and there are 1900 or so lvl 50 players that got there in like 1-2 hours or less. My hat's off to the guy's that earn that rank in just a few hours without hacking. I wish I was that skilled!
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:30 pm

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kitten maciver
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:24 am

bumpen sie

(oh and maybe fix multi gpu issue)
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Joey Bel
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:32 am

I have an issue, which I wrote here in the forums yesterday but got no real response, not even a "we will look into it" or "try to do this, or that". The problem persists only in Multiplayer, when I hold down my left mouse button my weapon (tried with Feline/Scar etc.) shoots ONE bullet then stops, it jams/blocks w/e you want to call it. Then I must press my button again to keep it going. It's like its in semi-fire mode, and I DO NOT have the "Single-fire attachment" on neither of my weapons. PLEASE if someone has any solution or a potential one say so, because it is TOTALLY UNPLAYABLE for me.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:36 pm

Homehow give us our missing unlock points back, please.
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Marguerite Dabrin
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:20 pm

It would be nice if a little weapon balanced was done.

I feel that the Scar is pretty OP because of its absolute goodness at ANY range. That weapon should'nt be good at a really short range, but it is. I tested with a mate, same perks; i took the feline; SMG's are really great at short range because of there fire rates and low recoil. He took the scar, we both aimed just under the head, he killed me SO fast.

Moreover, the scar is really good at long range too, maybe a bit less than the Grendel, but it is still too good at this range.

So please, nerf Scar damages, it makes a lot of weapon really useless.
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Kelly John
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:08 am

The scar should have the same amount of damage as the scarab becouse they use the same ammo. Also, in MP when you have a scarab with extended clip, it should have 150 spare ammo, instead of 120, in SP it has 150...... so wtf?

No, w8, that's with every weapon in MP, so again, WTF? :D

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Charlie Ramsden
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:24 pm

-Remove holding key for maximum punch or jump (slow reaction to action, I fell like a f***** turtle!)
-Add quick save
-Still can't login to MP
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Alex [AK]
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:32 pm

Patch 1.3 notes:

"Our testing team has finished installing the game and will start testing the actual game, more updates soon!"
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Melanie Steinberg
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:15 pm

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Bek Rideout
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:56 am

Personally I'd class the anticheat as desperately in need of removal. Checking headshot ratio to spot hackers is ludicrous, and speed / rapidfire / norecoil checks are all so lag-dependent Crytek might as well autoban for ping over 100.

Heuristics are what people use when they can't fix the actual problem (in other words, they've got only server-sided Lua addons like in Wars). If you've got engine access and can patch the client (like Crytek), this sort of "anticheat" is nothing short of idiotic.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:41 am

+ Fix the Benchmark plz; for me and a lot of people it always crashes.
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Luna Lovegood
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:51 pm

It would be nice if a little weapon balanced was done.

I feel that the Scar is pretty OP because of its absolute goodness at ANY range. That weapon should'nt be good at a really short range, but it is. I tested with a mate, same perks; i took the feline; SMG's are really great at short range because of there fire rates and low recoil. He took the scar, we both aimed just under the head, he killed me SO fast.

Moreover, the scar is really good at long range too, maybe a bit less than the Grendel, but it is still too good at this range.

So please, nerf Scar damages, it makes a lot of weapon really useless.

I'm with you. I'm a really good player at this game presently (top of scoreboard and MVP by whatever criteria for the mode almost every single game), and after experimenting with almost every single weapon, I always come back to the SCAR.

So far the only guns I've found worth using, compared to the SCAR, are the single-shot jackal and the M60 purely for the mass amounts of ammo helping you get multiple kills. The guns that are most similar to the SCAR: Feline, Grendel, SCARAB, are the most obviously out-classed in most situations. The X-34 mic actually seems interesting and perhap balanced, along with the OSG and GAUSS-- except that for some reason the assault scope makes it almost impossible to hit anything.
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dean Cutler
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:53 pm

It would be nice if a little weapon balanced was done.

I feel that the Scar is pretty OP because of its absolute goodness at ANY range. That weapon should'nt be good at a really short range, but it is. I tested with a mate, same perks; i took the feline; SMG's are really great at short range because of there fire rates and low recoil. He took the scar, we both aimed just under the head, he killed me SO fast.

Moreover, the scar is really good at long range too, maybe a bit less than the Grendel, but it is still too good at this range.

So please, nerf Scar damages, it makes a lot of weapon really useless.

I'm with you. I'm a really good player at this game presently (top of scoreboard and MVP by whatever criteria for the mode almost every single game), and after experimenting with almost every single weapon, I always come back to the SCAR.

So far the only guns I've found worth using, compared to the SCAR, are the single-shot jackal and the M60 purely for the mass amounts of ammo helping you get multiple kills. The guns that are most similar to the SCAR: Feline, Grendel, SCARAB, are the most obviously out-classed in most situations. The X-34 mic actually seems interesting and perhap balanced, along with the OSG and GAUSS-- except that for some reason the assault scope makes it almost impossible to hit anything.

Well, in maps with close positioning like Parcking Deck or Skyline, the silenced Feline is really powerfull; on map with medium position like Terminal or Statue/Evac Zone, the Scar is becoming really powerfull, and on big maps like Lighthouse, City Hall, even snipers are less good as the Scar lol.

That weapon is just the best Swiss Army Knife in that game imo.
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Sam Parker
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:28 pm

Make it so you could bind the sniper scope zoom to a diferent key. I prefer to do it with mouse 3, I binded that to it and now have to mele with mouse 3 too, wich is not realy comfortable. So make it so you could bind mele and the sniper scope zoom to diferent keys. Thanks...
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TRIsha FEnnesse
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:00 pm

AH hadn't thought of that (as someone who it bothers, too!)
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Aman Bhattal
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:35 pm

Tier 1 graphics issue: option to disable motion blur in both single and multiplayer. It gives me a massive headache, especially when i'm tired (and i almost always am when i game, cuz i come home from work and just want to chill out playing a game) :( Can't play the game for more than 20 minutes straight without getting the feeling my head's about to explode. FYI: i DO NOT have this issue in any other game i play.
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Averielle Garcia
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:14 pm

Don't delete leaderboard stats after re-booting the suite!
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