» Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:53 pm
It would be nice if a little weapon balanced was done.
I feel that the Scar is pretty OP because of its absolute goodness at ANY range. That weapon should'nt be good at a really short range, but it is. I tested with a mate, same perks; i took the feline; SMG's are really great at short range because of there fire rates and low recoil. He took the scar, we both aimed just under the head, he killed me SO fast.
Moreover, the scar is really good at long range too, maybe a bit less than the Grendel, but it is still too good at this range.
So please, nerf Scar damages, it makes a lot of weapon really useless.
I'm with you. I'm a really good player at this game presently (top of scoreboard and MVP by whatever criteria for the mode almost every single game), and after experimenting with almost every single weapon, I always come back to the SCAR.
So far the only guns I've found worth using, compared to the SCAR, are the single-shot jackal and the M60 purely for the mass amounts of ammo helping you get multiple kills. The guns that are most similar to the SCAR: Feline, Grendel, SCARAB, are the most obviously out-classed in most situations. The X-34 mic actually seems interesting and perhap balanced, along with the OSG and GAUSS-- except that for some reason the assault scope makes it almost impossible to hit anything.
Well, in maps with close positioning like Parcking Deck or Skyline, the silenced Feline is really powerfull; on map with medium position like Terminal or Statue/Evac Zone, the Scar is becoming really powerfull, and on big maps like Lighthouse, City Hall, even snipers are less good as the Scar lol.
That weapon is just the best Swiss Army Knife in that game imo.