1- Horrible lag spikes in MP, so much its seems like other players are "frozen" and u can just run around and shoot at them,
Lasts for 5-10 secs,...(happens allot, several times in each round -for me atleast)
2 - Energy transfer perk, not filling your energy up when making a kill,.. (happens allot)
3 - Too much muzzel smoke from your gun,.. = so much smoke, you cant see where you aim,... (happens allot, to me atleast)
4 - Too slow weapon switch, from primary to secondary,.. im dead the time i finally get my pistol out,..
5 - cant see other peoples outline when theyr cloaked, but they apparently have no problem in seeing my outline,
(confirmed by watching theyr killcam, of killing me)
The outline of me cloaked, is way more visible than the outline i see of them, when theyr cloaked,..
they spot me from 20 meters away, i cant see them even when theyr 2 meters infront of me,..
(i have to use nanovision to see them)
6 - Pings totally unacurate,..
7 - when setting the serverbrowser to filter only chrashsite maps, only the first map u enter is chrashsite, next round it automatically changes to TDM, and playes on TDM maps the rest of the time, so u have to leave and start a new browsersearch to find another chrashsite map,
witch then again only playes for one round before changing to TDM,...
8 - Longer rounds, and less time between rounds,...
9 - nano catalyst points still not working in SP,..
9 - AI in SP is horrible
10 - Oh yer i forgot,... The L-TAG needs to be nerfed to only hold ONE round, just like the grenadelauncher attatcments/rocketlauncher/grenades, ATM its way too overpowered, people just spam them,...
and make it a secondary weapon, not primary, (like the others)
Thats my 2 cents,..