Community Suggestions for Future Patches

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:21 am

Two things are in Mp that should be addressed immediately :

- Server Control, FULL server control. Release an official rcon tool including options to spectate players, not just map rotation, game modes and kick/temban etc

- anti Cheat: Get PB on this, or VAC, personally PB is better (opinion).
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Sasha Brown
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:05 pm

Sandbox !! let us create content for this game like preview Crysis !
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Agnieszka Bak
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:06 am

not sure if this has been added since I haven't had time to read the whole thing. But I have a few mouse suggestions here that would really help with consistent aim
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Red Sauce
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:29 am


Prone will just encourage a campfest ESPECIALLY on PC, the game already achieves a good measure of camper countermeasures, prone will throw the balance.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:58 pm

How about they put in prone but when someone host a server they have the option to enable or disable prone on there server. Also put some sort of indicator in the server list to say if prone is on or off in the server. Also can they please move the gun a bit of screen like crysis 1.

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Dalley hussain
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:35 pm

yeah remove flickering , pop up textures, sometimes strange lines flickers, shadows itc.....then all will be excellent
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Kortniie Dumont
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:05 am

How about removing Solidshield and activation limits from the Steam version?
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Anthony Diaz
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:31 am

if any1 has any problems i dont think Crytek is to be blamed
If it were up to crytek ( I think) the game wouldn't have been released by now, but probably l8r this year,
but Ea kinda rushed the release, so crytek had to kinda deliver the waffle, but bring the sugar a lil later..

So EA is to be blamed IMO, i mean gameplay wise (and graphics wise upto an extent) this game has been gr8 :)
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Nathan Barker
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:58 am

I actually don't mind the low recoil of the guns, it makes perfect sense really, you are in a big muscle suit shooting future guns loaded with 4 mm sabot rounds, the recoil would be low.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:29 pm


Prone will just encourage a campfest ESPECIALLY on PC, the game already achieves a good measure of camper countermeasures, prone will throw the balance.

most people who use prone use it to avoid getting shot whilst reloading behind a low wall, not for camping. few things ruin the immersion of the game for me quite like dying because my stupid avatar can't duck low enough to avoid dying, even though if it were real life, hiding behind a wall would be very simple.

More importantly, who gives a **** if people want to camp? you have grenades, a cloaking device, c4 and an anti tank missile, all ideal for killing campers with ease. If you can't deal with campers, it your own damn fault.
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Jeff Tingler
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:07 pm

What is the "Black Ops system"? is it a program or something?

Please answer!

He's refering to the game black ops, call of duty black ops has a master server that you automaticly connect to whenever you edit your player setting for mp so that it's always up to date.
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Sweets Sweets
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:57 pm

how about these:

1) get rid of the random 2 second freezes right when you are about to die so you can at least TRY to defend yourself
2) How about getting rid of the random problem where i suddenly cant shoot when im aiming down sights after ive fired a few bullets
3) How about FIX THE UNLOCKS, so that when you unlock they actually stay unlocked?
4) how about when you finally do unlock something, that it actually appears in skill assessments?
5) How about unlocked dog tags stay unlocked?
6) How about having filters for the server list separate to the favorites filter?
7) How about changing spawning so that I dont spawn with my back turned to an enemy that is 10 metres away
8) finally, how about we have some proper anticheating system that actually gets rid of the cheaters instead of just letting them kill everyone?
9) How about we just leave DX11 for a bit later and fix these more pressing issues first? The graphics are awesome enough on DX9, thankyou very much.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:02 pm


Prone will just encourage a campfest ESPECIALLY on PC, the game already achieves a good measure of camper countermeasures, prone will throw the balance.

most people who use prone use it to avoid getting shot whilst reloading behind a low wall, not for camping. few things ruin the immersion of the game for me quite like dying because my stupid avatar can't duck low enough to avoid dying, even though if it were real life, hiding behind a wall would be very simple.

More importantly, who gives a **** if people want to camp? you have grenades, a cloaking device, c4 and an anti tank missile, all ideal for killing campers with ease. If you can't deal with campers, it your own damn fault.

This guy has got it right :)
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Shelby Huffman
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:27 am


Name tags for holograms... becuase I am so ******* pissed off with people on my team shooting at my holograms and giving away to the enemy that it's a damn hologram.

So, if you aim at a friendly hologram it has a name tag just like all the other players... but saying... 'Hologram' or 'Players Hologram' for example... if it was my hologram it would be labled 'Blackers_uk's Hologram'... or what ever, just make it clear that it's not an enemy to my team!

This is a great idea; I'm actually someone who occasionally makes that mistake. Will add shortly :)

Thanks man, would be wicked if this could get sorted out :)
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Emilie M
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:53 pm

The AI gets stuck with the environment very frequently, that’s game breaking sometimes, I think the red dot sights needs some work too, in crisis 1 it was a close quarters attachment, here it’s a freaking sniper scope
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Tyler F
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:27 pm

I have two suggestions:

1. Settings can be modified separately in the Singleplayer Menu and I the Multiplayer Menu. As has already been stated, when the DX11 Patch comes out, players might want to have the game run faster but with lower graphics for MP and vice versa for SP. Also, some people (myself included) like to listen to music (iTunes) while playing multiplayer, but not while playing singleplayer, so it would be nice to have different volume settings for PS and MP.

2. In Singleplayer, it would make more sense if weapon attachments once found were not retained forever. In Crysis 1, whenever something happened and the player lost or had all their weapons taken away (Crysis: In the mine when Nomad is captured by General Kyong. Warhead: When Psycho is captured in the submarine by Colonel Lee.) they lose all of their collected attachments.
Likewise, in C2 it would be nice if Alcatraz lost all of his collected attachment when he wakes up after he's caught by Lockhart, and caught by Hargreave.
Also, I thik that it would be good if when you start a new game (using the same profile) you keep all of your unlocked suit modules, but had to start collecting attachments again.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:50 am

As for Anti-Cheat systems, wouldn't it be 'smart' to make the client upload the Scripts.pak the game is running to the server.

Then the server compares the checksum(s) (be it CRC32/64, MD5 or even SHA256) of the received Scripts.pak to it's own, if it passes - the client gets in.

If not, an error message pops up (Eg. "Your Scripts.pak file does not match the one hosted by the server, make sure this is a legitimate server, or that your Scripts.pak has not been edited.")

This, would at least make the decision of 'allowing to modify game data' a safer one. In case someone wants to use, say - a user-made 'high resolution texture pack'.

The bad thing about this though, is a rather high bandwidth usage.
(Scripts.pak is 1.3 MB, and you'd have to upload it every time you join a server.)

..Although I'm sure you guys have considered using such a system, haven't you!?

P.S: Oh no, a new guy that's talking semi-technical nonsense! RUN!
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Charlotte Buckley
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:08 pm

My list...

** Good reliable and solid anti-cheat system! One that is "constantly updated" (updating it more often is the key to filtering out the hackers!)

** Along with a better anti-cheat system, make it also "check your serial code" and make sure it's legit, more than likely if it's not, then you probably hack too. (but, make sure it WORKS and does not ban legal users!)

** More in depth "advanced graphics" option, let us be able to select our anistrophic filter and antialaising levels, texture quality, depth of view, etc...

** Of course a "directX 11" patch, but also a "directX 11 x64 bit patch" too! (If directX 11 is out of the question because it would take to much effort, then atleast directX 10 and directX 10 x64!)

** Of course all the current issues like "unlocks not saving" and "connections being lost".

** Bigger servers anyone? How about 20, 24, 28, or 32 player servers? (I know in some game, especially with good graphics, bigger servers = lagzilla, but I feel that a 20 or 24 player server could easily be done!)

** Also, fix the "ping filter" issue. When I search for servers, the "lowest ping" shown in the server list is 93 ms and I know I am pinging some of these servers in the 20 ms range. There is no way I ping 150 different servers @ 93 ms, let it show the "actual ping/latency" please!

** A server "refresh" option? Like to be able to right-click on a server and hit "refresh" to see if more/less players are in it.

** Personally, I would like to see the "cloak" option last a little longer, it's better than the first Crysis, but still to short in my opinion, maybe add another 10 to 15 seconds to it.

I know that Crytek has got alot of complaints about Crysis 2, but overall I believe most of us still like and enjoy the game, we are for one, confused about the "directX 9" release, it just does'nt make sense for a 2011 game as inticipated as Crysis 2. I personally feel that Crytek put to much on their plate trying to release Crysis 2 for "all platforms" which inturn lead to the neglect of a good PC platform (bugs/directX version). I also think Crytek could of stayed ontop of the "hacking" alot better. There are good things and bad things about a "beta demo"... good things are, we get to see if we like it, get a feel for game play, see if our PC's can handle the graphics, aid in filtering out some bugs/glitches, but one bad thing is, the hackers start working on their hacks and on release day have a full set of hacks to ruin the game. Hacking is unavoidable, there are always going to be some idiots that ruin it for us, but it CAN BE controlled better, much better!
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:23 pm

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Oyuki Manson Lavey
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:20 am

Kill the replay!!!
Just let us respawn.
Snipers are not just campers. Prone is a must for snipers. If the players don't like snipers in game then don't play.
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Beast Attire
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:42 pm

Remove the click here to start screen, this is a pc version not a console.

Move the multiplayer login screen so it triggers when click on join game / quick match under multiplayer menu (similar to farcry / crysis 1) which then allows access to master server lists
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Vera Maslar
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:53 am

Quick save, quick save quick save! Thats very urgent for me.
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Richus Dude
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:37 am

Where is the **** patch?
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Sakura Haruno
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:37 am

it would help if they at least announced things like eta's

I am sad and furious because of all its potential, but I think they won't be able to turn the multiplayer into something that will be a balanced challenge, like what a good multiplayer should be. -.-
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Stephani Silva
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:18 pm

it woult be nice to:
- choose a crosshair like in crysis 1 + I would like to set the size of the crosshair and make that size static (or maybe there are some commands which I could use in the console ?)
- in multiplayer when opponent is in cloack mode and I point at him I think I can see his nickname and green arrow upon him... this destroys the element of suprise in game and snipers are shooting in nicknames ... this is bad (if Im wrong then please correct me)
- i would like to add an server to my favourites during the game
- voting for kicking an user in multiplayer mode should be a good thing - it would be best solution for cheaters - rest of the players will wipe them out
- when the game is already started I should not be able to join the match and should wait until the round will finish ... or the problem related to dropped connection should be fixed
- I should have a ability to filter servers which have ping less than XX - now I can see servers with 1000 ping - what for? I would like to see only those up to 150-200 max so that option would be nice
- cars are randomly blowed up in multiplayer... dunno why and Im not only one who saw this.

and it definitly be nice when we could have the gui in game to set the graphic details and stuff like in crysis 1 - i really do not understand why this solution wasnt implemented in crysis 2 :/

and it for sure be very good for crytek if we could atleast get a list of things which are planned /will be fixed + any date?
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