» Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:08 pm
My list...
** Good reliable and solid anti-cheat system! One that is "constantly updated" (updating it more often is the key to filtering out the hackers!)
** Along with a better anti-cheat system, make it also "check your serial code" and make sure it's legit, more than likely if it's not, then you probably hack too. (but, make sure it WORKS and does not ban legal users!)
** More in depth "advanced graphics" option, let us be able to select our anistrophic filter and antialaising levels, texture quality, depth of view, etc...
** Of course a "directX 11" patch, but also a "directX 11 x64 bit patch" too! (If directX 11 is out of the question because it would take to much effort, then atleast directX 10 and directX 10 x64!)
** Of course all the current issues like "unlocks not saving" and "connections being lost".
** Bigger servers anyone? How about 20, 24, 28, or 32 player servers? (I know in some game, especially with good graphics, bigger servers = lagzilla, but I feel that a 20 or 24 player server could easily be done!)
** Also, fix the "ping filter" issue. When I search for servers, the "lowest ping" shown in the server list is 93 ms and I know I am pinging some of these servers in the 20 ms range. There is no way I ping 150 different servers @ 93 ms, let it show the "actual ping/latency" please!
** A server "refresh" option? Like to be able to right-click on a server and hit "refresh" to see if more/less players are in it.
** Personally, I would like to see the "cloak" option last a little longer, it's better than the first Crysis, but still to short in my opinion, maybe add another 10 to 15 seconds to it.
I know that Crytek has got alot of complaints about Crysis 2, but overall I believe most of us still like and enjoy the game, we are for one, confused about the "directX 9" release, it just does'nt make sense for a 2011 game as inticipated as Crysis 2. I personally feel that Crytek put to much on their plate trying to release Crysis 2 for "all platforms" which inturn lead to the neglect of a good PC platform (bugs/directX version). I also think Crytek could of stayed ontop of the "hacking" alot better. There are good things and bad things about a "beta demo"... good things are, we get to see if we like it, get a feel for game play, see if our PC's can handle the graphics, aid in filtering out some bugs/glitches, but one bad thing is, the hackers start working on their hacks and on release day have a full set of hacks to ruin the game. Hacking is unavoidable, there are always going to be some idiots that ruin it for us, but it CAN BE controlled better, much better!